I wish.................my blasted internet was working at home. I had to post this from work...so if I don't get around to visit everyone it's because I'm busy trying to track down and cause bodily harm to my Verizon rep...they are in soooo much trouble!
*3/26 sorry about that Verizon...I take back what I said about your mother. Thanks for your quick fix!
I wish....................that whatever this is....it still didn't look better than me in a bathing suit!
I wish.............to send a great big sugar-high thank you to Barbie From I ♥ 2 girls. She sent me these scrumptious Godiva truffles. And yes there is one missing...heck my camera was upstairs and I needed some choco-energy to get me all the way up there! And if I'm being totally honest....that one ain't the only one gone today. THANKS Barbie....my thighs hate you...but my tummy thinks YOU DA'BOMB!
I wish................that I'd never been so pathetic as to complain about the snow in New England. I also wish that there isn't a sudden thaw where these people live.
I wish...............................ewwwww I'm so grossed out my "wisher" is broken.
I wish............that for anyone who hasn't been HERE and met Beth...that they'd take the time to do it. She is an elementary School Principal. And her stories about her job and life just crack me up. The current one about her Grandma's Lesson on life....is flippin funny!!! (I also wish I didn't have sore fingers from typing that incredibly long blog address...sheeesh Beth you think theres enough letters in that thing????)
I wish........................that his speedo was the most disturbing part of this picture...but it ain't!. (I also wish that you'll forgive me for subjecting you to this one!)
I wish..........................that everyone who has any kind of crafting skill would check out this very cool project HERE. It is the funnest way to make someone's day. The stories about the people who find these toys just bring tears to your eyes...like THIS one.
I wish........................That instead of just hugging trees....we'd make them all sweaters.
I wish..................it was easier to buy a gun in Massachusetts.

I wish...........April 16th would hurry up and get here. Because I'm getting a visit from my dearest friend on the planet. She lives in Houston and I haven't seen her for over ten years!! YAY Lori I can't wait. I also wish my house would clean itself for your visit!
The hair makes me never want to eat a brownie again. That is the sickest thing I have ever seen.
Congrats on all your little fun things though.
I dont' think I look to great in a bikini, but these peeps make me want to wear one even to Walmart! Uggh!
Where in the world do you find all of these pictures?? Those bathing suit pictures are horrible.
Compared to that woman in the bikini, I have the hottest body ever! Yikes, I don't think I can ever get over it. I hope your internet gets straightened out!!!
I practically fell off my chair when I scrolled down past the cropped photo. Didn't see that one coming!
After seeing the matted hair pic I'm no longer in the mood to snack..Thanks for saving me some calories ;-)
I am wishing right along with you today....man those bathing suit pics make me even look good....and what the heck is the first one on a deck of a boat??
I'm still greatly disturbed by that speedo/weird skinny old lady one. Ewww!!
That matted hair thing and the old wrinkled bikini lady are just nasty!!!! Nevertheless, they are all hilarious! I don't know how you come up with all these pictures!
Wow... I have to clean my computer screen now. I just spit water through my nose! :) The cropping one was the best! I wonder how many guys friend requested her!?!?! Thanks for the laugh, as always!
Wow, and I thought I found great pictures. I bow to you.
Thanks so much, Nikki, for once again reassuring me that I don't have the worst hair, the worst bikini and the worst myspace picture on the planet!
oh my gosh, you have killed me again! Where do you find these things, lol!
Off to check out the links.
Nikki who gave you permission to show me in my bikini I WISHED you had't done that girl...Its not nice to fool mother nature..hope you have a great day...and get Verizon taken care of...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I am not sure what picture made me more sick the hair or the speedo one. And where in the world did you get my cropped picture?? JK
I love the truffles can you send one my way. PMSing over here I need a good chocolate friend. My wish is that you keep writing these wonderful posts that bring a smile to my face and sometimes make me sick to my stomach. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Wow! i hate to admit it but that first guy looks better in his bikini than I do too.
I now know what Holly Madison will look like in 30 or 40 years. I would normally be grossed out by a fat guy in a speedo but he looks kind of good in comparison!
The tree sweater is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I don't know where you found that but you have the knack.
Cropping, I'm going to have to brush up on that skill!
Happy Wednesday and thanks for the great post!
today i lifted 2 of your pictures shared.
i've learned those cropping skills and boy have they come in handy in my own life.
Oh, my! I always have to pull hubby over to the computer when I read your I Wish Wednesdays! Love it...even though it freaks me out a lot of the time!
Oh goodness - I'm still reeling from those bathing suit shots! Help!
But I'm holding onto the thought of Godiva chocolate to help me through!
The speedo picture makes me so glad that I never had implants since that's probably what they end up looking like when we hit age 70. ACK! What a freak.
The Blue Ridge Gal
It took me a minute to figure out the one picture was the back of someone's head and it's their hair! Nasty!! Seriously...I've never seen anything like that!
OMG! Someone needs to show that picture to Pam Anderson! I wish everyday was Wednesday so I can laugh so hard everyday!!
Laura :)
These are some pretty gross pictures this week. The skeleton lady in the bikini really is disgusting, I think the fat chick looks better!!!
Your truffles look pretty tempting. They would go straight to my hips too. Maybe you could offer the bikini lady one or two. lol.
Holy Guacamole - I don't know where you get some of these pic's but it sure opens your eyes to the world! Ha Ha
That one of the old lady with the boobs. Is that what all the women with huge implants will look like one day? Eeewww and the hair - double ewwwww!
Hope your day is GREAT! Thanks for the laugh!
You always have the best images!
I don't have any wishes today because the JAZZ beat the Rockets by 13 points...I fell asleep in the 4th Qtr and woke just in time to see the final seconds. What a fan I am! Now beat the SUNS!!
And what is that #1 picture. I am distrubed!
I dont know if I should laugh or get sick...again right before lunch time. I HAVE to show these to my hubby! =) Seriously how do you find these pics??
Okay, now several of these photos are going to haunt me in my nightmares!
I wish.... you an I were next door neighbors! Can you imagine the trouble we'd get into?
OMG, that pic with the guy in the Speedo? He's the safest part of that picture!!!!!! Egads!
And oh yeah, I could really dig some tricked-out sweater-wearing trees!
Justine :o )
Wow, that hair was disgusting! But not quite as disgusting as that old lady with the boob-thing going on! Nasty!
And I wish Wednesday was 5 days a week. It's now my favorite day!!
I wish I could knit and add instant colour to my trees, how beautiful, as for all the underdressed folks in this post well I just wish you never stop wishing you are so completely funny, have loads of fun with your friend when she gets there, hugs, Kathy.
YOU CRACK ME UP!!!! I can not BELIEVE how gross some of those pictures were, but they made me stare at them for so long, just TRYING to figure out these PEOPLE! You are always so witty...I WISH I could hitch a ride in your friends suitcase when she comes from Houston. We would have a blast!
See--that scary scrawny lady in the skinny scrawny suit--is just another affirmation as to WHY DO WE DO THIS STUFF TO OURSELVES????!!! We will all be old and wrinkly one day--do it with a little dignity folks!!! I have serious issues just cleaning the hair from the bathroom drain--thanx for making me me worship the great white porcelein thank you so much for the hair one....
Oh Nikki...what a Wednesday lineup you gave us! The old blonde in a bandaid bikini should be against the law or code enforcement laws or something...and the blonde babe that cropped herself needs to give me some lessons! LOL ;- Bo
I love I wish Wednesdays!!!!!!
i have been laughing my A@@ off and the comments are just as funny!!!
Why am I drawn to this like a train wreck when I know I'm going to be totally grossed out?! Oh my good grief....I HAVE NEV-A SEEN SUCH A BAD BOOB JOB IN ALL OF MY LIFE. She could use a brain transplant too if she thinks she looks good in that bathing suit!
P.S. It looks like Nasty Hair Person has sprung a leak too. ICK!
Ok I'm in the middle of laughing hysterically and running out of the room in horror!!!
You are one talented chick to come up with such a WIDE assortment of "eye candy"!!
OMG...that hair is nasty. I went and visited Beth...she's a riot! Thanks...as always...love your wishes!
OH MY GOSH! I am horrified, yet I can't look away, those truffles are awesome! Just kidding! That myspace girl is exactly why you don't want to try internet dating! My kids thought that hair was a rock. Can't wait to gross my husband out with this one! Thanks for the fun!
Hi! New reader here. I've looked at the last few I Wish Wednesday's. They are hilarious (and often disturbing)!!
I'll have to come back. It's like I can't look away now, even though I'm going to dream about butts the size of Mac trucks and shrivelled up naked old people.
Oh my goodness! I've been dreading getting out the bathingsuit for our upcoming trip to Florida -- heck - now I'm just hoping all these folks are at the beach the same day I am! LOL!
Ugghh! I guess that's what you look like when you are old, anorexic, and had a boob job 20 years earlier!
LOL! omg..this is crazy stuff! I really want to give that one lady a cheeseburger!
dread locks - eeewwww!
if their hair is so dirty , what does that say about the rest of the body?
does the carpet match the drapes?
double eeeww if it does.
That hair! I wish the picture was never taken! YUCK!
I don't know what was worse the man in the speedos or the woman next to him with the deflated boobs!
DANG! THAT *IS* A CROP! One of the best! The old lady in the bikini and the hair guy, are totally scary!! Where did you find these people? LOL!!! Look at us and scream, R US! Deb
Wow! I need to learn how to crop!!!
Thanks for another good laugh. I look forward to Wednesdays and can't wait to see what crazy wonderful things you come up with!
About those gumball granny ta-ta's...
Holy Bocci Balls!
I wish you a happy Wednesday and a great rest of the week!
And an Icy Cold Coca-Cola!
Peace - Rene
Ugh on the man with the "congealed" hair! When I lived in Pittsburgh 30 years ago, there was a man with hair like this. I don't know if its connected with some sort of religious sect or not as I also saw a much younger man another time who was letting his hair start to be like this. I just know that its gross! The man sat next to me on the city bus one day, and I moved to a different seat as quick as I could, not caring if it looked rude.
That scary skinny woman in a bikini, yikies! Her implants look really strange on her chest.
That toy drop site was very cool! What a great idea!
That matted hair is totally disgusting! As to the speedo pic, since I'm pretty darn close to that woman's age, I'm going to give my drooping boobs a big hug when I switch to pjs tonite!
Love the crop lady, she's got such a gorgeous face!
You really made me laugh, as usual.
Yuck, and double yuck! But totally worth the gross out factor - just so you know. I'm always bummed when I read your I Wish Wednesdays without someone to share it with!
I'm not sure if that is matted hair or just a bunch of dog crap stuck on that guys hair.
And the three old tan, wrinkled people? I think they have the same week in Cancun that we have, cause I SWEAR I have seen them there.In person. Grosss.
THese are hilarious -- as usual. WHere on earth do you find these awful pictures!???! I just can't even imagine the google search that brings these up...
too funny!
Seriously.....I saw the lady with the bikini on in Cancun a couple of years ago. If it isn't her she has a twin. I felt soooo sorry for her, I wasn't sure if she was terminally ill or anorexic, which ever it was she certainly acted confident about wearing her bikini.
ewwwww,shoot...I can't get past that hairy thang....!
Glad your bestest friend is coming to see you...won't that be a fun time....!
You are so funny Nikki! I just love your 'I wish Wednesday's'
absolutly funny. I am totaly addicted to your blog and "I wish Wednesdays" Thank you for a good laugh :)
ha ha ha ha!!! The photo cropping is hilarious...and I've seen that disgusting granny picture before. And the gross thing on the guy with the suit....gross, gross, gross!
Happy Wednesday, bloggy friend! I'm looking forward to Friday so I can rest!!!
I love you I wish Wednesday's. They are so funny! Love the cropping!!!
Where in the world did you get these hilarious pictures??????I am so glad I found your blog via Sandi at Whistlestop!!!!!
Hey, that first one could be my Aunt John.
I wish I knew where you find all these crazy pictures. :0) LOL!
Maybe your internet is in shock over those ugly bikini and the hair pictures. I went back and just looked at the chocolate picture to clear my mind!!!!! Sally
The speedo picture and the hair are so gross....LOL!...Christine
The Verizon rep has left the country because he's terrified of me....I am ready to box some Verizon booty! Can you hear me now, Verizon???
I don't even know where to begin! lol!!!! It's all hilarious and horribly disturbing!!!!
Wow! I just got home from a LONG day at work and I found blog love here. Thank you. Really, thank you. You just made my day (which consisted of too many conversations with our school board attorney).
You are Hysterical! I've seen some of these pictures but others I haven't and Thank God I haven't!
Too funny!
I wish I had a clever comment, but my eyes are hurting and I can't think. (ouchhhhhhhhh' omg my eyes, tear them out.....don't make me look at these photos)
Have a happy day
I swear, you have the FUNNIEST stuff on your blog girl! Gosh I am laughing!
I wish some of them weren't so insanely gross!! Tooo yucky and funny.
I think the cropping one may be one of your best ones yet! Never in a million years did I think that's where that was headed!!
The Daisy Rifle one's on my computer backgroud now!
But last one, photo-shopped face perhaps? Just doesn't seem chubby enough to go go with the whole bod.
But maybe not.
I'm afraid I'm at a loss for words. (Yikes!)
Picture #1 and Picture#6 are related, right?!?! 'Cause that level of creepy couldn't POSSIBLY come from more than one family, RIGHT??? Please tell me I am right.
And Picture #3, is that real? 'cause I can't believe that roof hasnt caved in yet. Around here they start sending guys on the roof to shovel off the snow when it hits about a foot deep. Hmmmm. And seriously, if the UPS guy cant get to your door, is it WORTH it? I mean, really???
Confused... Anne
I was so busy at work today, then again when I got home tonight that I completely FORGOT it was Wednesday! I was just about to go to bed when I saw your post~
There'll be no sleeping anytime soon!
I had sent the pic of the old woman with the bad boob job to my daughter one time!!! It cracks me up!
Is that a woman or a man in the first pic? ewwwwwwww
Have a happy Thursday Nikki!
Where do find all these pictures? That hair has got to be the nastiest thing I've ever seen except the bikini pics are pretty disgusting too! Love the cropped one, I didn't see that coming! Loved it!
That hair is the very definition of nappy!
I wish I could get through one of your "I Wish" posts without laughing so hard... seriously, I've almost wet my pants!
I just went through the "computer down" week from you know where! I've experienced withdrawal and alienated my entire family! I hope yours is fixed soon. I'm going to crop all of the stuff I don't like out of my pictures-then all you'll see is my ear! laurie
LOL! I miss you! ♥ Hugs :)
Hi Nikki, I wish you didn't make me laugh so hard. Now I am all wound up and won't be able to sleep. That last photo was the kicker.
Oh, my, gosh. I may never get some of those disturbing images out of my head. That woman in the bikini? Oh, mercy. It was like a train wreck. I didn't want to look , but couldn't tear my eyes away.
Oh my...the last picture really shocked me. Those sunglasses just don't fit her face at all!
I wish that after putting two weeks of work into finally narrowing down our choice for the home we want, and notifying the agent, that she hadn't sent me the email JUST THIS MINUTE saying it's been sold. (she HAD to have known)
Copy and paste, the magic of not having to type long blog addresses!! Just pull up someone's blog page and right click and copy the address. Go to where you want it to go (in the linky thing or whatever) and paste it! Saves fingers and sanity! I need to know though....where did you get that picture of me?! LOLOLOLOLOL!
Another great I Wish Wednesday. I don't know where you get these photos, but they're outrageous.
i'm still freaked out by those old lady implants *aaahhhhhhh*
thanks again for the laughs, and for the great advice you gave me about my neighbor situation
have a great rest of the week:)
Ok, I had to enlarge the old hag in the bathing suit with the droppie implants. What a disguising sight that would be on the beach! I have always wonder though what implants would look like when you get older....I think I have that vision in my mind now.
Lovely creative pics.
She and I have the same cropping skills! Isn't Photoshop the best!?!
That granny picture is the reason I'm not on board to get implants.
Too funny!
Where on earth do you find this stuff? It took me a bit to figure out that that was someone's hair - probably one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a while (and I work for a vet!!!) He'd better be careful, if one of those gals from the Animal Cops sees him they may take him in thinking his head is an abused dog! Have a great day! Kathy
Ew..... that hair is so gross! And that lady in the bikini... can't imagine what I'd do if I saw her in real life. I love the art of cropping. lol.....................
Um, how did you get that picture of me off of MySpace? And here I thought I had a pretty good thing going with my "creative cropping"...damn, can't get anything past anyone now days. *lol*
My eyes are bleeding from the granny and tranny. My poor poor eyes.
Bluh~ the hair...the cropping...the bikini....I'm nauseated...lol. But, I still come back every Wednesday don't I?
Hey, Texas is the gun buying capital of the world....you should move here. You have your friend Lori in Houston and little old me. :)
Hugs~ J
I wish you lived next door to me... oh my gosh, my stomach hurts!!! Just wanted to say hi, hope you are well...your a hoot!!!! Chrissy
u kill me! I wish we were like living in the same town. I am laughing so hard! that last picture made me almost wet my pants!!!!!! UGHHHHHH that lady in the bikini is GROSS!! UGHHHHHHHHHHH! Love ya sweet friend! Hope you are great and your camera is recovering well! :)
Nikki, you always make me laugh out loud. I hope the cropping Queen didn't post herself on an internet dating site. Ohhhh, how disappointing would that be?
I always look forward to these posts. Though some were so awful and vomitous, that I wish I hadn't seen them. My eyes, my eyes!
You find the best pictures! And the worst...
I really want to know your source, but I'd be scared to visit it.
I'm torn.
Hi Nikki, I sent you some material for your next I wish post. Hope you get a chuckle. I sure did,
These are some gross ones today! Eek!
It has to be that some people .... the hair and the old skinny lady... want us to be totally GROSSED out by them....... how in the world can that NOT know how GROSS they are........
That was hilarious and gross! Too funny!
That was.....
hard to find the right words....
Thanks for the laugh!
Hi Nikki
I wish I knew where you came up with some of these pics. I wish they would stop making Speedos because NOBODY looks good in them. I wish there was a criteria that had to be met before being allowed to purchase a bathing suit of any kind, especially a teeny bikini. I won't even where a one-piece, because I know I don't look good in a bathing suit! LOL
Love your post!
Take care
OH MY STINKIN' HECK whaer in tarnation do you find ALL of these...too funny! What the crap...is that a man or woman in the bathing suit and what is growing up that man's back holy schmoly...NASTY
OH and I wish I could be cropped like that pic too...wow you are so good!
I'm back again Nikki, thanks for your sweet and funny comments over at mine, you reminded me to tell you about the new machine I just discovered at the gym this week, the only thing is that after an hour of using it I began to feel quite sick, it's brilliant though, it has everything................
Snickers, chips, coke, kit-kats, m&m's...................
hehehehehe. Kx.
WHY don't I come here more often???!!! WHY!!!?? WELL...WHYYY??! I plain love this blog!!!
Hahahaha!! :-) I love your wishy wednesdays!
Wow! Has the rain gotten you down? What yucky pics you have come up with!! I do heart the tree sweater though. So cuddly! and the snow picture- we thought we had it bad! LOL!
I wish that I didn't see some of that LOL but again if I didn't I would of missed so much!
Awesome post :)
Thanks for leaving me with that last image --------YIKES. After looking at those "old"ladies in the suits, I think I'll avoid the tanning booth this year.
you and your pictures are great
that....was...incredible! made me laugh, made me cry, made me hungry. thanks =) the coup de gras was that it made my brother vomit a little too (HIGH-FIVE to accomplishing the impossible all within one little post!) thanks for popping by mine today too. i'll have to keep up on yours---i heart constant comedy! =)
where the hell do you even find these photos? Hilarious. The one with the girl who cropped hers, OMG and the one where the anorexic with the implants? The guy in the speedo looks pretty fucking ok next to that gal
It's official- you are certifiable! You keep me in stitches with this stuff and right now not to much is funny to me with them darn doctor's putting me into menopause for 3 months- at the age of 35! Can you tell I have some issues? Another funny one lady.
RMS " Caniquit..."
Oh my, next time can you put the rruffles at the end so we would ahve something sweet to finish with. Oh yuk, how does women with the fake boobs and not much else think she looks ok. As for the cropping - I crop like hell too! You are hilarious!
Well i will say this...I have never felt BETTER about myself.. LOL
Those were EOOOOO pics LOL
My nose is running from laughing so hard! Sadly, I have clients whose hair resembles the matted guy and those bikini pics are so hard to fathom. I need to learn some good computer cropping skills, LOL. Cindy
Aw man thanks for giving away my cropping secret. And that sweater tree is just frightening to think about making.
Oh my word girl..the more I scrolled down the more my mouth fell open!!!!!!! I had to even get up close to the one with the lady in the bikini..I thought my eyes were blurry! Then the one with the cropping....oh my word...what photobucket effect did she use for that one....I need it! lol lol
Ohhhh myyyy goooooodnessssssss!!! The old lady bikini was enough to make me barf in my mouth but the myspace cropping was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I just don't know where to begin...maybe a truffle would help.
You have rendered me speechless...which, as you know, is a major feat! ;) Thanks for the hilarity - you always deliver spot on! ;)
by Wednesday I need a laugh and I am running way late this week....Nikki your the best, girl! I enjoyed the video in the post above too! Hope you have a great weekend! Nancy
Hey you crazy lady glad to see your still doing your Wednesday wish list...thanks for the chuckle;) French
The hair....it's so wrong. OH MY.
What an original blog, how did you get the pictures.
Your title blah blah, blah makes me think of that noise they run when they have grownups talk in Peanuts snoopy charly brown films.
I enjoyed the post.
That last one is SOME KIND OF CROPPING!!! Suddenly I feel GREAT about MY BODY!!!
ENJOY your weekend!
AS always, you're a freakin' HOOT!!! I love ya man! I'm going to go 'crop' myself now. :-) Muah!
Oh the Toy Society! How wonderful is that?!
(The ladies (?) in the biknis, not so much).
Excellent, per usual - Em
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