I wish............................The snow would melt........but not nearly as bad as this guy does!!!!
I wish.........................To say a heartfelt thanks to Stacy for being such an incredibly nice lady......she discovered a glitch in my blog button...and took the time to fix it....she's really cool like that! Not only is she gorgeous on the outside...but she's beautiful on the inside too! She also has a really great blog over HERE....check her out!
I wish.............................That someone would explain why it is necessary to have this warning on a set of screwdrivers.... The funniest part....a written warning wasn't enough.....they had to add the pictorial instructions!
I wish.....................that everyone will send out prayers for our Dear Braja and her husband Jahnu and their driver....that God will bless them with a speedy recovery....and that you'll go HERE and let her know she's loved.
I wish..........................that this turns out to be as cool as I think it will. I ordered it and it will be here just in time to sit and wait a freaking month or two while the snow melts!!!! And woo hoo it holds 350 pounds so even I can use it!!!
I wish...............................to inform Kim Kardashian that she doesn't even KNOW junk in the trunk!!!! This chick could beat you with one cheek tied behind her back!
I wish.........................everyone took their hobbies this seriously.
I wish..................................to introduce you to Diane from Four Paws and Co. Who is one of the niftiest ladies in blogland. You guys are always asking where I get some of my pictures. Well this wild woman is one of the people who passes them on to me. And she's a dog lover so you know she's awesome! THANKS Diane!
I wish.......................that this economic crisis wasn't causing a cut back for our K-9 Police units......

I wish.................................I didn't have to get a new one of these.....I wish I didn't have to admit what I did to the old one. But I will in my next post......
I wish..........................I was as STRONG as these stretchy pants!
Don't be afraid.....tell me what YOU wish for.
I was going to wish to be your first commenter, but unless someone else is currently typing away - MY WISH JUST CAME TRUE!!
And I wish I was as cool as you, because you and your pictoral finds rock.
Um..never again will I think there is too much junk in my trunk..LOL!
I wish I knew where to buy that screwdriver set....what a funny gag gift that would be.....but really, I don't get that at all! !
I wish I could have my cup of coffee with you this morning....I need a break.
Love Ya,
I wish spring would hurry up.
I wish I could send you some of our Spring daffodils, dogwood, and azaleas, Nikki. I hope you get to use that neat little gardener's seat soon!
Hurrah nikki - I've just seen two bottoms bigger than mine and I feel good. thanks for the laugh
p.s. your blog loads so much quicker now
I have no idea where you find these pictures, but girl I'm scared of those butts! And a screw tool inserted in WHAT? Are you kidding me!? You kill me!!!
I wish I had 2 of those screwdriver sets to give to my 2 maintenance men...lol. They think they are so darn smart. That's a hoot! Those stretchy pants are killing me.
Hugs~ J
P.S. I wish someone would teach me how to do a link in a post that just says " here " or their name. :)
I wish I had just a (small) portion of those girl's booties. I suffer from the dreaded noassatall disease that apparently ran amuck in the Norman family!
I wish for Nikki and pups to have the best day so far. Then, tomorrow I will wish for a better one!
I wish my rash would hit the road, Jack, and not come back no more, no more, no more, no more!
I wish I didn't have to work today.
I do get more than 3 wishes, right?
I wish that Kim Kardashian would put some pants on that trunk. GEEZ!!
The Blue Ridge Gal
OMG, is that Kim Kardashian's REAL ass, or did she have implants put in? It's HUGE! No way would I be wearing a thong with that badunkadunk!
I agree, Diane is great! Just joined her blog recently. Same with Stacy!
Okay, that guy snorkeling naked in the snow was just too much. ROFL
Justine :o )
I showed my husband a few of these pics, and he wanted to know just what was I looking at! LOL! Oh, just a blog! LOL! He is in love with the big booty girl, ...the first one, not the last one! Now that last one is just a little too much junk in the trunk and I wouldn't be caught dead behind that women, just in case the pants do give! LOL! ....just sayin'
~hugs, Rhonda :)
As usual,I couldn't' stop laughing.... my favorite was the K-9 dog... :) I wish I DID take my hobby as seriously as that guy in the train.... lol
What is wrong with Kim's butt?? It is way to big, and I thought mine was...
I love all the warnings these days. I wonder if someone put these in their penis and the company thought you know we should put a warning on the screwdrivers from now on.
Love the K-9 in the poo poo's car. It reminds me of my dog...
These are always so funny. I am going to visit Diane now..
LMAO, oh boy, that woke me up! I want one of those garden save-your-back thingies! Where did you see that?
I also don't think anyone should complain about screwdriver instructions with pictorials, as most of what we buy today has no instructions at all!
Am going to visit your friends some time today.
Great photos!
I wish they would measure you at the dept. stores before allowing you to purchase any stretch material clothing.
"You must be this many inches or less to wear this fabric".
(Similar to the "must be this tall" sign to ride at an amusement park).
Have a happy day
I wish the rest of my day could make me laugh as hard as the 3 minutes I've spent here this morning!! won't happen but a girl can wish!!!
I wish the rest of my day could make me laugh as hard as the 3 minutes I've spent here this morning!! won't happen but a girl can wish!!!
I wish for you to continue doing I wish wednesdays cause they start my day off with a huge smile on my face! Those are some of the funniest pics ever! Thanks! Sue
That last photo: that lady is deformed!
Thank you for making me feel so much better about myself. I was a little worried about my butt until I saw a few on this post. I can always count on your blog to boost my self-esteem!
LMAO You got some real booties in this post. And those pants must be made of reinforced steel or something.
I loved the bad dog K-9, and will send a prayer for your friend and go to her blog to pray for her.
You know I ALWAYS LOVE your Wednesday posts. Too FUNNY!!!!
All of these pictures are hilarious! Those leggings or tights or whatever the last lady has on are scary! Makes me want to start my diet...today!
I wish that you could have heard me laugh out when I saw the one of the guy knitting on the bus! Too funny!
I wish I'd never seen that last butt! And I wish she'd never worn those pants. I also wish that my butt never gets that out of hand!!! Where did you find that? TWOTONBUTTS.COM
HOLY BUTTS IN BLOGLAND BATMAN!! Were those for real?? I feel like my "Lady bump" is so much smaller now. I am feeling pretty dang good about myself! Ha ha. Those were hilarious!
The guy swimmng at the top - Please tell me that is NOT your husband.
I wish for that to be someone I never meet!!
You are one funny lady :)
Wow! That last lady reminded me a whole lot of Barney! The other girl with the junk in her trunk...do you think that's for real? Her upper body i sso tiny and she doesn't seem to have a lot of cellulite! Still, it just seems wrong to be wearing that thong! i guess her boyfriend likes big butts!
I wish I wasn't the reason they had to write that screwdriver warning.
Hey, how did you get that picture of me in my new black stretchy pants? Don't you think they are slimming? ~ Robyn
My butt is feeling so small right now. Thank you! And that first pic? Kinda gives new meaning to the words 'blue balls' doesn't it?
I'm working on a list for I wish..
You'll have to check back to my blog. My favorite find that you have is the lady after a long night out. Hilarious!
I love that garden seat...except I would get down and couldn't get back up with my bad knees.
I will go visit your friends now.
Love your pictures!!!
I'm speechless, actually. Think I'll go have another coffee and try to get these images out of my head. Except Braja's icon...that's stunning.
Well how many of your wishes did you get??///Ann
This post makes me feel slightly better about my butt.
There was a lot of booty in this post Nikki. My daughter has a giveaway with that rocking thingy for the garden. I am going to get one too.
I love love love this blog of yours. It is the first one I check every day. You make my day with your pictures, I start laughing outloud. What is with the butt pictures, the first one has to be implants and why would she want those kind of implants, the last butt picture is priceless.
Your source for pictures is the best
Keep them coming girl.
Love U
I wish to now burn my strectchy pants!! lol! thanks for the laugh...
I don't know Nikki, some of the stuff in this post is just plain freakish! : /
Sorry to hear about your camera : (
Oh my goodness, sometimes I wonder WHY I click on that little button that brings me here! ROFL at the guy in the crocheted ensemble. You realize that the girl in the bikini is not wearing a thong right, the suit just got lost in there somewhere!
I want to know how your garden stool turns out. I have a little thing called a gopher that I scoot along in but this little gadget looks like it has promise.
I don't even know what to say about those last two pictures! LOL
I wish I hadn't seen some of those pictures! Yuk!!!! What nut would use a screwdriver to do that??? Hope that mushroom thingy works out for you! Was that your husband in the snow?? LOL!
LOL...wow those are great!
I crochet but I don't wear it like that guy!
That (first,) junk in the trunk is very nicely placed, tho!
Crochet Dude rocks!!
Absolutely Fabulous, as usual, Nikki.
Where do you find such hilarious stuff!
I wish I hadn't gulped down that last 32 oz of water cuz now I might really pee my pants! Gotta run.........
I wish I wasn't laughing so hard I had tears running down my cheek. Got to fix my face now.
OMG your funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGawsh. You always make me laugh.
Thanks Nikki! I really needed it!
And dare I admit it? I couldn't stop staring at Kim's butt. I'm not attracted...more like amazed!
OMG That is way too much junk in that trunk. I need a pair of those stretchy pants too.
Thanks for the laugh today.
OI Diddly!!! So much laughable laughyness!!! Those bummy booty pics, WOW! And I thought *I* had a big booty! (((looking))) Oh, I do. :) And I just spent a whole month and searching over MANY reviews after I dropped my last precious camera and I found a GOLDEN camera! Only $250ish and an AWWWWWWWESOME compact camera, I'm in LOVE!!! I had read only good, 5 star reviews on it and they were right, it is spectacular! So if you need a recommendation, email me, kay? :)
I'm back! I think that thong might have to be surgically removed!
Kathy :)
I am giggling so hard I can't even begin to think about whay I wish for!!
But I'm feelin' a whole lot better about my "junk" now!!
I wish I lived next door to you and yours, so you could keep me laughing all the days long.
In from SITS. My son needed some money this winter and my husband being in "that kind of mood", told him he could have it if he did a snow angel with only his underwear on. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him out there in his boxers but it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Especially when my other son locked him out and he was pounding on the sliding glass door covered in skin and snow. Lol.
I so look forward to Wednesdays just for this post. The big butts? Holy cow!! And the guy in the snow? Do you know how little his, well, you know had to be when he got out of the snow?! And I seriously laughed out loud at Jose in the police car. Thanks for another great Wednesday post!
what an eclectic and oddly fascinating mix of tidbits :D
Those pants are stretchier than the Glad Flex bags we have here at work-- amazing! And the screw driver warning. Why? Just why?
I just found your blog and all I can say is, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS*!!! I needed that*! I'll be back* _Ashley*
OMG Nikki, I couldn't believe the first picture! I almost fell off the chair when I saw my picture in your post. Pretty sneaky there! ☺♥☺ Diane
Loved the crocheting man on the subway! We should all be so dedicated!! Sally
These women have azz for days...and that is NOT a good thing. You tickle me every week with this :o)
RMS "caniquit..."
Hehehe!! You wish wednesdays are too funny!
I wish...I didn't have to split my marathon grocery shopping days over 2 days instead of getting it all done in 1 day...so I would have been done yesterday and would have seen your post way earlier than just now! LOL! :)
Wow, Nikki, thanks for the shout out! What's really funny is I read through your whole post - somehow between the naked guy swimming in the snow, the warning about the screwdrivers, and all that big booty, I didn't notice my picture...until I went back up to remember what I was going to comment about. LOL!!
Thanks again - and thanks for the laugh, you always deliver! ;)
OMG....I just don't know that I have words. And again, OMG!
Yet another um, "lovely" IWW. *lol*
Thanks again for the vision impairment I'm left with after visiting you. That's what I get for feeling better and blog hopping after days on end spent in bed!
I wish I had that lilly pad garden stool too! Would that make me a gnome?
Sorry about your camera! I wish I could send yout his beautiful UTAH sunshine... Flip Flops has finally replaced shoes and socks! I even saw daffodills is bloom:-)!
No snow until Monday!!!
Now that was some serious junk! I felt bad while trying on clothes today:-) You just made me feel a whole lot better!
Where do you order the stools?
Nikki, Thank you for the well wishes. The surgery went great and I am feeling fine, just a little bored, but I can deal with that! I so enjoy your blog, it is great! Sue
I wish it could be I wish day everyday!
I wish my new house was finished already and that my pastor wasn't leaving!
why are images of huge butts so funny?
can't wait to hear what on earth happened to your camera....
i wish i could crochet ......
Okay...is that last picture right? or real?
Did you get the box?
sandy toe
I wish I hadn't dropped my brand new Canon camera in the airport yesterday and broken it and I'm betting your story is going to be about the same. I'm just sick about it!
Why on earth would a man jump in the snow nekkid? Ah, a drinking party, I bet! lol
That screwdriver warning scares me...even scarier is that someone had to have done this to make the warning necessary.
I have one of those garden stool thingies! It works pretty well once you get your balance, but I did fall off of it a couple times. I think I found it at Lowe's or Meijer for about $20-25.
Tell me that screw driver packaging is not real! That police dog made me spit my ice cream (I know, I'm going to have to get some of those stretch pants) out on the table! I really wish (after seeing these pictures) that I hadn't eaten that bowl of ice cream! laurie
That first photo - the naked guy in the snow. MY DAD DID THAT ONCE. We dared him and so he pulled his pants down and sat bare butted in the snow. Was funny as heck. And that Butt ------holy freaking stretch pants!!!
holy moly.....baby got back. You be funny miss nikki!
Holy Cow! I feel much better about my derriere now. And much less self conscious in a bathing suit. Although I didn't see much cellulite.
Oh My GAWD... I have a small ass... I can't believe it!
My FAV of this post it the snow swimmer... that is CLASSIC!
Thanks once AGAIN for a laugh... my son thanks you too!
Hi Nikki...you have made my ample assness seem so demure after posting these big bo-hiney pics...thanks for that! LOL I wish you a happy day & a GREAT weekend! ;-) Bo
HOLY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKERS! She must be driving a Hummer because that's a lot of junk!
Hi Nikki, where was I yesterday? I forgot what day it was obviously because I hate missing your 'I wish' day. I missed ALOT OF BOOTY and a fair amount of bareness. (bareassness)
Love your post and the laughs I get too. I wish my middle wasn't so ample. I have a bad case of 'gone booty! LOL. The crochet guy is a wonder????Have a great day and weekend.
I'll tune in to see what happened to your camera. I have a feeling I won't laugh.
My first visit here... thanks so much for the laugh! Too funny! I feel like the first guy!
Holy moly - some of those photos were shocking! :)
Let me know if that garden stool works out - I could really use one of those!
Oh my.....
*** Nik~ It's BEEN a while!!! I'm going to HAVE to visit you more often (laughter is SO good for the soul!), so, my wish is for MORE TIME in EVERY DAY!!! (I MUST say I have N-E-V-E-R seen "bootie" like THAT ~~~ ewwwwwwwww!!!!!)~~~ Love, Linda
I second all your wishes Nikki and thanks to that last photo I passed on the eggs and bacon today. I have missed you this last month but am back now and giggling through your posts. Kathy.
Okay, where did you find that picture of me in the bikini? I could have sworn I burned all the copies.
I wish that the weather would stay just like it it. Upper sixties and the sun shinning all day! But Monday is coming and so is the snow.
And, I have to get me one of those garden seats. How cool is that?
I wish for more of your blog...it made me smile on a day I thought it would be impossible. ;) Thanks!
lol. Ok, after the first butt, I was feeling pretty good about my back end, but the stretchy pants kinda ruined my evening. Ugh! I'm not sure I'll be able to get image out of my mind.
Where do you come up with these things?
I wish.... I could meet you someday, Nikki....you are one funny chick!
Again, the best. I just never get anything done when you post- NEVER! My sitting time at the computer turns into 1 hour of sitting reading everything! Oh and I got my pea's in the pod magnet. LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! And love you!
I wish to show hubby that screwdriver warning. He'll get a kick out of it since he is a Urologist. LOL!..Christine
Oh my, you are hilarious. That last pic, oh dear, thats all I can say....As for the screw driver warning, the sad things is I think they may have to deal with lots of these types of injuries at hospitals. I have a friend who is a nurse and she has told me some pretty outrageous stories about objects beign inserted into places they have no place to be inserted....
lol lol Oh my word..I held up pretty good until that last pic with the stretchy pants!!! lol lol Oh my word I screamed out loud!!!! lol lol Girl you ain't right! lol I can't wait to see you try out that new garden seat....will you be wearing stretchy pants! lol lol
OOOOHHHH MMMYYY GGGOOOSSHH! I feel sooo much better about my butt now-I have to thank you for that! LoL! And I just read this post right after I worked out-whew! I almost like my butt now-LoL!
I love your Wednesday posts! Those stretchy pants are just WRONG. Strong, yes, but also wrong. Yikes!
I wish tomorrow was Wed. cause I LOVE to read your fun blog! Thanks!
Oh girl - that last photo will give me nightmares! I love the guy knitting on the tube - how cool is that! As for all that snow... I too wish for spring...
I wish those stretchy pants came with a girdle!
You are tooo funny. Thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog. I would love to see a picture of your creation. Janis
I wish I would have worn Depends while reading this post because I laughed so hard I tinkled my panties!lol!
Wow, between the naked guy and the big bums I am speechless.
OMG! Seriously where do you find these pics. I was dying here laughing at most of them. So many to talk about...I gotta show the hubs, lol!
my only question is how does that poor girl with the huge ass find clothes to fit her?? Or does she just walk around all day in a thong...scary.
OMG, this post was so funny. I need one of those seats for gardening AND I need some of that material from those stretchy pants to tie my trees to poles so the wind doesn't blow them over....
Holy crap, girl! You are too freaking funny! Imma have to add you to my faves. :D And grab a butt...on, too!
I wish I really hadn't read the screwdriver one...I couldn't make it through the rest of your post actually. I just kept wincing in "I can't even imagine" pain. Yikes!
those are all too funny...i can't even pick my favorite!
I wish the sunshine would have stayed out today...darn clouds!
Maybe I WILL try to wear a bikini.
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