After contemplating my new "look" I came to the conclusion that it might be time to to give the brows a good whacking. But I didn't want to jump into it without being prepared. You can't just start randomly cutting and plucking...there is an art to the correct brow-do.
Or as we can see from the following examples......the brow-don't.......
they are supposed to "frame your eyes"...not the entire state of Texas.
Maybe if we highlight our lips....no one will notice our brows are disappearing.......
Brows that send secret Morse code messages ___ . . ___
The brows might be the only normal thing .......
Don't drink and draw...........
After the caterpillar stage they become pretty butterflies.......
I ain't making fun of her....I'm too afraid she'll find me.
I like these cat-brows....but I'm not sure I'd like it when my dog started chasing my face!
It's not nice to fool with mother nature.........
*SNAP* girlfriend....."oh NO you didn't"!
Red bull gives him wiiiiiings...........
The only brows that can actually be seen from outer space..
Who says you need more than one.............

And finally....the world famous "sperm brows" of our own Justine from "The froggy bloggy". For those of you who haven't met Justine....what the heck you waiting for? Her brows are not the ONLY funny thing about her! And in case you didn't know...there is a blogwar going on. PLEASE click HERE and join the "good army"... Please become a FOLLOWER and help Justine fight the forces of evil................. (don't kill me Jill)

Hilarious. Pardon me for being judgemental, but. Don't they look in a mirror and see how terrible they look? Just sayin. Mimi
I Agree with Mimi Sue :-) hehe!!
Justine looks ok though! :-)
Good golly! Andy's just might be the best of the bunch! LOL!
Ha...hilarious! The first pic is you, right? :-) Hey, you didn't say...just checking... :-)
LOL. This is great! I have seen just about all of these in public and it makes you want to throw a mirror in their face and say something to them so bad. Daisy~
This post reminds me of the time I was wandering the aisles of one of the big box stores with my then 3 year old kiddo in the cart, and we passed a woman with eyebrows that would've fit right in with your post's gallery of wrongs. Kiddo pipes up, in a very, very loud voice (of course): "MOMMY, LOOK AT THAT LADY! WHY DOES THAT LADY HAVE ANGRY EYEBROWS?"
Yes, Ms. Angy Eyebrows heard, along with the rest of the store.
Good times!
Thanks for the morning chuckle! }:) (<-- and the reminder I need to pluck a wee bit)
I've seen some pretty gruesome ones.But I think you got me beat.How the heck are you?...Ann
When Andy Rooney is sporting the best brows you KNOW there is something wrong in mudville! I'm forcing my 15 year old son to read this post and maybe he'll give up the whole "mom just let me shave them off" thing and let me get in there with the good old tweezer. I'm now waiting for your post on on the grate facial hair migration... what the heck is up with THAT??? Hair on my freakin' chin.. as if I didn't have enough to do!!!!!
I. Am. Scared! Yikes! :P
We have a sweet customer that comes into our store with eyebrows close to her hairline. I always wondered why she didn't let someone "fix" them. One day I found out!
Many years ago, she had heave brows TATTOOed on (ci: Brooke Shields), then she had a FACE LIFT!
Can't do much about that~ so she just has this eternal, surprised look!
Thanks for keeping it real!
And AGAIN, thanks for my Crumpet Strumpet! I LOVE HER!
Now those were some scary images! Well, except for Justine, 'cuz she's not scary... ;)
That was not the way to start my morning! I guess I have a phobia of eyebrows. I think those pictures are going to stay with me all day long. Thanks for the laugh {and shudder!}
Wow. This makes me feel so much better about myself.
I sure hope that decorative tatt floral design or salmon design isn't the new trend - yikes! I think Jusitine's sperm-brows are the best one's out there! ~ Robyn
Man, I'll be thinking of those brow pics and go easy the next time I pluck my Brooke Shields brows!!
In answer to your question, my son was quite blase about the fire breather following me on YouTube, because fire guy also follows my son (darn!) but I didn't want to put that in my Not Me! post or it would surely diminish my new found "coolness" :D
I am dying! That was great. I was just so relieved not to find a picture of me on there, lol!
Who knew eyebrows could be an artistic outlet for expression?
My expression currently conveys
"Oooohhh, not so good." :)
Oh boy...it pains me to think these poor souls are walking around out in public looking like that, much less having their pictures taken. Oh boy...
All I can say is yikes.
OMGosh, you had me laughing out loud. These are so funny but so typical!
Makes you wonder if these people own a mirror.
Thanks for a good rainy Monday morning laugh.
Some of those could be my relatives. no joke. Great pics!
Oh my goodness, some of those brows, especially the first look like a really bad dream!!!!!!!! Yikes! And I thought MINE were bad!
Thank you thank you thank you. You know ... I've always hated my out-of-control eyebrows that need constant attention and always thought I had a problem but now, thanks to this post, I realize I DO NOT have a problem.
And what the heck are some of these folks going to do when they are 82 and have ridiculous eyebrow tattoos!??
Thank you thank you thank you. You know ... I've always hated my out-of-control eyebrows that need constant attention and always thought I had a problem but now, thanks to this post, I realize I DO NOT have a problem.
And what the heck are some of these folks going to do when they are 82 and have ridiculous eyebrow tattoos!??
How scary are those brows? I needed a laugh today... You are always very funny! Thanks!
hysterical, really makes you wonder what the hell these people are thinking when they look in the mirror, and worse you can tell some of them just came out of the salon after waxing....who they hell would do this to a client?
Seriously? Tattoo cats on your eyebrows???
And that one poor woman with too much testosterone....
How can they walk around like this. Too 'eyebrow' for me.
Come on. Fess up. Didn't you "doctor" some of those? They can't be real.
OMG! That was too funny...and scary.
THIS IS ODD. I have spent the last three weeks looking at my eyebrows. As you know, I've had pneumonia and didn't have any energy for anything else so I went "eyebrow inspecting".
I have one that is perfectly formed, and one that flies up around my hairline in an unending question mark. It's always like I'm DOUBTING what I'm hearing....
So, I did what anyone under the influence of cough syrup does. I tried to lower the high one, while raising the low one. PLUCK PLUCK PLUCK ......pluck....pluck....
I've decided that not having EITHER one is pretty awesome........
some of those brows looked pretty plucky!!----others looked like they were just ignored and had gone to seed.
ROFLMAO! I should have expected something like this from you! You forgot to mention that I do NOT have sperm brows anymore!!!!! You just couldn't link to the post where Larry waxed them though, could ya? LOL
Justine :o )
That totally made me LOL AND run straight to my magnifying mirror and tweezers. TOO funny, Nik!!!!!
OMG...too funny! I agree, ummm, do they think they look good? Mirror folks!
Those pictures bring back memories...but my eyebrows never looked like that! I was going for the Brooke Shields look back in the 80s & early 90s.
Unfortunately, I always looked like I was angry and the eyebrows needed to be trimmed. Somedays I just miss my bushy eyebrows.
LOL...and scary!!!
Happy Birthday Lindsey
Someone needs to take their tweezers and crayolas away from them!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Oh...my goodness...didn't know "brows" came in all shaped and sizes.
sandy toe
OMGosh! I just came by to say Hi and thanks for visitng my blog and following. I did not know I would get the laugh of the morning. That is hilarious!
Some of those eyebrows were almost as scary as my hair was back in the '90's.
Check back tomorrow if you get a chance - it will be Meghan's 19th b-day and I'm going to have some of her pics up.
Happy Belated Birthday to your pretty "little girl"!!
Well frankly my dear, it's all a bit too low brow for me.
Good Lord...don't they had a mirror?? these looks like something my grand kids could draw..You are too funny girl.hope you have a great day..hugs and smiles Gloria
And I thought mine were bad...lol.
I believe that some of my eyebrows have "fallen" and started to grow on my chin!
I learned from my mom not to mess w/ my brows. She plucked hers too much and they never grew back. She now has permanent "makeup" but wait she did that twice. Yep, she has 4 eye brows. She has to cover one set w/ foundation.
Shhh, she'll kill me if she finds out I told you.
Ewww....eyebrows are just one of those things that you gotta deal with but not over-do it. They're tricky little suckers, that's for sure.
My 13 year old and I stopped in at Hot dog on a stick this weekend while at the mall and two of the employees had these wacky painted on brows. I couldn't tell if they were trying to be funny or if they really thought they looked good. I should have asked to snap a shot of them. :)
Oh no you didn't is right! I wouldn't make fun of more than half of them for fear they would hunt me down and do who knows what to me, tee hee! You are hilarious, where do you always find these funny pics?
StampinMom :-)
OH MY GOSH those are TOO FUNNY!!!! Do they not own a MIRROR????? Those are scary!!!!!
Eyebrows, you love them, you hate them. You break them, you fix them. They are a lot of work! Were those yours in the first picture? Good Grief Nikki, I'm Speechless. LOL!!!!! Deb
OK I would say this was funny if it wasn't so disturbing. I'm afraid I might have eyebrow nightmares now. Pam
Why don't the people taking the pictures say anything!? There is no way I would let anyone I know go out in public like that!
OMG, that made me laugh so hard it hurt! :)
Me Laughy Long Time...
Laughing too hard to think of anything intelligent to say ... (Although they scared my two-year-old ...)
That 'chick' you're afraid of, are you sure she's not a 'he'?? Lord have mercy!
Oh no you resurrected the sperm brow. eeeek
Andy Rooney needs a weed whacker to tame those brows, they give me the hebejebees.
I don't even want to talk about my hairs and what color or how long they are and where they are! Oy!!
Oh my, those are some scary brows! I love the big hickey on the one girls neck. Lovely.
That was halarious, isin't it amaizing they dont see themselves like we do...
Oh my modeling days are over for a while. LOL!!!! (Got a lot to do before I try that again)LOL!!!!!(If you know what I mean)!!!!
I'm new here, and Whoa....is really all I know what to say. Now my 4-year old daughter who happened to walk by just looked at me, then the screen, and said "Mom, WHAT IS THAT?". I simply said "It's hard to say".
Great minds do think alike! Here is my eyebrow post from last summer!
Those cat eyebrows cracked me up - not trying it in the near future, though!
I'm just sure glad I already ate lunch!
What's wrong with a whole lot of brow.. ok ok... a lot!!!
You never fail to crack me up woman!
So, I think I may be on the receiving end of a brand new shiny laptop thanks to you.....I spewed my coffee all over....kidding.
Fun post today, and thanks for swinging by last week!!
this was hilarious! I fear that just by reading this post...the un named eyebrower will know who we are. Scare. E.
Not only do you get a comment from me BUT you also are the lucky recipient of my Spring Fling giveaway :)
Please email me so I can have your mailing address to send you the Godiva Chocolate!
Love the one with the toothpick hanging our of her mouth!! I was actually blessed with the world's best eyebrows....my daughter is jealous as she was blessed with the Boss' brows..I have never had to pluck trim or alter them in any way....
Hi Nikki,
This is hilarious! I think I'll take Andy's after all. I dread doing the eyebrow thing but after reading your post, I'm glad I take my time. Good Lord what are some of these gals thinking. LOL, Cindy
OMG! I guess I am not the only one who finds my eyebrows disappearing with age! Can't believe you mentioned it, lol.
Now those are some scary brows for sure!
goodgooglymoogly- most of these chicks were already working at a "deficit" and then they go and add fuel to the fire- WOW! Funny as always...
RMS "caniquit..."
Those aren't eyebrows they're "AY YI YI BROWS"
Next topic should be "GUYLINER"
Think Captain Jack Sparrow.
Peace -Rene
People! Say no to the black eyeliner and tacky mall pictures!
OMGOSH...just WOW!! There is nothing else you can say to that. LOL
ROFLMAO!!!!! this is fantastic!
It made me think of the day that my husband wet his thumb and went over and smudged his mother's eyebrows. She shaves them off....YES I SAID SHE SHAVES THEM OFF....and draws them back on...and thinks no one can tell!
You have to know her to understand....ever watch Everybody Loves Raymond? Marie...that's her!
have a great week woman!
Eyebrow disturba--whoa!! My 2 fav's were the red bull gives him wings and the lady whose "sweet customer" who was permanently surprised--talk about something coming back to bit you in the butt--or eyebrow as it were!!
Oh YIKES! Did you notice the FONT GIRL has a hickey on her neck too?!?
So, what did you decide to do with your brows???
♥ Diane
Oh Nikki...I think I'd rather have Andy Rooney's brows than any of these paint-by-number jobbers... So what have you decided to do with yours? ;-) Bo
Well, you have made me feel much better about myself. I don't think my brows look too bad after all. ;-)
These are just scary. I couldn't even look at some of them! Yikes!
So Hilarious though - the cat ones!! Who knew!!
BTW I just found your blog and love it - hope it's ok to visit :D
I am coughing...laughing so hard.. where in the heck do you find all these pictures?
LOL...Jay does my eyebrows...if I ever look like that afterwards, he's sooooo fired!
This was hilarious! I have noticed that my eyebrows are graying at record speed, although my hair isn't...What is up with that! It is pretty gross and if I keep plucking, I will be left with none! LOL!
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter! She is a beautiful girl! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
thanks for giving me a good laugh. now my eyebrows look amazing!!! and i'm old and crumbly, so i feel good about myself again.
lord this is a funny post!
My favorite are my dry cleaner lady's. Painted on BLUE! Awe.some
Darn those are some ugly women...especially the one with the big hickey on her neck!!! lol.
OMG Nikki! And you called me a duffus head!!!!lol lol lol Last week the young kid at work comes in and says I did something really stupid! I say oh no do I want to know! He pulls off the baseball cap and half his eyebrow is missing! Trying not to laugh I say what happened He says I was grooming my brow and got carried away; it must have been fully charged!lol lol No lie!! I said keep your cap on it forms a shadow that looks like a brow! He hasn't taken it off yet!!lol Then I told him at least you thought of grooming them; most guys don't! And girls too as I see in this post! Thanks I needed this laugh!!! Love Hangin Out with you too! Hugs - Jeannette
Oh my gosh this is the post I needed to read today! I can't stop laughing! It's been a rough day for me and your post was SO uplifting! :)
ohmygosh!!! I have not laughed this hard in a LONG time!!!!!!!! Those are hilarious! :)
Hi Nikkiness! What were they thinking? Enquiring minds wanna know!
I knew immediately those were our Justiney's brows. I remember Bridget's dear daughter telling her the 'in' thing was to let them grow out more! Now I'm so glad you've mentioned the sister war ~ maybe they'll get busy fighting soon, afterall Jill went and spent the weekend with Justiney! I'm waiting for news.
I always enjoy your visits so much, Nikki and you always make my day!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I am speechless!
I don't know if I'm going to be kept awake tonight out of laughter or fear.
Those brows may haunt my dreams.
When I was younger, I hated my thick brows, but vowed that I would never, EVER draw a danged line to replace them. I think the "correct" way to use an eyebrow pencil is to lightly and deftly draw on individual "hairs"...but who has time for that?
My sister hit on the best solution for graying eyebrows. We just lightly apply brown waterproof mascara to our existing eyebrows. (In between dye jobs,of course!) We are both brunettes, so the dark brown works for us. I don't know about those who need a lighter color for their eyebrows!
Oh...and if your eyebrow mascara is fairly new, you might want to wipe off some onto a piece of tissue so you don't glob it on.
Oh...and here's a funny:
My DD's ex has an aunt by marriage who paints little semi circles for her eyebrows. I was picking up DGS at DD's ex-in-laws, and the aunt was visiting. DGS's little 3yo cousin was staring intently at the aunt, and finally asked, "How did you get your eyebows to look like that?" She said, "Honey, I just draw them on." He thought about that for a minute, and then said, "Dontcha know you ain't 'spose to write on yourself?" It was hilarious!
OH MY HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS! That was some funny stuff.
Some of these people just need to be told the truth! But, I'm not gonna do it! Those are some scary lookin' eyebrows! laurie
I can always depend on your Wednesday posts to make me chuckle. Thanks for a bonus chuckle this week!
I'm feeling pretty good about my own eyebrows right about now.
Hello Nikki, thank you so much for your kind words during this sad time for our family. I appreciate it so much.
Now I have to tell you how much you made me laugh with these eyebrow shots. Girl you have a knack for setting off a run for the loo. I hope these women never find you. Big smile!!!!(and man)
Thanks for the fun.
too funny. my children had to come see what I was laughing at.
I had a unibrow for forever. I know some people lose their brows for some medical reasons but I never understand those that would rather paint them in. My hand would never be that steady
HAHAHAHA Nikki! "Certifiably INSANE" just about sums me up today! Just ask my girls! (Maybe you better not, LOL)! Cindy
Ack! I'm doomed for nightmares after that freak show! ;-Þ
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I haven't opened my eyes yet from the shock of the first picture!
Oh, that was good for a chuckle. When I wasn't feeling sick, that is! Holy Hannah, those were some scary eyebrows! I'm not sure which were worse - Mother Nature's, or the overly tweezed/plucked/crayoned.
Pretty scary.
Oh Lord girl!! Where do YOU FIND these scary..I mean wonderful people?? I amgonna have nightmares for weeks! *shiver* But dang you make me laugh...and laugh...and spit tea out of my mouth and drizzle it from my nose when I get a real good chuckle goin'.
Thank you for always making us smile...
LOL! Another funny post, Nikki! Justine's the only one with normal brows...Christine
Oh my gosh, that post was hilarious! My favorite was the one that might come and find you....LOL
ROFL! Who knew eyebrows could be so funny? Love it!
Girl, where do you get these pictures? And don't they look at themselves before putting on whatever you call this?
Hello Nikki!
I do believe that after you read todays post you will have a change in heart about good verses evil.. You have it all wrong! LOL
I hope one day REAL SOON I will be seeing you promoting good here.. NOT EVIL! LOL!
Come see the insanity for yourself today at both our posts!
This is HILARIOUS! A friend of mine just told me yesterday that her niece used duct tape to get rid of her unibrow...she's 8 years old! OUCH!
I never knew that brows could be so scary!!
I have major issues with eyebrows. I notice them on everyone and can't handle big, scary brows. I had to scroll down really fast to comment. The pictures I saw will surely give me nightmares for weeks to come!
Wow! What a great collection of brows! Hideous!!
Oops! I forgot to add that you won a giveaway from me--I sent you an email!
I am scared. Very very scared. The unibrow kills me. All of these are just over the eyes.. I couldn't think of something that went with over the top. Eyes had to do it. Have a great day Nikki.
I think I just tinkled a bit!
On the floor laughing histerical! AGAIN! gotta run and pluck NOW! XOXO
I am pretty sure I am going to have nightmares now... thanks.
Really? Some of those brows are downright frightening.
Do those people really leave the house looking like that? Oh my!! Sally
I am having one of days also..... I even bought a new brow pencil "Brow Fantasy"...... now I am afraid to use it ....I might end of looking like some of these brows.... scary..... very scary...
Thanks for the good laugh ......
That was barky scary!
My paws and tails are hiding now!
I thought this post is part of the Saw series!
I'm off to check my Keeper's brows now . . .
Yikes that's scary stuff!
Great compilation of eyebrow pics! Hahaha!
"don't drink and draw" ha!
What in the world! I couldn't even conjure up the "only a face a mother could love" Wow! On my way to check out the blog you recommended
I'm not drinking anything anymore when I read your blog. I ruined another keyboard.... Wowa - some of those.... correctly - MOST. Ok, ALL of those pictures are freaky, down right scary. Somebody call their Momma!
Is it sick that this might be my favorite post ever??? LOLOLOLOL!!!!
ohmygawd!!!!!! Look at those eyebrows, whoa!!
Okay as for the one you wouldn't make fun of....I will. I think her real problem is her resemblence to Mr. Potato Head (running and hiding now).
awwwwwwww' I love justine and the sperm brows. LOL
Have a happy day
Brows--a--wowsa. Yikes. Where in the heck do you find your photos. Do you know, when I STOLE (tee,hee) you photo that one time----that was the most hits I had ever. (ya got anymore you can send me) ha ha ha. Your great.
Eeeeeeek! You are SO scaring me. Who are those people???
Don't you ever wonder if one (or ALL) of them got pissed and tracked you down, that they'd do something really terrifying to your eyebrows and then take pictures of you and circulate them on the internet?!
The horror. The ho-o-o-o-orror!
Oh lordy - the sad thing is these women LIKE their brows !!!
Oh, and I thought I had seen some bad ones before this post! How awful and weird! Too strange!
And funny!
LMAO~ I've seen some of these in REAL life....I think they all live here in Texas. :) Now, I get my brows waxed as brows are one of my pet peeves....I lovingly refer to my brow lady as Hitler....my Mammaw & daughter even call her that....except I wonder what she would do if she ever found out that's her nickname....YIKES! Please don't tell...lol. :)
What the hell?
Do people even have mirrors any more or has the economic downturn left people mirrorless in addition to common-senseless?
omg,how ugly!!!!..and 136 comments! c'mon this was a great post.... silvia...
This was a VERY SCARY post... I"m still shaking!
Supper funny stuff, laughter almost woke the baby...:)
Oh my, thnaks for making me feel better I have always disliked my brows but now they arent so bad. Surely they cant think they look good?
Oh Lord Nikki you just gave my ego a great big boost-you awesome chick you! LoL! That had to be a fun post to put together!?
HAAAAAAA!!!! Omg! some of them made me shudder, they were so creepy! I am forwarding this on to my dear sister who likes to describe her brows in her H.S.yearbook as "Scottie Dogs" plastered over her eyes! I don't think she would let me share that photo with you but here's to hoping! Thanks for the laughs!
HA HA! that is so funny :) i just got mine waxed for the first time last week, i was so afraid i might end looking weird like a few of your pictures here. luckily, my brows looks normal, just cleaned up a bit :)
Oh stop now that is too funny! My stomach hurts from laughing so much. Thanks
Deb (Christchurch, New Zealand)
I wish I hadn't eaten before reading this.
Almost laughing a heart-attack on myself..Im too old for this.
Regards from Norway :D
Nice!! but scary...
I sure hope that decorative tatt floral design or salmon design isn't the new trend - yikes! I think Jusitine's sperm-brows are the best one's out there!
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