Saturday, January 17, 2009


I've been a really bad blogger the last couple I'm gonna do a real stupid simple that I have time to come and visit everyone! My next post is going to be number 100!!! So I think there must be a giveaway coming......

I'm a book freak. For some women it's shoes, jewelry, or handbags.....for me...the smell of a book gets my blood pumping. I just used my Barnes & Noble gift cards from Christmas and look what that UPS man brought me. JOY IN A BOX!

16 new books....just ready to be added to my book drawer.

And here it is....the place where my little friends wait their turn. The problem is this drawer isn't big enough for all my new little friends. It seems to be already full. Which brings us to the problem at hand. I Nikkicrumpet...have a serious addiction to books.

And even after reading them... I have to keep them around case......well....just in case. It's getting harder and harder to find a respectable place to put them. First I started out adding them here and there to my "book shelves" not too many because you have to keep it looking pretty....

Sadly...after awhile pretty isn't really important...just stack em up!

Then I add them "under things"

And beside things.....

And piled on any flat surface...........
There are baskets full of them..........

And I've resorted to hiding them inside cabinets.......

If it has's fair game.

Lately I've noticed that the accessories that tend to catch my eye are things that open up and have "space" inside. This is my newest hiding place....

Just look at all that ROOM.

Only bad thing is that it seems some of them are starting to creep outside...I hope they aren't hitching a ride to find a new home.

So please tell me there are book addicts out there just like me...someone who can't bear to part with a book after you've read it....a hoarder....a book glutton....I can't be the only one.


Cheri said...


I LOVE books but I don't have as many as you do, for sure. I generally give my books to other family members to read but I have to say, this past year I have some books that are in a series that I just can't let go. I mean if someone wants to read and promptly return it to me, OK, I could deal with that.

Do you like Danielle Steel, Fern Michaels and Karen Kingsbury to name a few?


Unknown said...

I think you may have taken pictures at my house...this looks familiar!

Da Bergs said...

Oh, no, you are NOT the only one, I have one living in my house!!! My hubby! He reads a book SO dang fast and they are ALL over my house! BUT, they dont look nearly and neatly organized as yours! I guess I need to learn how you have done that and copy! VERY neat and nice! Good job! (And, I noticed a Koontz book, he loves him too)

Natalie said...

I adore books.. don't get me wrong, a nice handbag or awesome shoes are great too. But I love a brand new book. I even enjoy going to the library. A big library feels like church to me.
I've started just handing my books out. If they're not hardback, they don't make it on the shelf.

Ann On and On... said...

If only I could keep them....but we move to much and my arms get sore.

On the other hand, my parents (actually my entire family) are book fanatics. I will forward your post to my mom. She just told me she is looking for a book lover like her.

Keep on reading! 16 book in a box must have been so exciting to open.

Trina said...

Bookstores are one of my favorites, and I rarely leave without having bought a book or five. :) If it is an author that I REALLY, REALLY like, or if I buy a book in hardback, I have a horribly hard time giving them up. I am much better about paperbacks. I'll take them to work to share with friends, and then I usually leave them in my classroom, so I don't end up with tons and tons of them at home. My bookshelves at school, on the other hand...

Fragrant Liar said...

I confess. I am just like you. I may even have more than your pictures showed. I have a book collection that got packed into boxes when I moved from Florida to Texas a few years ago, and because I moved into temporary quarters for a while, I never unpacked them. Still haven't, as I got rid of some furniture, including books shelves. I have a new book place now, and it's growing by the day. How can you get rid of a good book? I mean, just in case you ever want to read it again! Right? RIGHT?


Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a reader, but Hubby is.... every time we have moved, which is 4 times in the past 11 years, Hubby boxes a few up and donates them to whatever library we live nearest too.... it's just one more way we give each year.

You have quite the collection!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Heather said...

I just sat there, squinting at each and every picture to check out the titles of the various books. :) Yep, another bookworm here!

Fortunately (or is that unfortunately?) for me, my husband is quite anti-clutter, and he has gotten our book stash down to a livable level. The only member of our family who presently has an out-of-control book collection is Kiddo.

Have you checked out those online book swap places (I think swaptree is one of them)? You list your titles, then you can get NEW to you titles... the best of all worlds - getting rid of some of your stash but getting NEW books, AND the UPS guy coming with them, too! :D

Nana said...

Ummmm. I think your family should hold an intervention. Well I can't really talk because I have cook books stacked like that all over and under and ... well you get the idea. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I love books but find I buy a bunch and then don't read them for quite a while. I've discovered going to the library. My house is too small to keep every book I read. Just last weekend my friends and I gathered a HUGE stack from her house (haven't even begun on mine) and are going to take them to the local VA hospital.

Mammatalk said...

Guilty! I'm a bit of a collector myself, but I have been really good lately. Been making trips to the library. I read 'em and them if I really liked the book, I go buy it. Freak or what?

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Oh thank goodness there is someone out there as "bad" as I am.. I love books.. and I see a few of yours that I love. Don't you just love J.D. Robb? Is that one of the latest I spot on top? I don't have that one. :-( I ordered another book online yesterday, I know another spot for an old friend.. Ok.. girlfriend I'm off to the store to look for a new book.. oh shoot I guess I'd best wait and close the shop
hugs ~lynne~

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Wow, impressive hiding places! I didn't think of the hamper.

I am book addicted as well. Can't get better than a good book, no kids, and a cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

OMG Nikki! Donate some of those books to a library!!!!

PS my OCD is killing me in the one pic where Vanish is upside down........

Four Paws and Co said...

I used to hang onto every book I bought, but I finally gave them up. Actually a combination of menopause, a shorter attention span & wacky eyes made reading not such a pleasant pastime. I had boxes of them labeled by book type or author. Those were hard to let go of. I gave up a bookcase, so those went. Now I read them, then either pass them on or try to sell them to a used book store.... Bottom line - I had too much stuff & letting go feels so good! ☺

onlymehere said...

WOW! I thought I had a ton of books. My mother was a Deseret Book dealer and she also did Bookcraft so I inhereited a ton that I don't think I'll have enough time to read in this life! I've always loved to read. I tend to gravitate toward biographies, true crime, etc. I love the true stuff but I also can get really lost in a mystery or historical novel. Good luck on finding space. I've run out myself and have a hard time getting rid of books so I'll be interested to know what you did with all your books so I can steal the idea!

tammy said...

Me! I have the same addiction, and can't bear to part. I will loan them to people, but then I want them back. And not because I'll read them again, but just because. Especially if they're hardbacks. You pay a lot of money for those babies! My hubby boxed a bunch up and stuck them in the garage. I had every intention of donating them to our new library, but still haven't done it. I think he's going to have to do it, and just not tell me about it. I like how clever you're becoming in hiding your stash. (And beloved UPS man just brought me a box full from Amazon). Pinky swear you won't tell.

Raxx - A day in the life said...

I love books, but no time to read, always studying or some other crap!

Lordy Nikki! You have so many, wont your kids take some off your hands?

tam said...

Oh yes I have that problem too! Gosh I love books and I don't know what it is -or why it is that once I have read it I don't want to part with it? Crazy huh! Same with magazines too! We need AA for book hoarders!LoL! That makes me want to go through all of my books and donate some now-thanks Nikki! That post actually helped me-I think I can do it now-I can give some up!
Have an awesome weekend girl!!~Smiles~Tam!

Bridget said...

I do love books but I'm afraid if it is a paperback novel, I have no compunctions with just tossing it when I'm done. I do like to accumulate "friends" and have a good collection that are waiting for me if I would stay away from the dang computer.

Sue said...

I'll go one better...I'm a book hoarder and I'm not a reader....Books everywhere, all over the house...We even have a Barnes and Noble big bookshelf that they were throwing out...I spends hundreds at the Library Book Sale......never read them.

Beth said...

I have anxiety attacks over the thought of not having a brand new book to read. Even when I've had too much to drink, I must read before going to sleep. Of course, I have to reread after those kinds of nights...

By the number of posts, you are not alone!

Michelle said...

I too am a book lover, however in my desire to be clutter free I get rid of my books after reading them.

Well, I get rid of them at some point after reading them. But I do keep some of them. The special ones, the hardback ones I loved.

Anonymous said...

I can completely relate to this....I have books piled everywhere as well!

When my mother-in-law passed I away, I inherited all of her books also (they are all hard backs), and sadly I have had to keep some in boxes in the basement. I also have EVERY single book my children have read...even the "little golden books". It just seems like a crime to get rid of books I guess. Especially those with sentimental value....

Good luck finding more places to stash them :-)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Ahh, my friend...I just have one word for you. Library! I too love to read, but will only buy book at yardsales or places like that if they are cheap. Otherwise, I indulge myself at the library. I know, that probably won't work for you, but thought I'd say that.:)

Heather said...

I think if you start placing them in plastic bags to store in the toliet tanks we may have a problem! I'm sure any Nicholas Sparks books, would love to come live with me awhile ;)

Kat said...

I'm with you, I have a really hard time getting rid of books. I tend to donate the paperbacks, but I will not get rid of a hardback book. Therefore, my house looks amazingly like yours. Heres a hint, storage ottomans! At this count I have 7 full size bookcases in various rooms of the house and I'M OUT OF BOOK STORAGE SPACE! And, yes I do go to the library (alot), but there are certain books that a girl just has to have in hardback and for keeps, right? Glad to know that I'm not the only one with this addiction. Kathy

Shannon said...

That is one impressive collection! I'm a bit jealous...

I'm a hoarder of books, too. I keep them... and re-read them. Which my husband can't understand.

"Didn't you read that one already?"

"Yeah... so? What's the big deal?"

He doesn't get it. But I always say he's a doofus so what does he know...

Kathy said...

oh I feel like a kid in a candy store reading this post yummy all those delicious books. I used to let my family and friends borrow my books but then some never came back and I got really cross so now if somebody asks to borrow one of my books I go and buy them a copy (it's true, I just cannot bare to part with mine) I lost my favourite book when I was a kid and I think it has traumatized me. All my family are book addicts, I even left half of my clothes and shoes in London one time so that I could bring more books back in my suitcase. happy reading my friend, hugs, Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Just dusted Jimmy (Patterson) to read too Nikki dearest and I can't part with my hardcovers...I am more apt to let go of a paperback. But there are certain authors I can't let go. So NO you're not alone.

Now I am going back to blow up your picture to see what you'll be reading, I am always in the market for a new author !!!

Thanks GREAT post,
Kathy :)

roy/elisabeth dean said...

That looks eerily like my house! I will share books though, after I have put my name and address in them, and I'll hound you to death until I get it back! I am of the opinion that one can NEVER have too many can always build more shelves!
We seem to like the same authors too! Have a wonderful, bundled-up, wine-sipping, good book day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be a bother but when I blew up your pic I couldn't read all the titles, can you line them up really nice for me, in your spare time of course !!

Kathy :)

pls know I am kinda kidding LOL !!!!

Lilly said...

No I read a lot but then pass them on usually, unless its an ultra spcial book. Look, the way I see it is this, you are planning for your retirement. You will be able to start your own second hand bookshop up one of these days. So look upon them as assets. Great post!

Lisa Loo said...

I was so scared that you and I would slowly drift apart after confessing that I don't wear make up but OH THE JOY---I LOVE BOOKS TOO!!!!! I LOVE walking into a home that has books everywhere--it always screams to me---THIS IS ONE OF YOUR PEOPLE!!!! Maybe that is why I have no decorating ability or style--if it can't hold a book--what use is it??!!

Tracey said...

I am a book freak too!! Good thing they make such great decorationg accessories huh? I keep my favorites in hardback (my fave athours I usually just buy in hardback), paperbacks I pass along or take to the used bookstore, but If it is a paperback I really liked...I go buy it in hardback to keep:)

Salmagundi said...

You are as bad with books as we dish addicts are. Any place is fair game for storage. Do you have books stored under the bed??? Sally

That Girl said...

No, you are NOT alone. I'm right there with you. Except I read them. Over. And over. And over again.

I can't even PEE without a book. Is that normal?

That Girl said...

No, you are NOT alone. I'm right there with you. Except I read them. Over. And over. And over again.

I can't even PEE without a book. Is that normal?

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of books!

I love books too and thought I would record those that I read this year.

Enjoying reading your blog!♥

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynette said...

You're my hero Nikki!! I LOVE books! I keep the nice, pretty, hardbacks on bookshelves in the den and keep ALL my paperbacks on shelves in my closet and any other available space. I am a hoarder - I can rarely let them go and do re-reads OFTEN!!
You are not alone - I heart reading!!

Marrdy said...

You are I were separated at birth. I have (almost) exactly the same books as you. Plus I LOVE Janet Ecanovich, Dean Koontz, Harlan Coben and on and on!! You should come back to Utah and live next door to me!!

Becky said...

I read in spurts...usually on vacation. Actually now that I think about it I used to read more before I started blogging. This blogging thing has been bad for books and butts (if you get my drift). Too much sitting around with a computer in my lap.

Anyhoo, after I read a book I usually give it to a family member.

Pam @ Frippery said...

I am a book addict as well. I would rather buy books than clothes, shoes, make up, food, even art supplies sometimes. I have recently decided I needed to get my house back so I have been donating stacks of books and giving them away to friends to read (just don't return them!) I have also been forcing myself to go to the library instead. I checked out 12 last Monday. Now that I can renew on line I don't end up with those pesky fines. You are a girl after my own heart. Pam

bloggin' Chrystal said...

Oh Nikki, I wish I had your addition! I'm a teacher and shamefully..."I hate to read." However, my addition is to photos. Thank God I can burn them to disks now and they don't take up that much space. can imagine how much I love your photos that go along with your stories that you tell.

Suzann said...

shhhh...I'm a book ho. I have LOADS of books. I had over 3,000 before we moved here and because this house is soooo small I had to part with many. It was beyond difficult. I do have lots left though. I'll try to share photos.
I can spend all day in a book store or library. I adore the written word.

AJ said...

While I love to read and have about 7 books on my nightstand that I am reading(all at the same time), I am too cheap to buy them. I usually check them out from the library first and if it is one I really enjoy and know I'll read again, then I buy it. With my Borders coupons;) When I'm not a stay at home mom anymore that is the one thing I am going to enjoy splurging on! There's nothing like the feel and smell of a new book!! Love how you have yours displayed and cleverly hidden throughout your house!

csvan said...

You are (obviously) not alone! We have moved so many times that I have had to choose to keep only the REALLY good books, but I have shelves & boxes of them as well! I hate to have a series in different size/style of books too, drives me CRAZY! So are you giving BOOKS away? :)

imjacobsmom said...

Guilty as charged. Magazines, too. I can't part with my magazines. I've been waiting to post my bedroom - but I can't - my magazines and books are in the way. Jacob has woodshop next, I'm placing my order for a big armoire.....Robyn

Ginger said...

You are not alone, Nikki. I have a book addiction too. I try to go to the library and check out books a couple of times a month, but I can't find too many new ones there. So I end up buying them. I keep some of my books and I do read them over and over, and some books I pass on to family. But I love to read, just about anything.
I think you have tons more than I do though.

A New England Life said...

I have one word for you Ms. Nikkicrumpet: EBay!

My gosh that is a LOT of books! It's like an addiction! Maybe you should belong to Over-Readers Anonymous. lol!

Enjoy the snow!


CJ, The Purple Diva said...

No you are not alone!
Boxes in the attic-or build a new storage building, or two. A library?
Or if there is a scout who needs a Eagle Project, you could sure help him out with a book drive!
Love the pictures by the way!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I used to keep all my books until a freind had a fire and the fire marshall said her books only made it worse! No kidding! So now I give them to senior centers and book drives so others can enjoy them and I don't go up in smoke!!

amelia bedelia said...

Book whore.

cherry said...

Nikki....I love books too....I even love the smell of them...I love your corner hutch with the green color peeking out...gorgeous! cherry

Natalia said...

I have book envy. I need to start my own collection now that I can find the time to read occasionally :)

Neabear said...

Whoa! You must have more than I do. I thought I had a a lot. Some are still in boxes. But we are trying to pare them down. Some we keep and others we donate to the library. I try not to buy new ones. But every time Debbie Macomber has a new book, I have to buy it. Those I keep cuz she is my fav author.

Anonymous said...

Well, you sure do have a lot of books! I love to read too. I don't have as many books though. I read, lend them out, and then I sell them on Amazon. I only keep my absolute favorites...I've just got no space. I love your home. You've got a beautiful decorating style.

Pedaling said...

we enjoy books quite a bit too. maybe not as much or as many as you..but we did build a library in this house in order to have a nice place for books and a quiet place to read.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I love to read and have trouble getting rid of books, but you have some great storage ideas. Do you have any boxes of them under the bed? I do! laurie

Frequent Traveler said...

Good urday evening to you Nikki ! I adore books too - always have and always will. I have bookcases in every bedroom, the kicthen and the family room :)

Frequent Traveler said...

p.s. I noticed that I'm not in your blog link list...

Did I do something wrong ?

Loving Annie
Loving Annie's Travel Treasures

Tristan said...

LOL...I will assume in a few years or more..mine will look just like that. I have thought about those drawer things that go under beds..for furture, cause right now..I think I just have like 40 or so!

Anonymous said...

Another fun post, Nikki!!! Loved the dash covered with books!! :)

I must admit that we have lots of books, too. When we moved, sadly I downsized my stash of books waiting to be read--can you tell that I am kicking myself now? OUCHIE!!! In the 4 years since our move, my stash has grown AGAIN!! I go "in spurts" with books--it depends on the time of the year. THIS is the TIME of the year that I read books!! woo-hoo! When I'm busy with the Other Time of the Year---I read lots of magazines. Yes, I know it's not the same, but it is what I can do!

Good luck getting to all of the ones you have tucked away!


Jan said...

All I can say Nikki is "I am very impressed". I can't believe that you can read that many books. I have yet to conquer a book I got for Christmas. It is a afternoon read too. I am so not good at finishing them fast. I love the look of books and you sure do a nice job of stashing the evidence.

akawest said...

I love books, but I can not stand to keep them. I read mostly library books. When I do buy them, as soon as I am finished, I donate.

I wasn't this way years back. I moved thirteen times in five years. I got sick of carrying boxes of books.

When we move next, I am making my daughter, with an overflowing bookcase, carry her own book boxes!

Debra Hall said...

I have the same book collecting addiction except the books i collect are really old, usually leather and i rarely intend on reading them or getting rid of the them. I just think they are gorgeous and need a home!! Lord help me please! LOL!

Anonymous said...

The story goes like this...Joyce Linnae had so many books she didn't know what to do with them all.

It looked like I owned the entire inventory of a used book store. I kept them in plastic totes on shelves in the garage and it was like giving away one of my children to part with a book. I even have a bookcase by my bed that had the shelves packed three deep.

Then I had my encounter with breast cancer. One of the things that ran through my mind as I lay in the hospital waiting for surgery was I didn't want to leave all of those books for my guys to deal with. Since then, I have donated bin after bin to Good Will. I now have a more respectable level but I plan to donate more this Spring. It was difficult the first trip but after that it was easier.

I totally understand that love of owning books. It's addictive. Good luck with reigning in your obsession.

Anonymous said...

I love to read, I read alll the time, I have to make deals with my self, because once I start reading that is ALL I want to do until I finish the book. I will say no reading until this housework is done, or no reading until next month, or until after some important event is going on in my life, otherwise nothing gets done, including making dinner etc.. My difference is I am too cheap to buy the books so I make alot of trips to our local library. Looks like I love alot of the same authors as you do!

Picket said...

Oh my word girl...just post the hours you are open for business and pass out library cards! lol lol Thanks for oming by should see the kitchen now with all the toile panels in place! Woo Hoo! Have a great weekend Nikki!

Stacy Uncorked said...

You are so not alone! I have a gazillion books and am imparting that same addiction to my Little Princess...I have way more books than shoes, and I have a LOT of shoes! LOL!! :)

joelandbecca said...

I am so glad I am not the only one! I am totally out of room! Our little house will hold no more. I just boxed up some to put in the garage. It was a sad moment! But, must make room for baby! You hide them all so wonderfully!

mCat said...

Fluffy stuff books I can part with.
Classics? I want those on my shelves forever.
However, looking at your collection of books, all I could think of was..."what if those were all SHOES!!"

Unknown said...

I can not get rid of books. In fact when I moved back to the states, I paid to have my most of my books flown back over with the rest of my stuff (my aunt brought the rest of my books over in her suitcase the following year). I have nowhere near as many books as you have though - I must bow down to you!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, you are not alone...I am a recovered book addict. I have learned to let go. Now it is not easy lest anyone should tell you it is. But, the rewards are rewarding.

The trick? If I buy 2 I give two away. Now I don't call it "giving away." That term was just too difficult for me. So, I say to myself, "I am going to bless someone else with this book." I give them to Cats Angels, GW, the get the picture.

I have been liberated!!!! It feels so good and because there aren't many books hanging around (well I still have several bookcases full) I can go out and buy more.

I find now that I'm recovered...I like to go to the library. I could stay there all day and come out with an armload. Love IT!

Have faith, you too can become a recovered book addict.

Kritta22 said...

My friend here has the same problem sooooo she added a book shelf that went all the way away her room...just low enough on the wall to put a paperback book. ANd then moved to the next room, and next room. Now she is debating on another shelf just under the first one.

SmilingSally said...

I am a book addict. I used to keep them all, but then I have to dust them. Now, that's work, and I don't like extra work. So, I purged. I gave a huge bunch to the library. I sold some on eBay and gulp!--I trashed some. I keep only what I can keep on my book shelf and spend time reading instead of dusting!

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought, go to and read about the Kindel. My SIL has one and she swears by it. It's costly, but amazing with what all you can do with it. And with all the books that you buy, it would pay for itself in no time.


squawmama said...

Good Morning Nikki... I have been out gallivanting all over and now as you know we are at a RV show with all our RVin friends... So I've missed a post or many or all... I am a social butterfly when with my buddies... I thought I had a book fetish but boy oh boy do you take the prize... I have 7 in cue to read and thought that was a lot... LOL LOL Also I never get rid of them either... Just in case... Sometimes I re read them... Especially Eugenia Price... I love her.... Have a great day... Miss ya

(((LOVE & HUGS)))

Twice as Nice said...

Twin and I both love to read. At least we can share the books.

People collect a lot of things and you collect books. I see nothing wrong with that. What if you we a collector of fast food wrappers, now that would be strange! You've come up with great ways to store your shameful secret too. Nothing wrong with that. LOL!!

Have a happy weekend.

~♥~ Monica S said...

I have books.. I have FILLED my bookshelves though.. no room for pretty things! :-)

Have a nice sunday!

Phyllis said...

Hey Nikki,

I love books too and used to keep all that I read. Eventually, I cleaned them out and donated most to the local library. And as much as I used to love to read, I just don't much anymore. I do have quite a library of gardening, craft and sewing books though...which I will NEVER get rid of. They are such sources of inspiration to me.

Again, you cracked me up. You just miiiiiggghht have a tee-tiny problem, girl. :)

Free Art Printables said...

me too~! I read everything!

The Painted Garden said...

Love your blog on books. LOL -I am also a book addict and you gave me some clever new ideas on where to store them.

I am a new blogger and just discovered your delightful blog - noticed the darling photo of your Wheaten Terrier and had to check out your blog. My blog post this week is on my Wheaten Terrier, Bentley,
Best Wishes,

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

My idea is far from original. In my craft room I have floor to ceiling book shelves and in my laundry room too. The ones in my craft room are organized into categories and the ones in the laundry room are my cookbooks, since it is right near the kitchen.
Told you it wasn't original.
Hope you find a nice place for yours. I love to read too!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

ko said...

hi hi hi ! This will be the 5th time I have tried to leave a comment..for some reason it wont let me post ...anyway...i love your least it isnt CRACK.....have you read "a same kind of different as me" the best book ever

John Deere Mom said...

I used to keep them all, but now I don't. I have a few that I keep and reread on occasion, but once I finish a's outta here. I either take it to school to share, give it to a friend, or donate it to Goodwill.

cedwards55 said...

My name is Carol and I'm a bookaholic! Nikki, let me know if you'd like to join me in the 12 step program!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I have a book problem also. There are some that I'll never part with...others I pass along to friends (who pass theirs along to me so that really doesn't help with the sheer numbers). A couple of times a year I take some to Goodwill or sell them at a consignment store.

jori-o said...

I love me a good book, but I don't have a problem donating or selling 'em once I'm done unless I LOVED it...then it has to stay around for another read. You are book-rich! (As my 8 year-old would say!)

Carolynn Anctil said...

There is nothing quite like the feel of curling up with a good book. I keep my books too and read them over and over again. Lately, I've been getting my books from the library, but if it's one I really love, I have to buy it.

Love those crisp, clean spines.

BTW...very impressive colour coordination with the book covers on the shelves. ;o)

wendy said...

92 comments ---92 COMMENTS. Wow girl. (do you suppose you will see mine??) LOVE BOOKS, I have a LIST a mile long of all the books I want to read. I don't always buy them, get them from the library, shared from others, or there is this totally COOL place where I live called the "Book Attic" where you take used books and buy them for less then 1/2 the price, and if you bring books IN, you get credit towards books you take out. My mom is a recluse in the woods of Southern Alberta, so when I went home this summer I took her 60 books. Then I will pick them back up this summer. The Lord and I have an agreement... NOT ALLOWED TO DIE until I have read all my books on my list ----------hope there's a library in heaven eh. I love your book addiction. Sheeeesh , this almost became a novel in and of itself. (I may have to do a Blog on My blog about my book list)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki! Wow I guess you do like to read!!!! I feel that way about my decorating and craft books but since they are larger in size I have to restrain myself and force myself every couple years to donate some!Ouch! I've learned to stay off Amazon and outta Borders unless its a special occasion gift for me! Paperbacks are harder to deal with; I'm thinking bankers boxes stacked in the basement with a list on the outside of what you have inside!lol I know that's probably a project you'd rather not deal with; just an idea!!!lol Happy reading - Jeannette

Ash said...

During our last move, I was forced to face my addiction. I took three box loads to Half Priced Books - I made close to $60.

Bought me a bunch of new books ;-)

The circle of life...

Sandy said...

Rest assured, Nikki, you are NOT alone!

Anonymous said...


Michael said...

Sadly, most of my reading lately involves text books. I can't wait til I have the free time to ENJOY a good read.

I love the red bench...I was rolling with the open door shot :)

The Berry's Patch said...

I say share the love and donate them to the library. Boy I'm glad you can't deck me right now. :-)

Unknown said...

WOW, I am loving all your books!! I have so many though that I have started to sell mine, My dream is to open my own used bookstore but with this economy I decided to start small so i have an online blog where my books are ready for adoption! Feel free to stop by! I post about 3 times a

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many comments! There are a lot of "book-addicts" out there! And yes, I am one too! I looooove books, and have ever since I was a little girl. And I do have a hard time getting rid of them. We have a book chain store in our area that will give you credit for returned hard-back books, and yesterday my husband and I just got $50 of credit! (Of course, the actual value of the books was MUCH higher).
But there are certain authors that I just will not get rid of. In fact, I love Amazon because I can buy books that I read years ago that are now out of print! And those are some that I keep. Even some children's books.
I guess I'm just a hopeless case -- but I am definitely a book lover!!

The Painted Garden said...

Hi again,
I just visited Kathryn Bechen's blog ( - click on her blog)and she has a post about Michael Smith, the designer who will be decorating the White house for the Oboma family with a link to a video tour of his home. LOL -each room is filled with books which made me think of your post on books.
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Wow Nikki
THAT is a lot of books whew. I don't know whether I've read that many books..ever..*lol*. Luck you have places to put them. My big problem is I don't have much space....
Well what a great Christmas now you have soooo many new ones to read again! Have fun.
hope you've had a great day

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Oh my need to have a giveaway! You're a true bookaholic! LOL

Justine said...

Me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ahem, I meant, I too am a book hoarder. I've got boxes stashed away with tons of books. Sometimes I'll donate a couple paperbacks to the library, but touch my hardcovers and you're dead!!!!!!!!!!!1
And ooh, noticed you have a J.D. Robb or two there. One of my favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, um... some of your books that you have piled on top of each other are upside-down, and that just drives me crazy. LOL

Justine :o )

Lisa (aka) French said...

The only ones I have a hard time parting with are my hardcovers...and a few others;) Now wait first your obsessed with make up now books~~~ what is the world coming to!! (lol) French;)

Tiffany said...

Oh my my. I LOVE books. I hardly have time to read but I want to own them All. And looking at all your books made me break out into a sweat because I want them ALL. I have a pile in my room that I've never read but I'll be damned if I get rid of them. LOL

Dawn said...

I'm cracking up at ALL your books! Holy Library!

I love to read but I don't hold on to all of them like you do. Plus, I will check out from the library AND borrow from friends.

I can't believe you are JUST now getting ready for your 100th post. Geez, you have such a following that I thought you'd been doing it for a few years! :)

JuliS said...

We just finished the second story addition to oiur house -- my husband built it because we were running our of room to stire my books! I think I have about 2,600 +/-.

When I actually do decide to part with a few books - happens once in a while! - I donate them to Open Books in Chicago, a family literacy non-profit that operates (or will, this fall) a bookstore to support literacy programs.

JuliS said...

Sorry for the typos in the first paragraph! Here it is corrected:

We just finished the second story addition to our house -- my husband built it because we were running out of room to store my booksa! I think I have around 2,600+/- now.

tiburon said...

I love iT! I love that you are willing to share your addiction :)

Hey can I borrow that Koontz book though? I have been wanting to read it :)

Anonymous said...

Good evening Nikki, Yes I'm a book addict too. I have book cases all over the house. I have a huge basket of them waiting to be read and like you I can't part with them after I'm finished. One time I decided enough was enough and I gave a whole collection of them to the hospital. I missed them so much I went out and bought copies.

Tara Bennett said...

I love books too, especially for decorating purposes.

Do you read as much now that you're a blogger??? You're hard-core girl!

RachelD said...

We went out to the library today, in the SNOW, cause my supply was getting low.

Your titles read like my titles, authors, ditto. Any and everywhere, stacked and poked into shelves and on floors and tables and dressers; we've slowly built one solid wall of shelves downstairs in the DINING ROOM for all my stash of magazines and big, pretty books, though there are dozens of those stacked, etc.

Yep--BAA, we are--Book Addicts Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I love to order from Barnes and Nobles! They deliver so fast! We have tons of books, but since we've moved to a smaller house I can't keep them all! There's a used book store (new too) a couple blocks away. My kids take them up there and we get credit for new books! It's fun to shop with the credit! :-)

Anonymous said...

You are NOT alone. Both my hubby and I are readers and love books. We have them everywhere in the house. I've started to barcode scan the collection in order to try to keep an inventory and so we will know what we have. Many of our books are old -- before ISBN numbers and barcodes were used. We do plan to de-cutter some so we don't have as many. Some of the older paperbooks are coming apart - the glue isn't holding the binder together anymore. Just like our bodies...LOL. I probably shouldn't mention all the magazines and catalogs piling up. I have a few piles to go through of ones received since Christmas. Right now I reading the Skokie Stackhouse books. They are a hoot!

Teacup Lady (Sandy)

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Yes, I think I'm almost as bad as you. I don't keep them ALL, but you have managed to keep them WAY neater than I. In fact, I may have to ONE-UP you in the messy department on a separate blog post of my own. Hmmmmm. Oh, I'll be mentioning you if I do, too!

Petunia said...

I have stacks of books everywhere, too! Thank you for making me think they are decorative stacks of lovelies! I feel terribly insecure when I don't have a stack of unread books somewhere waiting to be discovered. And the sound of the UPS truck bring books? A slice of heaven! Thanks for the new storage ideas!

Dennis and Leslie said...

Well, at least it's a healthy obsession! It could worse, like alcohol or drugs ;)

French Fancy... said...

nikki - 119 comments! Is that a record? Or is it another book?

We've now got a room devoted to our bookshelves and we're fast outgrowing it. I hate getting rid of a book but we've vowed to keep all books inside our little library.

Your home looks wonderful.

bj said...

Oh, dear...if ever there was one person that needed an ENTIRE wall of bookshelves, it must be YOU!!
Wow...that is a lot of books and I know you read them all...aren't you the one that sometimes has more than one going at a time?? do you find the time to work full time, blog as you do and read ???? I must not be handling my time wisely!! Gotta work on that...
hugs, bj

Anonymous said...

Books! nom nom nom nom!

Books are like my personal meth! Except, I don't have so many clever places do hide my little (not so little) habit. I'm gonna have to work on that!

Penny said...

Whoa! I'm thankful I'm a magazine gal. Between work, visiting fave blogs (me hearts Nikki), my friends, family, paying bills, my dogs, cooking and cleaning I just don't have the time for more than a couple of books a year. Maybe you should start a "donate a dozen books day"....err... a few times a year. hahaha

Fifi Flowers said...

PLEASE tell me that somewhere in there is the book "Shadow in the Wind"!!! If it isn't... ADD IT! GREAT book! My all time FAVORITE!

WOW... you have a lot of books... and I thought I had a lot of books!
You could open Nikki's Used Book Store should you ever decide to part with any of them!

100 posts... WOW... that's A LOT OF LAUGHS AND FUN!!!

ENJOY your day!

Michele said...

Yup...that would be me..then I joined this website, called "Swaptree" put the books on there that you don't want anymore..if there are any. Then you look at what other people have and swap. It only costs you postage to ship the books. That's where I got alot of Glenn's Xmas presents!


Kate The Great said...

Aren't books beautiful... and don't forget, they smell good too!

Laurie - Decorating Fanatic said...

I think you've got me beat! I love to read - didn't have much time until recently and I am on a roll again - staying up til 2 am to finish! I kind of hate to part with them too. But that website someone else mentioned sounds neat! Keep only your favorites! And I see you are mainly a Murder/Mystery girl...hmmm that explains alot! haa! Just kidding - I like a little excitement, a little murder & romance all rolled into one. ;) ~ Laurie

the voice of melody said...

With so many hiding spaces for the books, I'd be afraid to forget where I've put them! Enjoy your new books. :)

jill jill bo bill said...

I have that addiction with magazines. And I use the same organizing/storing/hiding objects you do! LOVE your furniture pieces, btw.

Tim Atkinson said...

That's the beauty of it, Voice of Melody - forgetting where you've put them, then rediscovering them like long lost friends. Your house looks just like ours, and I've now got a box full of my own books to store somewhere!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot of books! I don't have that problem but soon DVD's might be piling up like that around my house! :)

The Blonde Duck said...

I know exactly how you feel!

Gone said...

Maybe you need to move!!!

I know that moving to a new house, caused my hubby, Tom, to NOT be a book addict anymore. He had 4 floor to ceiling shelving units full of books...3 closets full of books and more books anywhere books would fit.

After moving...and him purging all his books, cuz he didn't want to have to haul all of them...we have about 1/2 of a wall cabinet full of books...about 3 shelves.


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Nikki, Cute post. I do love books. I am so cheap I get most of mine from the library. I do have a couple of bookcases full in the basement. And I mean full. Nobody sees them. So, I don't care. if they mean something to you why get rid of them??
Hugs, Terrie

Jill said...

HOLY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and Justine have a lot in common when it comes to your papered friends. ;)

Jill said...

HOLY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and Justine have a lot in common when it comes to your papered friends. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I would have to be in this group with you. I love to read, and I purchase all of my books. I haven't been to the library in a very, very, very long time. And, I hate parting with my books, but I did manage to part with a few when we had a garage sale in November.

Grand Pooba said...

Oh you kill me! I don't if that's called OCD or what, but it's got to be some sort of sickness!

Now I know where to go for a good read!

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of a children's book.... "Elizabeth Brown"..... she has so many books she starts a library....hummm there idea..... a special little building..."Nikki's Library"

Alyson | New England Living said...

My name is Alyson and I'm a book-aholic. Yes, I have the same problem! And mine are stacked everywhere and I love it. It gives me great comfort to have my books surrounding me, even if it isn't so pretty.

Finding Normal said...

OMG that's a lot of books! I love books, and I have a stack sitting on my table, but I tend to give them away unless I REALLY love them. And I adore my library.
Maybe you should do a book giveaway...spread the love!

Femin Susan said...

WOW... you have a lot of books... I LOVE books. I hardly have time to read . you have managed to keep them neatly..

Anonymous said...

Love this, Nikkiness! I do believe you're a bookaholic!! lol
Thanks for the sweetness today!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Jessica said...


You have me beat. :) I too am a book worm. I have tons of books at least 4 storage bins in my garage, stacks in my closet, in the guest room closet and yes, under my bed. In fact when I bought that headboard last month off of Craigs Mister & I moved the bed and he ever so loudly said " OMG!! " Yeah, I was appalled because my daughter came in wondering what all the fuss was about and then she promptly informed me that I should NEVER tell her to clean under bed again...( crap ) :)

Hugs~ J

Unknown said...

I love books and love to have them all over the house. I think this is something I inherited; both parents were avid reads but Dad never wanted to get rid of any books. Your pictures are delightful!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Oh, finally, I can raise my head and hand and not be ashamed! Books not only keep food on the table in the MyBrownBaby household, but clutter it like you would NOT believe. I can't part from them... they're like my children, but much better behaved. it's really kinda sad.

Rae Ann said...

Oh, my gosh! How did you get into my house? I, too, have books crammed into every nook and cranny. I am a serious book hoarder and have a terrible time parting with them - even if I didn't like them all that much. What's that about?

Danyelle Ferguson said...

I LOVE books. Of course, I'm a writer and book reviewer - so I get books in the mail quite often. The book store and the library are like my own personal piece of heaven. And yep, my house looks much like yours. Books in every nook and cranny. I even have boxes of them stored in my basement and garage. I just have to keep them. I never know when I'm going to be in the mood to read that one specific book again. :)

Renna said...

I did used to be just like you, books EVERYWHERE! Then I hit 50, and all ability to concentrate flew out the window. I keep thinking when I get through menopause, my ability to focus will return. At least I tell myself that.

These days, rather than books in every nook and cranny, I have yarn balls. They're everywhere, they're everywhere!

Judi said...

I thought I had alot of books!
Holy cow lady!! you need to have an exchange or something

WheresMyAngels said...

I was much worst but finally got sick of dusting them, so I have given away hundreds of hardback books so far. I have more to go. I'm not keeping much anymore, because I hate to dust! lol


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