I wish....................my parents had given me the really cool stuff at Christmas. All my dolls ever did was blink their creepy little eyes.
I wish.....................That our President had enough class to know that you DON'T give back a gift that was given to this country right after 911 as a show of support from the British people. And when the Prime Minister explains to you that it was a gift...you don't insist he take it back anyway. And then proceed to NOT hold a state dinner in honor of his visit because "you are too tired". I would like to apologize to every British Citizen. And by the way Michelle....remember when you said "I've never been proud of being an American until now".....well I've never been more ashamed.

I wish.....................that it didn't look like this guy was right!

I wish........................that Angela who has one of my most favorite blogs HERE....would find a different angle to photograph her wonderful dogs....sheeesh woman enough with the butt shots!

I wish..................that as a mother, I could be really ANGRY about this label and it's sexist attitudes...and I would be...if I wasn't laughing so hard.

I wish......................that some mothers were smart enough to know that those aren't handles!!!!!

I wish......................that everyone would click HERE and go see these adorable fridge magnets that Holly made. I mean come on.....how can you not see these things and smile. You should see the rest of them. I am so very in LOVE with all her stuff. Check it out!
This one is called "girls night out"

I wish.........................my mom had told me all the stuff I needed to know to be a real woman!

I wish.......................I understood everything this sign is trying to warn me about.....and I wish I knew why it makes me relieved I'm not a man.

I wish............................That everyone who hasn't had the pleasure to read a post by Rene would click HERE. I don't even need to link to a special post....because every thing she writes is entertaining and worth the time.
Those dolls arew creepy...they are giving me the Chucky heebie geebies. Gotta love duct tape--all purpose butt licking tape! Ewww and don't get me started on the 0bama regift!!!
Very funny as usual!!!!! You can really get me going.
i'm not into dolls either, especially dolls that blink or make sounds. Creepy, creepy... i do like those peapods though=)
The duct tape photo had me rollin' with laughter! Great post as usual!
I agree with that guy too.
I love when you do the linky love..love vistiting others!
Thanks for the laugh! I love it!
Let me guess. You didn't vote for Barack Obama. He did say he was going to change things....I guess he meant changing tradition and protocol for visiting dignitaries, too. I love that he gave the PM a box of movie DVD's as a gift. It could have been worse...it could have been a Walmart gift card. :>)
Wow, you found some really strange one this time Nikki! I lost count of the WHAT's & the HUH's that popped out of my mouth, along with some other comments, but I won't go there... Love the peapod magnets! ☺
I wish the people in America would give Obama a break. Look at he mess that your conservative White House did to this country. I find the bumper sticker on that truck so offensive, kind of like Rush Lunmbaugh both have wide loads too.
I love how anonymous spelled Limbaugh.
You are so right about the whole British insults. Did you know that the Prime Minister can not see that well? And Obama gave him movies to watch. Wow. No words.
I'm glad I didn't have that doll LOL too creepy!
This is my first time at your blog and you had me cracking up and nodding my head in agreement! You are awesome!! Thanks for the amazing post, Sweetie! Lori
Holy where-to-start Batman!! From the shaveable dolls, to the duct taped plumber, this was a GEM.
And I wish there was a way to tactfully suggest the tape thing. Do you think an anonymous roll of duct tape with that picture attached would do the trick?
ick! hate the dolls....love the post! I wish.....well...lets just say I wish, and leave it at that!
Oh I know...I wish I knew what you looked like! you are so funny and such a beautiful person...I need a face to put with this great sense of humor and personality!
Come on tell me those dolls are not for real! Grosss! Another funny as heck post! Duck Tape Rocks!~Tam:D
Those magnets are super cute! The duct tape butt is just down-right creepy - but not as creepy as the dolls. What the?....
I can always count on a laugh on Wednesday, with your I Wish Wednesday posts, Nikki.
I don't know if I like the duck tape or the doll more...
what did Obama give back? I missed the boat.
I prolly ought to get me some o that duct tape.
I wish 4 years was over. :)
Okay...the last picture is just too much!
Guess What????You won!
sandy toe
Girlfriend, you crack me up! LOL
That was awesome. Loved it.
Also you may want to email me here pretty soon.
(hint hint)
Love that poster about dreams interfering with cooking ... At last I know why I can't cook!
LOL - as usual!
What a hoot! Also love the 50s poster and the pea pod magnets. Went to visit Angela and loved her blog. Wanted to follow her but didn't know how!
You always crack me up Nikki..great funny post again..The dolls are creepy girls..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
ha-ha-ha, those as usual were great !!! Loved the washing/ironing label :)
Happy Wednesday to you, creative one !
Oooh! I really really love those magnets!!
Ahh! I am a Obama supporter and all people make mistakes and I suppose it is easy to do when you're in the public eye.. I hadn't read about the thing you were referring to.. but I totally believe it. Men! Haha!
Baaaaaaaaaaaa! That last picture really got me!
I think the sign with the slash through it is saying, "If you pee here, we will cut your balls off!"
I had NO CLUE that Obama did that with the British Prime Minister. OMG, that's awful. Do you see the stuff I miss by not reading papers and watching the news?
Justine :o )
I love the duct tape! That is classic. Maybe I should carry some around with me and offer it to those who have decided to share their behind with me. Your are always making me laugh!!!
I wish I had those peas in a pod and am going to go check them out....
I love to ready our Wednesday post first thing!! It always gets me giggling for the day! LOVE the duct tape. Could use that at the gym daily for a few other people.....
I vote for the guy driving that truck. I'm afraid that we're getting what we asked for. We didn't care enough to get out the right vote.
I absolutely LOVE those magnets. Sooo cute!
I see that you have won a few things from the Spring Fling yesterday....way to go!
Is it Politically Correct to regift now? I just need to know, so I can get a head start on wrapping next years Christmas gifts.
OMG the duct tape CRACKED me up. (Pun intended).
Have a Happy Day
I WISH that you would get over Obama getting elected. It is a shame you are embarrassed to be an american, I never got that way even when I felt the last president looked out for only a certain "class' of people here in this country. I guess I don't understand constant criticism of any one person, be it this president or the last one we had. I really like your blog and guess I am not going to like everything you write because it is your blog. The duct tape picture is funny though.
Hahahahaha Nikki again you crack me up!!!!!! I ALWAYS love your Wednesday posts!!!♥
What can we say about Obumma??? Loved the truck how true..
The butt crack had me on the floor...
Very funny again...
I've been waiting for a doll that I could shave. Why are all the political comments anonymous? You only repeated a news story that was true and a definite oops. No wonder Europeans think we are uncivilized. That and the fact that we use duct tape in so many and varied ways. Pam
I think this is by far my favourite I Wish Wednesday....EVAH. OK, well so far anyhow. *lol*
And the dolls you can shave? What the hell? That's just plain pervy and creepy and all kinds of EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! And again with the EWWWWWWWWWWW.
Where on earth do you find this stuff? I gotta tell ya though, some of the IWW photos showed up in my dreams lately. Thanks for that. :-)>
Adorable Etsy shop! I ordered one of the pea pod magnets (wedded bliss) for part of a shower gift. Thanks for another funny post!
THat is hilarious! I didnt know about the obama thing. Thanks for telling me!! YOWSAS! he kills me! I love those magnets! SO CUTE! Hope ur wednesday is great!
Another excellent pick me up on a Wednesday morning. Geez, where do you find this stuff? It's hilarious. I do love Holly's fridge magnets, although I'm a bit afraid to click over there because I really can't spend ALL my money on fridge magnets...
I wish this friggin' ('scuse me) weather would warm up!!
I wish I was independently wealthy. *sigh*
That about covers it.
this is waaay too funny, nikki...you have such a fabulous sense of humor and i'm so glad you share it....
and to the anonymous comment..well...ok...i won't go there...
smiles, bj
Wow, that pic of that stupid mom has me on fire!! It really upsets me to see so many parents--and it seems mostly mothers who are lacking in parental skills or just plain common sense! Grrrr!
LOL! I am still amazed as to how you come up with these pictures. You gotta love duct tape, so much use....Christine
In fact, I'm so upset, I need to see some pics of Crumpy and Ozzie all dressed up so I can laugh again...
Good Morning Nikki! I do love to tune in on Wednesdays....this post didn't disappoint!
Those dolls......eeeekkkkkk!
That party advertisement.....eewwwwww!
That poster.....awwwwwwwww!
That duct tape........ouuuucccccchhh!
Those anonymous commentors.....SHOW YOURSELVES!
Have a wonderful Wednesday Nikki!
Come see me, I am just about to put up a new giveaway!
Seems Obama's protocol office needs to be looked at---then again what do you expect from an administration that is spending money like there is no tomorrow, and raising taxes at the same time? OOoh, looking at the pea pod thingies----I hate peas now, and as for the duct tape pic---lets give that guy a pat on the head for at least trying to be socially correct.
Love your list as always. I need to start my own list but start it like tomorrow instead of the day of. :)
Funny as always! But Obama can't change this huge country that's so messed up in two months....it's gonna take time, ya know? He's still only human.
Sweet Obama... what will happen next?
I haven't heard of that incident I have been caught up in HBO and the red envelope project:)
Loved the fridge peas!!!
You need to post warnings when you post such pictures! I'm off to grab the paper towels to wipe the tea off of my moniter.
Thanks for the smiles and things to ponder.
Oh Nikki...you've dipped into the funny pot again with these photos! Wednesdays are always a hoot since you started "I wish..." I'm off to check the blogs you gave a shout out about... ;-) Bo
so much fun stuff in this post I don't even know where to begin to comment!
Those magnets, so cute! I wish I was creative.
And those butt shots, lol! That last one, OMG!
OK Nikki! You are awesome! I couldn't grant all of your Wednesday wishes but I did go onto the clay peas in a pod site and get me some fridge magnets. Dang those are so cute! I'm agreeing with you about the dog butts. Icky!
Love your blog!!!!
Oh, my post was anonymous because I really don't have a blog but love reading them. Nikki's is one of my favorite Blogs- but I like that we can agree to disagree on politics, it is what makes the world go 'round. I have been very clear about who I am when I post comments- all the time :o)
RMS "caniquit...
Another hilarious post NIkki!
I can't believe how much you crack me up.
I love those peas in a pod. They are adorable!
Hi Nikki.
Great post. You're right, Holly's magnets are precious!
That last picture is just wrong in so many ways! lol Maybe he just should have taped his pants into their proper place instead.
Take care
Some of those give me the willies.
And the laundry tag really did make me mad. Grrrrrr.
Even though it's true.
Anonymous said...
I wish the people in America would give Obama a break. Look at he mess that your conservative White House did to this country. I find the bumper sticker on that truck so offensive, kind of like Rush Lunmbaugh both have wide loads too.
Oh I do love this! Obviously this person loves Obama so much that he/she couldn't possibly have his/her name associated with the love that's being aired by him/her!
I understand that everyone has and is entitled to an opinion, but then at least have the balls to put your name to it!
Anyway, great post, I couldn't stop laughing, especially over the shirt tag!
where DO you find these pictures??
The "No Peeing here or we'll cut off your 'nads " sign is the best!!!
Hehehe.. Loved that "give it to your mom!" label .. hahhaaa!
Have a fun day!
I love ALL your wishes! Especially the Obama ones :)
I wish everyone had some duct tape. Think of all the uses. Many of which I cannot name because I am trying to be nice!
I wish the Jazz would keep on winning....come on guys lets make it 12 (or is it 13? I have lost track!)
Those pictures are great. My fav is the duck tape on the butt crack!!
Your blog is really fun.
Oh Nikki!!!!!!!!!!
This is your funniest post ever, to me.
Maybe that guy just wears duct tape thongs?
The "One Big Ass Mistake America" jpeg now graces this laptop and I'm about to go over and save it as background on my hubby's computer too.
Class? Obama? Excuse me - I don't see those two words actually belonging in the same sentence in the first place.
And yes, those fridge magnets are superiorily cute. Good call>
THANKS!! You went above and beyond today.
Great post as always...Pat H
Aren't you glad I didn't steal (accidently of course) any of your photos. I love the duct tape over the but crack------I think I'll start offering some to people. And the "give this to your mom" to wash, good one!! (I mean BAD one) So------now I know after all this time it was Satan who disuaded me from my dreams and goals-----and made me cook dinner. That's why I hate cooking to this day.
LOL Nikki, I didn't know they made duct tape that wide but thank God they do !!!
I am wishing that on March 15 HGTV comes to my door and announces me the winner, then I will have a huge blogging party out in CA...
All the best,
Kathy :)
Great post! You had me rolling again!
Those babies are nothing short of HORRIFYING!
What scares me is what you do and where you go in search of these little nuggets of nightmares!!! Not the peoples posts--I will follow where you lead babe---you always make me smile --#73--seriously?? So now what--I have to stay on your site 24/7 to get in the top 50???!!
I wish people that voted for Obama could take a joke like we had to for 8 years when they bashed the last President :D
I sent the bumper to Rich LOL
Okay the dolls FREAKY! The dogs.. well they have balls! The magnets are adorable and I went to see them yesterday.. The duct tape.. please send some to Justine!
Thanks for a hilarious post! Love the hairy doll. Oh, and the untouchable children's party. Will have to look into that one. :)
Today I am thankful for duck tape! :) Those dolls on the other hand are creepy! Who ever came up with those must be CREEPY!!!
OK those dolls are gonna give me nightmares! After I stop laughing! And why are they redheads? Asian redheaded dolls that you can shave....Now there's a winner if ever I heard one! Why can't I come up with something so.....unique *sticks finger down throat*
And you're sooo right about Rene! She is a hoot AND a holler!! I'll be back for more dat!
Girl you just keep it coming! I always know when I come over here I'm gonna leave with a smirk...ahem...I mean smile on my face! *winks* Vanna
Thanks for visiting Spring Fling yesterday!! I am so glad I found your blog...I am still laughing! I can't wait to come back!
There must be something in the air ...I had a hard time posting today and I don't have blogger.... I am going to have to get me one of those bumper stickers... oh my..... how can he do such things to our friends across the pond...
Hi Nikki! Love the duct tape thingy! Hilarious!! LOL!!!! And you really know how to start a fight!!! Well, to each his own!!!! LOL!!! Deb
Ewww, that doll you can shave is just gross! Where on earth do they actually sell that thing? rofl
Laughed so hard at the duct tape over the butt crack. I am always telling my son that I'm going to spackle his ass if he doesn't wear a belt, lol.
Very funny post! I showed my Hubby the sign of the fella weeing and he had NO idea what it meant.
Very funny post! I showed my Hubby the sign of the fella weeing and he had NO idea what it meant.
Speaking of Mr. Prez, I've found someone who makes my spending sprees look pitiful, and my husband didn't think that was possible!
haha! My pups rears are FAMOUS now! haha! I guess I need to get some duct tape for their behinds! Thanks for the shout out--you're so funny! :)
Another great post! I love your Wed. posts bz they always entertain! I've pretty much had my little self glued to my sewing machine so I haven't heard about the Obama oops. Hope you're finally seeing a little sunshine!
The doll is creepy, way to go on the President's visit with the Brit's, and doesn't duct tape fix everything????
Tiffany: I don't know how else to reach you. But I do really appreciate and admire the fact that you DID sign your name. And I also agree that we can disagree on stuff. If we all thought the same way this world would be a very vanilla place. And thanks for having the courage to stand up for what you believe. And you are always welcome here :) Even if we don't always see eye to eye! You're not the only one of my blogger friends who wish I'd shut up about politics lol
I just found your blog, and I must say that I was THOROUGHLY entertained. I'm still laughing about the bumper sticker and the duct tape.
Luv ya and will be tuning in especially on Wednesdays.
Politics? Did I hear someone say Politics? I..think I hear my teakettle whistling! :) Hugs..
P.S CUTE magnet...OMG those aren't handles? I'm embarrassed..I wish someone had told me that years ago. LOL
A visit here for a good laugh was the perfect ending to my day...nite nite and thanks!
I really need to just slap on a Depends before I come over here! LMBO!!! You are a class A riot!
(love the peapods!)
Hi Nikki, I am laughing myself silly as usual, at your zany 'wishes' Thank you for the person who invented duck tape and for the brains of this guy who used it. Loved it all.
You always make me laugh! Even when things in this country are so UNFUNNY right now. Who voted for this guy!!?? Everyone I talk to did not. Or at least now they won't admit to it. Maybe I just live in a conservative, once middle class but about to be poor neighborhood. I don't know but it's scary all the same. Be glad you don't live in California right now. Our budget is truly HILARIOUS:)
I'd love to get me one of those hairy dolls. Just because...
Thanks for dropping by my blog! :)
I wanted to check on what kind of dog Crumpet is, I swear that is the kind of dog my best friend had when we were growing up. I always loved that dog and wanted one when I grew up! Just interested as I might want one in a few years! ;)
I've stopped by to say CONGRATS winning Jewel Street's giveaway with me.. I'm setting up a tent city on your front bloggy lawn cuz you are one Funny (to the PH) chick!!
Ok, I'm so laughing WITH you, not at you! I've had the crappiest week...one thing after another has just gone completely wrong, but your comment made me laugh and gave me the "pick me up" I needed today!
You crack me up! Just think how boring life would be if I didn't get you into trouble all the time! LOL :o)
The laundry tag is a riot...too bad my mom would hand it right back to me!
LOLOL! Cracking up here! This is one of my fave posts ever in the blogsphere. I think I will feature it tomorrow in my Field Trip Friday post! I actually just came by to tell you that the randomly-selected winner of the Cheesecake Factory gift certificate is Joy from Joy to the Blog. Thanks so much for entering my giveaway, and for becoming a follower! I hope you enjoy my blog! I try to visit at least 2 of my followers daily to spread comment love so I’ll be seeing you soon!
P.S. Come visit for my best giveaway ever from March 23rd-26th!
How very funny1 I'm wondering where in the world you got all of those pictures!
I need some tape.... for my ward.... lol
I can not believe that guy stole my duct tape idea!! Hmpf. But ut does hurt like a mutha taking it off!
I wish I had known about that place earlier. Coulda been a great place for Grace's 11th BD! Maybe the 12th? Her Uncle will love that! *laugh*
You are a hoot Nikki. I always love it here...
You are truly one of the funniest people I know, Nikki! Thanks for the laugh. Hadn't heard about the re-gifting thing yet. You'd think that would be hot news in Illinois. Guess we're too busy with all our other crooked politicians!
"I wish" I had never seen that doll with the pub*c hair. OMG! LOL
That clothing tag was really cute. It's so true isn't it?
the hairy doll and the duct tape got me big time this week!
and the bumper sticker, give me the bumper sticker!!!
Ok, so at first I didn't think Carebear was serious, that I should put down my drink before I clicked over to read this post.
And then.
I saw.
The dolls.
Literally almost choked on Diet Coke because I had sinus surgery this week and couldn't allow it to spew out of my nose instead!
Holy cow woman...YOU are funny!
I know you have enough comments to keep you busy reading for a while but I had to comment(-: I totally agree with the bumper sticker(-:
Seriously, how do you do this every week? Where do you find this stuff ... funnyandstrangestuff.com?
And why would someone want to shave a doll? And why is the hair growing in such strange places?
That washing instructions tag was pretty darn funny.
My Gosh! You've got over 100 comments! Everybody LOVES to come see what you are going to do and say next. We always know it's going to be fun, and this was no exception. But those dolls -YUK! And that last picture - YUK! I think that's going to hurt when he needs to go sit on the toilet! My internet connection was down last night, so I'm late getting here. As always, thanks for the laughs. laurie
Woot woot!! Congrats on making it to roll call at SITS before midnight!!
So, in case you haven't noticed...I'm swinging by from SITS, and your blog is a hoot! Love I Wish Wednesday!! Oh---thanks for being a good Conservative!!
Oh, I missed my funny yesterday! I was so busy, but I've found my funny today! You're still my lovable hootness! Those dolls - yuckiness. But those little magnets - preciousness. The duct tape - necessaryness! LOL
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Your family is beautiful! Your dogs are cuteeeees! You crack me up! (no pun intended-with your last "wish")
Thanks for stopping by for my giveaway! will draw tomorrow!
you are so funny! I laugh every day that I read your blog! Fantastic!
I LOVE your WEDNESDAYs... I know I will always get a good laugh!
BTW... your chairs are on their way!
I can't remember if I told you already or not - I'm featuring this post on Field Trip Friday over at my blog! Thanks!
Those dolls are definitely creepy...and LOL on that tag!!! Thanks for the links to some more great people - now to wake up and stop sleep walking like I've been doing this week and get caught up! ;)
Oh, that was just too funny!! I hate when the dogs turn right before snapping a picture...or when you don't notice that they are in the picture you are taking of people. Then you look at it and just know you can't use it because their tail end seems to be staring at you! ;)
LOL. Still L'ing OL. I wonder who took the duck tape off him? Those dolls would make the best gag or white elephant gift. Breathe Trina...Breathe.
I love that your Obama lover felt the need to remain anonymous.
Oh I lover your "I wish" posts! That last picture is hillarious! I've seen way to many butt cracks in my life!
Hi Nikki! I always come here to end my week with a laugh!!! Have you seen that commercial with the girl driving the motorcycle and her armpit hair is flying in the guys face behind her?lol lol I don't even know what its for cuz I can't stop laughing long enough; well your dolls reminded me of it and I'm still laughing! That sign is bugging me?????What???? The considerate guy is what I feel like when I think of wearing a thong!!!lol Have a happy weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette
I just voted on some blog that was up for an award. The finalists weren't half as good as your blog. Keep up the good work and thanks for the laughter. :)
Hi Nikki! Your post made me laugh so hard! I needed that! You are so funny! I was feeling very down today and I knew if I came over to see you I would feel better!
Lee Laurie
OMG Nikki! I LOVE YOU! You are hilarious and I laughed SO hard with this post. LOL! My favorite was cutting the testicals on the NO MEN PEEING sign HA!!!!!! You're the best! Hugs!
Nikki....where do you come up with this stuff....how long does it take you to find all these pictures? and I watch Fox News all day long and didn't hear about our wonderful president....Who?....give the brush off to the British...what a disgrace...
Oh my gosh, these are the best! I can't even name my favorite...they're all good!
I am now trying to decide which peapod magnet to buy. Those are super cute. I love the peas on earth.
Dear Lord, thank you for duct tape. Amen.
I needed the great big laughs this post provided! Thanks, Nikki!
Oh, and DITTO to Rue!
L, Dana
Where was the duct tape when my uncle would come to fix our sink? Dang! It would have spared my eyes from smarting so much!
Thanks for making the coffee come out of my nose this morning from laughing so hard!
You are too much....love the duct tape. I saw someone @ Home Depot yesterday that could have used some of that...lol.
My goodness it's been a while since I was here.I gotta get caught up...Ann
Hi Nikki:
sure missed your blog when I was out of town. Love your I wish Wednesdays....
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