Thursday, January 8, 2009



Shell in your Pocket said...

So funny! She cracked me up...sandy toe

A New England Life said...

My favorite part is when she says "Save that anesthesia for when their teenagers and you really need it!" LOL!

I've seen this video several times and it's still hysterical.


Becky said...

This is a SCREAM!! Seems like I'm becoming my father too! My hero even offered me his nose hair trimmers a couple of days ago! GROSS!!

Ash said...

Oh my.

I'm shipping my two to boarding school tomorrow, while they're still sweet!!

Thanks for the before bed giggle.

Cynthia said...

She is hillarious!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Too funny!!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

OH Nikki thanks for the laugh tonight...she is funny..hugs and smiles Gloria

Anonymous said...

Kind of a female Rodney Dangerfield... very funny!


tammy said...

She is hilarious! I wish she would come to the comedy club here. What a fun girls night out that would be.

♥ Braja said...


jill jill bo bill said...

Without a doubt this thing is one of my favorites! You are too! Okay, enough sweetness. I will now tell you that it takes my computer like 10 minutes to load your blog. Ten minutes that I have to wait to read you. Stop the insanity. Or at least send snacks for the wait like in the theaters. I like my popcorn with no butter. You know I am watching my weight. heh heh whatever.

onlymehere said...

I don't know who she is but I laughed the whole way through it!! Thanks so much for the laughs!!!

Fragrant Liar said...

Son: "So, why'd you have me?"
Mom: "Well, actually, we didn't know it'd be you! We were hoping for someone with a job."

What a riot! I, too, have seen this lady before, but it's still just as hilarious now. I'd love to see her in concert. What is her name?


Adlibby said...

She's new to me! And so funny! Loved this - thanks for sharing!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I did a lot more than chuckle. I am still laughing out loud! She was great! Thanks Nikki! laurie

Bridget said...

I'm glad I was home alone while viewing this. I'm cracking up like a nut case here...oh wait...I'm just acting like myself for a change. Don't call the men in the white jackets yet, I haven't finished my birthday cake yet.

Anonymous said...

She is hilarious. Thanks for sharing her with us.

I could totally relate to the hot flashes...I'm taking care of global warming here in AZ!

Lilly said...

She is so funny and original. Fabulous!!

Michelle said...

Wow, she had me laughing at loud! Thanks for sharing.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

This was an absolute scream...
hugs ~lynne~ said...

That lady is hilarious! Love the part where her son asked why she had him and she said "We didn't know it'd be you, " hahaa...I'm totally using that one when I get the chance :-)

Beth at Aunties said...

I think I was laughing so hard I woke up the ones sleeping down stairs...Opps;]
Nikki, that was was a riot and I needed it!!!! I deleted my blogroll tonight like you did a while back. Arrrrggg! I am coming to reclaim some friends:) Thanks for making me laugh!

Love you girl!

J. Baxter said...

I chuckled. A lot.

(As usual).

Kritta22 said...

LOL I love it!

Thanks for sharing! How do you get 116 comments on your Wednesday wishes!?? You are amazing!

Tootsie said...

ha ha ha ha ha !!!

Kritta22 said...

You won a box of candy on my blog...go check it out and send me your addy!!

Kat said...

She is hysterical! I laughed through the entire clip, but the bit about anesthesia was priceless! Thanks for the laughs. Kathy

Unknown said...

This lady cracks me up...

Kristen said...

Thanks for making me laugh...she's a hoot!

imjacobsmom said...

This is sooo funny......"don't get warming......becoming my father....LOL ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

Oh man...did I need that this morning! I am having one of those mornings where I want to run away while my kids are at school!!!

She was so flippin' funny!
I love when she said her kids were the only thing keeping she and her husband together "neither one of them wanted custody". hahahaha

Shannon said...

She's too funny!

Thanks for the chuckles ;)

SmilingSally said...


I have two words:



cindy said...

Thanks for starting my day out with a laugh! Too funny! What is her name?

Heather said...

Thanks for the chuckle!

Shannon said...

HA! I am still laughing. I think her opening joke was the best!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

She was a riot ! I needed that !

tiburon said...

Loved it! Thanks for sharing :)

Carolynn Anctil said...

That was hilarious, Nikki! Just the laugh I needed this morning. Happy Friday!

Justine said...

Holy crap, this woman was hysterical! My favorite lines? "I didn't even know an eyebrow could fall off." And, "I'm becoming my father." Heeheeheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the chuckle!
Speaking of which, do you remember the candy, Chuckles? Man, those were disgusting.

Justine :o )

Bo said...

Hi Nikki...I'm so far behind on my blog visiting, for a moment I thought I was ahead! Mrs. Hughes has it down pat, doesn't she...I'm wondering why I didn't think of doing her kind of shtick...I'd have some of the same material she does! Love it... ;-) Bo

Anonymous said...

OMG she is GREAT !!! I love her.

I am definitely sending this to a few people.

Thanks Nikki, have a great week-end, more snow woo hoo NOT !!!

Kathy :)

Anonymous said...

Nikki this is AWESOME! Just what I needed today!

This is definitely going to make the rounds.

Hope you have a great weekend. Are you guys getting any of the storm that we are up here? Oh and hey, I AM SICK OF WINTER ALREADY! I think I've been sick of it since December 22!

French Fancy... said...

Who says women can't be funny. I'd never seen or heard of her but she certainly had me laughing.

Tiffany said...

Okay, that was hysterical.

Anonymous said...

That was so funny LOL Happy Friday Nikki

Anonymous said...

Oh.....I am still laughing. Who is she...she's great! Love your blog!

bj said...

this is such a hoot, i just spit coke all over my computer screen...
thanks for the are so good at that!!
hugs, bj

Free Art Printables said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Just what the doctor ordered. She is hilarious.

amelia bedelia said...

I had seen this video before, but she is a i watched it again. SO true!

Charmingdesigns said...

I love it!! Shes great. Thanks for letting me know you got your package!! And that you like it.hee hee. laurei

Pam @ Frippery said...

Thanks for posting this video. I had seen it but forgotten how hilarious it was. I also have to say I share every one of your wishes in the last post. My biggest fear as I travel through menopause is instead of becoming my father I'll become Al Franken! Hugs and laughs, Pam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol! Mine and my husband's biggest joke to tell each other, in the midst of our 6 years of infertility, and to lighten the mood, is "I can't wait to finally get our kid so we can mess up their lives!"

Lisa Loo said...

I had never seen this before--its like SHE followed ME around for 3 days!
The Hyawatha eyebrow about did me in--had to pause it and run to the bathroom!! Not only am I becoming my father but I thnk I will have to start wearing Depends any day now. Thanx for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my howard, that was a riot!!! My kind of humor all the way through! Thanks, my husband will appreciate that I'm laughing as he just came through the door! Have a great weekend Nikki! Sincerely, Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Hello Nikki, when I see 'For just a Chuckle' I know it will be a belly laugh. That woman was very funny.
Loved it!!!

Thank you for your sweet comment about my grands. They are all so sweet and a real blessing to us.


Salmagundi said...

She IS funny!! Thanks for showing us the video - would love to see her in person. Sally

Raxx - A day in the life said...

She's a funny lady! Thanks for sharing this!

Grand Pooba said...

How funny! Thanks for the laugh...I needed that!

I love "the sharpest cheese on the cracker" "finance and fiance are spelled the same"


~♥~ Monica S said...

Hahahaha!! That was FUN!!! :-)

HAve a great weekend!


Lola Enchanted said...

I know I can laugh my butt off when I come here!!! Where do you find this stuff! It's hilarious!!!

Enjoy your weekend dear!!!!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Too funny and too good to keep to myself - I see a mass email going out!

Have a great weekend!

jill jill bo bill said...

Okay that was YESTERDAY, so what do you have for me TODAY? Hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nikkiness! That lady was almost as funny as you are!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Jannie Funster said...

Where has that woman been all my life??? I've GOT to show this to my hubby!

Ahhh, the best medicine.

Lizzie said...

i almost peed my pants watching that!! thanks for sharing :)
hope you have a good weekend!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Thank you Nikki for all the Laughs you post for us!!!!! This is one of my favorite! Blessings, Nancy

Monkeybean said...

This is absolutely hilarious! I LOVE IT! And I want to say Thank You for stopping by and wishing me happy birthday.
Have a great day!

mCat said...

HYSTERICAL!! Just what I needed to day. Thanks!

MiMi said...

Just stumbled across your blog and this video and this was hilarious!

Love the Global Warming comment and "I'm becoming my father"!! Hilarious!

Thanks for sharing!

Nana said...

I'm becoming MY father. That was funny.

Paulette said...

Oh gosh, I needed that laugh! Thanks, Nikki! I sure do love your posts.


Deb said...

Hi Nikki!!!!! LOL!!! That was more than a chuckle! It was hilarious!! LOL!!! Boy can I identify with everything!!!! Deb

Kathy said...

I've heard this lady before but I really enjoyed hearing her again. She's a hoot!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I needed that! LOL


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