And while we're on the subject of saying thanks....I owe a great big THANKS to Justine and Jill. Those two might be wild and crazy. But they have hearts of pure gold! I got a surprise package in the mail the other day...and I haven't stopped grinning since. They were shopping one day and saw something that reminded them of me...and they bought it and sent it out "just because". Check this out!! My fuzzy picture doesn't do it justice at all. But it is the cutest thing you ever saw. I have it sitting on my computer desk and it tickles me everytime I look at it. If you haven't met these two're missing out! A visit to their blogs is like an just never know what you'll find! Check them out HERE and HERE. And from the bottom of my ♥ Thanks to the both of you!
A couple weeks ago SITS had a spring fling day where there were tons of prizes and a gazillion blogs to visit that were all having giveaways. The ladies at SITS are always doing something fun. Since it was my day off, I plopped down with my computer and spent the ENTIRE day blog hopping and entering contests.
And not only did I find some awesome blogs...but I won some really cool stuff. I got this from our dear bloggy friend Sandy Toes from "Shell in your Pocket" She painted the watering can with chalkboard paint so I can write on it...and she included some other special little gifts. SHE ROCKS!
This one is called "welcome spring"
Tropical vacation.
Girls night in
Carrot cube.
I also have this cute "comment Junkie" T-shirt. Now this is brand new...still has the tag on it. I won it from SITS. It's a size large...and I'm larger lol. So if you are interested to have your name in on the T-shirt let me know in your comment.
And I'll be throwing in a few extra surprises....some of which I haven't even thought of yet! Stuff I these evil little critters that you put on your key chain...they are the coolest "self defense" gadgets ever. I buy them for all the ladies I love and want to keep safe. They for sure will be part of the prize package.
Please include me in your giveaway. I love the Tropical Vacation peas, they are so cute.
Hi Nikki,
What a fun giveaway!!! I LOVE the Welcome Spring pod. Too CUTE! Isn't it just the truth about how many friends live in our computers!?!? Have a great Sunday!
I've seen those magnets before and youare right - they are too cute! I like the Girl's Night In (since I am a girl and I stay in a LOT). :-)
Signed, one of your virtual friends ...
YOu and I have the same kind of giveaway rules, which I love.
Those are completely adorable so count me in!
What a fun giveaway! Those magnets are so cute! It's a toss-up between 2 as my favorite: Welcome Spring and Tropical Vacation. :) Those 'self defense' key chains are cool - I've never seen anything like them!
So glad you were able to get your camera semi-functioning again - I'm going to store that little tidbit about uncooked rice away for the future, 'cuz I'm sure I'm going to need it at some point! ;)
That's some cute stuff! Sorry about your camera...
I love the girls night in magnets....sooooo Cute!! :D
I so want that comment junkie tshirt, it would fit me perfectly!
I found that Etsy shop too a couple weeks ago. I'm thinking about getting an anniversary one for my hubby. =)
This is a great giveaway, you are so sweet! Oh that Blah blah blah sign is SO you, what a great find. Super cute t-shirt too, I think it would make a great reuseable grocery bag! Where did you find those keychain things? Those would be great to have.
Nikki I hope you have a great week!
Wow! What a great giveaway...I love the tropical vacation soooooo cute...thanks...Pat H
Forgot to say my fav is the Welcome Sring! =)
-Ally (
I am SO glad you stopped by my blog to enter my give-away! I'm lovin' your blog! & even though you do not request that I follow you to be in this give-away...I'm all in...can't wait to see where you lead me...and I temptation over on my blog...except for maybe some chocolate in my give-away! LOL!
I love the pea's w/ the carrot cube.....some days I feel like that carrot in a world of peas! LOL!
I'll definitely be the blog!
ok, I am in, I love your blog woman, and I love winning..
I'm in, chick!! I'm shameless; I'll do anything to get something free! ;-)
I loved everything you showed -- must mostly, I'm glad you're back! Fuzzy and all!
We L♥ve you too Nikki Girl! My favorite is Carrot cube! Throw me in the T-shirt pile too! Deb
Good Sunday to you, Nikki !
I'm definitely a comment junkie :)
Great blah-blah sign !!!
Let me in!
Let this doggy in!
I love the Girls Night In because it reminds me of the three old humans in our house Heaven! Awooooo!
And the brown shirt if purr-fect!
nikki, another fun blog! I love all of the adorable magnets, so put me in for whichever. Also what are those keychain things called? If I dont win your contest I would like to see about getting one for my 21 year old daughter, Nikki, who lives in SLC. Also glad your camera is semi working again! Have a great week! Sue
Well, Girls Night Out ...of course!
ew ew me me...I want a set of cat eyes! please pretty pretty please!!
LOVE the sign Jill and Justine sent you! That was just brilliant! AND so fun!
Love your give-away too.. The peas in the pod are all so cute!!
HAve a great day!
I can't believe Justine and Jill found that PERFECT sign for you! It is adorable!
Hmmmmmm....I think tropical vacation is my favorite magnet~
I LOVE giveaways! THis one is great~
Come see me....I put up a new one today too~
no faves here girl...they are all glad your camera seems to be "healing" the sign! have a great week!
What lovely friends you have to send you that cute sign! What with that, and winning so many contests, it truly was your lucky day.
My favorite magnet is Welcome Spring.
What a cool sign and so fitting. I love the Welcome to Spring. I actually collect bee things. :)
Omg!!! I have a friend pregnant with triplets - all girls!! I want to win Girls Night In!!! It would be perfect!!
Oh, and that Justine cracks me up!! She and Jill's conversations are hilarious!!
My first time commenting.... so the t-shirt seem fitting. My mom is a stalker I mean fan of yours, now I am too. Great blog.
Those magnets are sweet... I like the Girls Night In or Welcome Spring.
Thanks for the fun giveaways!
Wow what a generous lady ye are!
I love the girls nite in peas in a pod.
And I love the gift that Justine and Jill gave you!
Fits you to a tee!
You are such a wonderful contibutor to the bloggy world! *smile*
Those are adorable!! I love the spring peas! I think it's in the air and it made me smile to see it. Hope you're having a great weekend! did win some cuteness!
Great Givaway! I'm gonna be having one soon in honor of my 200 th post!
My favorite magnet is the carrot cube one! did win some cuteness!
Great Givaway! I'm gonna be having one soon in honor of my 200 th post!
My favorite magnet is the carrot cube one!
Love that blah blah blah sign! Great find by them!
I like the carrot magnet! Gotta be different, right??
And that shirt is great!
And the keychain thingy!
Hi Nikkie! Love your new blah sign from Jill & Justine! They're both so much fun! ☺♥☺
Please drop my name in the pot for welcome spring. ☺
You make me laugh every time I visit you!! And the self portrait in the previous post is fantastic:)We should all look that good LOL!I will have to restrain myself from taking pictures of my Chihuahua and Yorkie the next time they get in the tub. Even though they both look like wet rats, it's pretty funny. What we won't do for a blog post! See I learned something from you today:) Besides how not to pluck my brows!
So I like the tropical vacation peas. Those swim goggles are just too cute!! Pick me:)
I love the spring time peas, they are very cute! Please add me to the giveaway also. Thank you! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Ooh, so hard to choose! But I like the carrot cube (& I'd love to be entered for the T-Shirt too!)
Your give aways are so cute! The tshirt is funny. Aren't Jill and Justine sweet? That present is just the perfect gift for you!...Christine
What a fun blog entry...the Bla Bla Bla from Jill and Justine...ADORABLE!!!
Lovin' the TShirt as well ;)
Okay, my fave pea...has to be WELCOME SPRING!
Good luck with the cam!
Oh, I just love goodies!!!
Your Blah, Blah, Blah plaque is really cute. How perfect!
I like all those peas...that tropical vacation is cute!
And really no blood sample...this is a first!
You're just so wickedly FUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! :) I love you!!! And Girls Night In is by far the cutest!!!
congrats on your winnings and prizes.
for me i'd like to put my order and luck of the draw in on the vacation pods.
thank you.
Hey Nikki, I'm not entering the contest since I won last time but I wanted to say hi and I'm glad your camera is sort of working. Blogland would not be the same without photos of our favorite dog duo.
Congrats on your wins too.
I am so bummed that there is no hoop jumping. That would be fun.
Hi Nikki,
I love those fridge magnets. When you posted them on your blog the first time I went right over and placed an order for my step daughter who is getting married in june. She is making up a bride and groom for me. Can't wait to give it to her.
My favorite peapod is the welcome spring. I love the little bee. My dad gave us all nicknames growing up and mine was queen bee. :)
Btw, I can wear a large so you can just send that t-shirt right over.
Have a happy day
Put me in the giveaway - remember you owe me one!!!! I love the 'carrot cube' magnet. Fun post!! Sally
Congratulations on all of your wins! It sounds like christmas over there LOL I like the little spring pea. Thanks for adding me in.
Love the earrings you won, so cute! My favorite is the "welcome spring" magnet.
The carrot cube kinda reminds me of my husband - that will be our secrete!
I also have an inside joke that includes a song about pea's in our house.
cute! I like tropical vacation for the straw...and the name!! Glad you won some goodies. Me, too!
I love all the peas. Picking one is would be like trying to pick a favorite off spring. Just not possible. Can I go down as undecided because I love all the peas?
Congratulations on your win and present your got!
Goody....a giveaway!! I loike the carrot cube peas the best, but they are all cute!!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and that's amazing about the rice and your camera!
Girl's Night In would be my choice... and PLEASE put me on on the T-Shirt contest.... that's so cool, Nikki.... You're a a doll for doing this give-away.... it's always a blast to participate.
The Blue Ridge Gal
(glad the camera has not died completely) WHEW!
The carrot cube just makes me giggle...
and I NEED that shirt. ;-) I realized the other day that the rest of the world doesn't blog was a SHOCKING revelation!
Congrats on all your prizes!! You won those beautiful pearl earings!! Love them.
And you know my name is written all over this giveaway. Those self defense kitties are mine, Mine, MINE!!!
I love your blog! You post such funny stuff. I love that tropical pea and the shirt is super cute! I rarely let on how much I do blog...some would think I was weird! :)
What a fun giveaway!!!
Count me in!
Love the carrot cube peapod! Too cute!!
Got my fingers crossed!!!
nikki what a cute giveaway I love the tropical vacation won. and I love the tshirt but I am also a larger:) Have a great day
Love the blah, blah, blah you got!! Perfect.
And I'm loving that t-shirt. It is so me. And I think I love the "welcome spring" pea pod the most. Too fun.
You are soooooooooo welcome! We were so happy to get that for you. How could we not?!
As for the pea pods I love them all but my very favorite is the tropical vacation one. These are sooooo adorable.
I wish myself luck! :)
Hi Nikki:
What a darling sign Justine and Jill found for you. And you are right, those two are characters that keep us laughing. Congratulations on winning those cute gifts.
I wouldn't fit in the t-shirt either, but I love the clay figures. All of them are cute, but I especially like the Carrot cube and the girls night in.
We love you too, invisable friend.
I'm coming over from Mormon Mommy Blogs, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight-midnight. I used to be ahead but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere, and it's a tight race now. I would so much appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥♥
How cool are Justine and Jill? I love the sign they sent you.
Please enter me in your giveaway! I love the tropical peas...
Have a great week...
You know you're one of my favorite people out there in blogland, and I'm soooooooo happy that Jill and I gave you a smile! Hey, you forgot to tell them that Crumpie and Ozzie got treats too! People will think I'm a heartless animal hater now! LOL!
I love those peas in a pod. How cute are they? My favorite is the girl's night in, 'cause well, I love to just lay around and do nothing!
I cannot believe you won multiple things at the spring fling! I didn't win a thing!
Oh, and VERY original on putting "water" on your can. ROFL
Justine :o )
Oh my gosh, I love the pea pods! I thought they were super cute when you posted about them before. I think I like the spring fever the best, it was a touch choice because I love the peas and carrots too!
I am glad you were able to almost salvage your camera, had a friend drop his new iphone in the toilet one day... the rice trick worked for him too.
As always, Love your Blog!
The spring time one is so cute! Count me in for the t-shirt too.
You are one lucky winner :-)
Off to check out the blogs.
Hi Nikki- my fave is the 'Girl's Night In'. I'd give it to my stepdaughter who likes to have her friends over and just hang out and giggle. I'd be happy with the shirt too--I could wear it as a night shirt... That 'blah,blah, blah' sign is great. It's nice to get unexpected gifts from thoughtful people. have a great day!
Girls night in is the best
How fun! My favorite one is the carrot cube. I love that cheesy grin he has! Kinda makes me want cheetos....
Have a blissful & blessed week!
Oh!! I LOVE all the peapod fridge magnets and would be delighted with any one of them. It's impossible to look at those and not smile!
I'm so glad to hear your camera is kinda/sorta working again. The rice trick is a new one on me. Hopefully I'll never have to try it.
Ohh! I love love love the carrot cube! please enter me! I have never won anything! :) Thanks!!!!!
Your Blah Blah Blah present is perfect! So cute. And I ordered one of those peapods to go on top of a bridal shower gift. It is way too adorable - they are so much bigger in person. I absolutely must win one of those self defense thingamajigs - mainly because it looks like a cat! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Hey there---found your fun blog on Cadance's---am trying to round up some New Englanders that might want to have a blog-together at my theatre in the Boston area...
Check out my blog--and comment if you are interested!!
And sure, I am always up for a giveaway!
Well, you can tell how good I am with instructions! I like the "Girls Night In" peapods!
Carrot Cube please. :) Fun giveaway Nikki!
Now them there peas are just terrific! If I'm forced to choose, I gotta go with Welcome Spring. Love that nest. As for the t-shirt...I'm a size larger too. : )
Love ya girlie.
Hi Nikki,
I just won a give-away so maybe I'll get lucky again! Cute fridge magnets, enter me please. Cindy
I love Welcome Spring.....that little bee is the cutest. What a wonderful giveaway. Hope I win!
The "Welcome Spring" magnet is adorable. And, you're the best imaginary friend I ever had! Or is that invisible friend??
I was wondering if I could choose the blood sample option. I have really great blood. A negative. It really is one of my best features.
Anyway, love the three peas in a pod magnet. So cute.
Just love your blog--just adore it. Just think it brings sunshine to me life.
I know this is puffy artistish--but sincere, nonethelss...
My favorite is the Girls Night In pea pod. Aren't those just the cutest? I wouldn't be able to wear that T-shirt as I am a much larger, lol.
Glad to hear your camera is working better.
That sign is so cute and just perfect for you!
I like the "Girls Night In" peapod, cuz I'm a homebody type of gal.
the Tshirt is too big, but the cat knuckle thingie is cute and handy, too!
OH! Those Blah Blah Blah gifts that Justine and Jill sent are the cutest things!! I love those. What a great idea, and how sweet of them to do that. Jeannie's card and the sweet peas are precious too. People are so creative!!!
Okay, I like the tropical peas. Please toss me in the giveaway.
Please include me in on your giveaway! The Tropical vacation peas are very cute and I'm also a size L in t-shirts!
How cool Nikki of the sisters to give you that sign...they are both hoots..Now I like the Girls night out...maybe because I never get one any more..great post girl and loved all your winnings lucky you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Definitely girls night in is the best. It makes me nostalgic for that kind of camaraderie and fun, especially following reading how wonderfully blessed you have been with the fun gifts you have received! :D
I suppose there's no way to quietly crawl out of the "Lurking Corner", is there?! Your blog is simply Awesome, and I always enjoy stopping by for a peek and a chuckle... my sides still ache from howling as I read the Eyebrows Gone Bad post... some/most of those were just wrong on so many different levels!
I'd be grateful if you'd toss my name into the "hat" for a chance to win your wonderful give~away, please... gotta love those pea pods, especially the Welcome Spring one! Thank you for maintaining such an entertaining blog... it's truly a pleasure to visit!
You do get sent some cute things, Nikki. Please don't enter me into the fridge magnet draw. I prefer a naked fridge although they do look good in your pics
I absolutely loooooooove the fridge magnets plus I think (but as you get old memory fades hehe) that years ago I gave you my key chain self defense tool and now I don't have one anymore (but then who would want to attack an old lady). So dont let the fact that I am your mom - and old - influence your decision on who gets a fridge magnet.
Love, Mom
Hi Nikki, just wanted to say Hi and that I'm still alive. It's crazy around here. I need a vacation. :) Hope everything on your end is going good.
Love Ya,
Any old peapod will do.
I like the tropical vacation peapod the best! Thanks for such an easy giveaway and thanks for a great blog. I enjoy your wacky pictures on Wednesdays. Hope your camera starts working again! Maybe when it dries completely out, it will work. My sister washed an Ipod and when it dried completely out, it still worked. Maybe the camera will too.
Those are some funky prizes. Please put my name in the hat for all, including the shirt :-) I did not realize that peas had that many expressions. It is about 5 more expressions than I have. And your Blah, Blah sign rocks!
carma :-)
I love your website, especially the Wishful Wednesday posts! The Tropical vacation magnet is darling and would go great on my fridge! We live in a beach house in Galveston.
Girls night in is my favorite because I am one of three sisters (gettin' up there in age) But I"ll have to go to Etsy cuz I never win anything.
I'm thinkin' I need that t shirt. I was out of town for a week and didn't have the best access to computers and commenting...I went through withdrawls big time!
My blogroll is not working correctly! I keep FINDING your new posts down the bottom, while others rotate to the top when they post. I guess I'll have to just keep looking as I don't want to ignore you.
Congratulations on all your wins.
the welcome spring is adorable!
"Girls night in" reminds me of my silly girls (Breezie, Kaje', and Jill!). Enter me to win and wish me luck! Of course if no one wants to the other ones, they're cute too! LOL! I really love the Blah, Blah, Blah sign and I'm glad it makes you smile. I haven't been over there in forever, guess I should go see what Justine is up to these days!
You won some fun stuff!
I just love the peas in your giveaway! Please include me!
Morning Nikki! Love that sign Justine & Jill got for it was made for you! lol Sorry to hear about your mishap with the Crumpet & Ozzie were secretly dancing with glee! lol lol...I need a new camera so bad..I have to take 50 pics just to get one good one!..Love those 'pod' people...I like the Girls nite in..tooo cute! Have a great week girl!
What a fun giveaway Nikki ~ count me them all!
Have a great week!
Please enter me in your contest. I like the Welcome Spring pea pod. Just wanted to let you know that I read your blog every day even though I don't always leave a comment. You, Ozgood, and Crumpet always make me smile.
I just got two of the peapods last Friday! I love them!!!!! Great giveaways!
You ROCK!!!
Hi,Please,enclude me.I like them all but maybe Tropical vacation a little more....Ann
Oh my gosh! I was so bummed when I didn't win those magnets during the Spring Fling! Love the Tropical Vacation one. They are all so cute!
Natalie (dot) sickman (at) yrcw (dot) com
Girl - you've got to get your bootie down to Atlantic City. You win more stuff than anyone else I read.
My pick of the peas - the carrot cube - love his teeth!!
And I. want. that. shirt.
Happy Monday - Em
P.S. sorry about the camera :-(
Hi are a winner in EVERY way...glad the camera likes rice ...and that Blah, blah, blah sign had to be yours...Ok, now on to my fav pea pod.."Girls Night In" & my tig ol' biddies will keep me out of the cute T-shirt drawing... and The eye-gouger-outter-things are WONDERFUL... Everywhere I go, ladies ask me about it...I tell them I got it from one of the sweetest girls in the world! Thank you! ♥ ;-) Bo
I love the litle sign that they got for you! It is perfect! Please enter me in your giveaway. I love the tee shirt!
The Blah Blah Blah sign is the bestest!!
I love the pea pod with the carrot in the middle! So cute!
And thanks as always for the giggles!
Girls night in is my FAV! Thanks for a chance to win! I loved reading your sweet comment about our primary days...THANKS your an angel!
Those peas are precious! Congrats on all the wonderful treats!
Peas are just adorable - all of 'em! :) Great stuff you got in the mail - how fun - I am itching to get out and garden -
What a cute blog...I came over from Tootsie's....and what cute magnets and I ♥ the t-shirt....too fun!
I like Girls Night In, I also like the shirt, so I would be down for whatever!
A lil butt kissin' but I have to tell you that I listed you as my favorite blog on a form I had to fill out today....
Also...did I happen to tell you that you were pretty today?
I love the Polpette Clay, titled "Welcome Spring." My refrigerator is dull and white and needs a dash of green to spice it up.
Plus my son's picture on the refrigerator looks lonesome all by itself. It's a shame that his beautiful picture will be all ALONE in a vast of dull white space.
(Have I tugged on your heart strings yet?) :0)
LOve your Blah blah sign..... how sweet of them to send it to you it is perfect...
The peas in pods are so darned cute!!! I think I like the carrot cube the best, not even sure just jumped out at me. LOL
What a nice suprise and it is so cute.
Thanks for visiting my Misters b-day post! You always bring a smile to our face. :) I just love that watering can~ super duper cute idea! The blah sign is too cute for words~ what a sweet gift.
Please enter me for the spring pod~ it's adorable.
Big hugs~ J
I love the Girls Night In Peapods! They are adorable!!!
I am soooo diggin' the comment junkie t!!! and the peas and carrots! Super duper cuteeee!
ps do the keyring things really work?
My daughter dropped her camera in the pool and the rice thing worked for her too....I thought she was nuts when she told me about it...but low and behold...
Oh I would love to win, I like them all, do I have to pick one, okay "girls night in"
Thanks Niki for the chance,
Kathy :)
And right back at cha ivisible friend !!!!
You're too sweet!!! I like the welcome spring. And the key chains...what a great idea!
moly Holy girlfriend! I almost couldn't find the strength to make it to the bottom of the 124 comments!! Looks like you got you some good stuff there! I really like the pod with the carrot--I have always felt like a carrot in a pea pod--like that Sesame street song--one of these things just doesn't belong here...
Are you giving a day spent with you along with that???? Come on--you know you want to........
Sure you don't need a blood sample?
I like the Tropical Vacation peas. And the tee ;)
Darn, now I have to grab a bandaid to plug up the blood sample hole in my arm.
I really like the Spring peas. So darn cute!
so... you;re the reason i never win anything!
Such darling things!!! I have missed you! I have a crazy week, then I think I might have time to talk...Add me to the 873 others that want the tshirt, please.
Very fun. I do like the girls night in peas. Mimi
Hi Nikki, sorry to hear abt your camera but delighted to see those lovely gifts you just received and what lovely giveaways, I like girls night in, they are so cute. have a wonderful week, Kathy.
Uncooked rice...? I will have to remeber that one! I am glad some functions came back.
Thanks for your sweet get well message. I feel like I have the flu...with all the fever and aches. But the doctor said I have good ole whooping cough! LOL
I didn't people still got it... So, I sound a lot like all the dogs in the neighborhood along with all the cats who are in heat!!! My poor husband left for Texas this morning and maybe he can get a good nights sleep tonight for a few nights!
I am doped with some strong narcs though:-)I totally slept all day...
When you first mentioned these adorable magnets I checked out her site. So cute! The 'Welcome Spring is so Adorable' and something HIGH on my want list:-) We got another 4-5 inches of snow last night and it snowed all day long, but luckily it was melting pretty fast. Yet, I also like the "Girls night in!'
Thanks for having this giveaway! I loved your Blah sign!
Love the earrings you won!
My favourite magnet has got to be that grinning carrot cube!
I have missed your blog on my blog hiatus!!! Love your wins and your surprise!!!! HOW AWESOME!!! :) Blog land is the best!!! :) I WANNA BE IN THE GIVEAWAY!!!!!! :)
love ya
Oh my this is some competition here! I wanna be in too, I like the spring magnet, and of course the shirt as well! Cute blog. Came over by way of Tootsie, blah, blah, blah!
The rice TOTALLY worked for my cell phone!
And I want that t-shirt bad.
And it is just my size! :)
Hi Nikki, Girls Night Out is so cute. I would love to win!!
I also am grinning about your Blah,Blah,Blah, sign. so darned cute and a great gift. The comment junkie bag is a hoot. today your post just tickles my funny bone.
Love ya...Jeanne
I've heard about the rice for cell phones but didn't think it'd work for a camera. That's cool it did!
And i entered so many giveaways for the SITS spring fling and didn't win one thing. Some people just aren't meant to win things i don't think. Hehe......
I love it! I just came here from SiTS roll call because I was a late bloomer this morning and thought I'd say hello and drop off a comment. Those magnets are adorable. The "girls night in" one is the cutest.
I loves ya too------AND I WANNA WIN SOMETHING. Otherwise, even though I love ya I could find out where you live and have your house egged (well, ok, maybe I won't go that far, but this should scare you enough to let me win....I believe in threats) Or I might pout, -------
all cute things!!!!!!!!!!
I have a thing for peapods-- my security blanket growing up was a big stuffed pea pod, LOL. Those are precious- especially the spring one. I can't imagine having the patience to craft those!!
Love the "girls nite in" pea pod the best.
Okay, put me in to win this contest, might as well... even though I have never won any blogging related contest, but hey, I still have my size 8 pants hanging up in my closet, so you KNOW I am an optimist at heart!
You won some really cute stuff!! Very fun!!
Love the pea pods they are all cute - how do you choose? The girls one is really extra darling.
So sorry about your camera I think the sticky rice thing is hilarious!!
The Blah Blah Blah sigh is the cutest thing ever! i just BET you are smiling - so sweet to get that in the mail!!!!
I just love the "blah, blah blah" thing you got -- so cute and fun. How nice!
And of the magnets, I love tropical vacation. I want that freakin' t-shirt -- though of course, no one who would actually see me wearing it would understand it at all.
Geesh! I am going to get lost in all this comment luv. That is why you are so fabulous!
I am passing on an award, come see.
Oh, and I like the springtime pea pod :-)
They are all so adorable! But I love "Girls Night In" best. So cute!
I LOVE the WELCOME SPRING! I live in UT and I want to "Welcome Spring" I know it should arrive here any day!
These are darling.
I wanna win, I wanna win.
I am always up for a "Girls Night In"!!
And low and behold.... Girl I'm a large and NEED that shirt!
Glad to hear about your camera!! I'll have to remember the rice idea IF I ever drop my camera in the bath tub! :)
Fun, fun giveaway---you can just put my name on any one of those items! I love em all!!
Oh, the Tropical Vacation one is soooo cute...but then the Girl's Night In one is super cute too!
Only 151 comments. sheesh woman..
I love it all thanks.. I loves ya back.
I found your website through fatsassy & mr wonderful. Great blog! I love the self defense keychain. Having 3 daughters, two of which are in college I am always loving good ideas like that.
I love the one with the carrot cube in the middle. What cute ideas! I'm on my way over to her shop.
awww, this is so nice of you, Nikki girl..a very generous giveaway, indeed. and you must know, that at age 71, with a body that doesn't sag and drag with age, a face that isn't full of 71 year old wrinkles, and teeth that aren't yellowed with age and years of drinking coffee...I NEED THAT DEFENSE THINGY, BAD...wait a minute...if there's a chance that some goofy guy might WANNA do something to me...why would I need a defense thingy!! heh heh heh.....
Yes...girly...add my old name to your pot!!
hugs, bj
Oh you are awesome! My favorite is the girls night out, so cute!
Favorite peapod, huh? I have to say Tropical, Carrot, Trobical, make it Carrot Cube. ACK! This is too hard. If I win, just surprise me!
i really like the Girls Night In magnet. it is so cute. Thanks for a chance to enter your give away. i just love your blog.
i UBER HEART the polymer clay magnents!!! have been into polymer sculpting since my best friend introduced the two of us almost 14 years ago. =) probably for the same reason you dig 'em, they make my heart smile. =0) so my fav is real tricky cause i'm loving the swim mask/goggles on the tropical one. BUT my hubby and i "go together like peas and carrots"...yes, that is correct, i AM the carrot in the ordeal...with the blink-eating grin on my! very very very fun giveaway. you made me smile, thanks for being here!
What a fun giveaway...I love the welcome spring one, Too cute! I am a stalker, but thought today was maybe my day to jump on in and join the F-U-N!
You are SOOO funny and you make me belly laugh!
I LOVE those little magnets. If I don't win, I will still order some. They are so freaking cute!
A friend recommended your blog to me today and I LOVE it! Also? Love the peapod with the little interloper (carrot) inside. And what a shame that shirt won't fit me either! (I need creative cropping, apparently.)
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