Check out the wonderful detailing................
Since the economy is so BAD, and me being the good American that I am...I decided to do my part and stimulate the economy by shopping. I bought this BAD BOY from Pottery Barn. It's 6' long and oh so distressed and chippy. My hubby came home from work.....took one look at it....rolled his eyes and said "what the crap did a giant #2 pencil cost me?" Needless to say he and I don't share the same opinion of "what art is" Now I just have to figure out where to hang it!
You fellow Bloggers....BAD! Why you ask. Because I see all the cool stuff you guys use to great cloches, apothecary jars, pedestals, and crowns....then I can't figure out what the heck to put in them!!! So they sit empty, hopeless and looking pitiful. So it is YOUR duty to help me!!! What do I put in, on and around this stuff???
The details on this one are nice....huh?
I love this one......I'm thinking outside when the weather warms up. But what do I stick in there?
yay! 1st again!
plants are always good to put in the open things....
A large 3 or 5 wick candle would be so pretty on the cake plate. You could even find one of those "cake candles" with the icing flowing down the sides (if you can't find one, let me know. I can get one here)
Colored stones would be pretty in the apothecary jars (or for easter, little eggs or candy).
OMG! I LOVE that pencil! You could hang it near your desk~
You really don't need any decorating ideas from home looks like pages from a magazine!
♥ U, Lilly
You can't blame me for this crap because I'm completely decor-challenged. Although I do have a cheapo idea for the kitchen jars. Get all different colored dried beans and layer em. Can do the same with pasta too. Hey, it's all I've got!
Like hubby, I would like to know, "How the hell much did that stupid pencil cost me/him?"
Justine :o )
I just did my apothecary jars THIS morning with wooden easter eggs. Bought them on-line from Lillian Vernon - I'm going to do a post on them soon. Loved the idea about the cake candle.
And the pencil pic is just to cute, and like Justine said, put it in your office and leaning looks good just like you have it.
I'm sure you'll get PLENTY of suggestions - real soon.
Yeah, I want to know about that pencil, too - only I hope our Pottery Barn still has one left....That would be so cool in my lowest level craft/computer room. I also love that cloche on the stand with the birds. I always have cloche confusion, too. I stick things underneath and change them out - I wind up using real food in the kitchen. I need to bake some cupcakes. ~ Robyn
ok, this is why I love you. I, too, have 3 empty jars right now waiting to be filled. I put some lemons in them, but eventually, I do want to eat those lemons. I looked at Target yesterday and there were bags of "stuff"/crap to put in those jars, but they wanted $18 for stuff that I can pick up around my house - moss and balls...hee heee. I'll be back to see what everyone says since you know they'll all have an opinion.
I, too, see all of these neat things on blogs, but I can't visualize them in my house. So, I'm afraid I'm no help. I don't think you have shown us enough of your beautiful home - I see all kinds of things in the background of these pictures that look wonderful. Come on, Nikki, show us more - take us on a tour. Sally
love the card and what a sweet thoughtful gal.
i love the pencil art! nice taste.
as far as the decorating goes, it takes me forever to figure out what to do with stuff, but i would definitely fill the beautiful glass jars with spring colored candies- say m&m peanut in one, reg m&m in another and maybe some peeps or those whopper eggs in another.
there's my contribution to you delima for today.
have a great one!
Hi Nikki:
I recently discovered Dana (from your blog about dogs a couple of weeks ago). I love sarcastic women and I get a kick out of her blog.
I do the same thing when I buy stuff. Takes awhile to figure out what to do with some of it. I bought a cloche and change it out. Right now I have a wooden bird on a stand and then a bird nest in it. I had seashells in it for awhile. Just experiment I guess.
But since it has a bird on the base, maybe something with a bird inside too.I can tell from your pictures of your home, you are pretty creative.
I love that white table that shows in the one picture.
You could put pasta (different shapes and colors) in your jars! Then as you eat it, replace it with different pasta. A functional, always-changing look!
Now I, on the other hand, live in a teeny, tiny condo, so nothing gets bought unless it has a purpose (function) AND without a place to live, and those three jars would have no place to live in my kitchen, so I would simply not purchase them. See, I can admire the beauty of something without the fear of buying it. :-)
Oh what cute stuff you got there Nikki, I LOVE that crappy pencil LOL
As for the cloches think themes. for instance the one for outside you could put birds some moss a kitchen green apples, lemons or some other type fruit...
For the jars you could use jellybeans for Easter. I have one filled with shells. How about mini apples or sea glass.
And the crown I'd just wear that when I vacuum.....domestic Goddess that I am LOL
Have a great week-end....
Kathy :)
Girl.. you know I'll help you in anyway I can... lets see first off wrap them really good,girl I said really good!!! Put them in a box.. ship them my way... and your problems are solved.. Now, I know you have my address..unless you filed my card in file #13... and if that's the case I can send it your way they are gorgeous girl.. many many ideas are popping thru my little brain..I'm heading over to the other blog...hugs ~lynne~
dried beans come in interesting colors and shapes... I once used little greeen chick peas (I think that's what they were?) to hold some fake flowers (an excellent fake from Nell Hills) in a jar...
If you're feeling summery or beachy... take a candle and stick it in the middle of a jar, surround it with sand, and then lay seashells around it... very cool effect, and lovely when the candlelight shines on it.
I also like unusual candles on top of pedastels. But I don't speak cloche. ;)
I'm back......I went to Mo's cottage after I left your blog, and she did a post on cloches. Go check her out. I know it's not your colors, but it shows different ways to decorate them.
Hi Nikki Girl!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that GIANORMOUS PENCIL! Even though I would have to hide it in the closet from my husband for a while, I would visit that BAD BOY daily! LOL!!! About the cloches and such, I've been in the same boat, and after I couldn't find anything to do with them I would take it all back. They look so good in other people's houses, but for some reason I can't make them as spectacular as I have seen them. HappY SaturdaY TO YoU!!Deb
Good morning Nikki :)
You found some really cute stuff. My answer to all off it is.... use books to stack on top or underneath them. The jars can be filled with anything... candy, seashells, corks, ribbon trimmings.. etc. I know you know what to do. Remember that I've seen your talent in decorating ;)
I love it all. I have no suggestions. I made one of mine into a Garden of Gethsemane. A clump of the gorgeous green moss they sale now. A small tree and a rock I painted black with a little red dot on it. I love love it. It reminds me everyday.
You have such great taste and I adore that pencil. I want to make one so badly. And those crowns just need to be worn on top of your sweet head.
I am more than happy to help you solve your decorating dilemma! I will be arriving at 4:00 pm with my moving van to pick all items up and take them off your hands! No worries!
(Gorgeous stuff, lady!)
Love your stuff! I want to go shopping in your house...please?
That pencil painting is THE BEST. Good luck figuring out how to display everything...I'm really no help, I know. Sorry.
Ack Nikki, I am so UNcreative, no suggestions for you Hon.
But I have to say I absolutely adore that pencil painting.
Too cool. Just like you! :)
I'm going to send Tootsie over here to help you with those crowns. She may just take them home with her and then you won't have to worry about them!! I haven't bought any apothecary jars bz I don't know what to put in them either. I've had to re-baby-proof my house so most of my decor is put up for now until Savannah can understand the word "NO!" I'd rather have her than stuff sitting around I have to dust anyway so it's a good excuse, LOL! Where are you going to hang the pencil?
Just give them all to me, then you don't have to worry about it.
Such cute stuff....I love that us what you do...pretty please!
sandy toe
Cute stuff! I'm decorating challenged too. I like the idea of different colored pastas for the jars though... and I'm all about candles! :)
I love your taste. the crowns you could set on top of stacks of books at different heights. As for the jars you could put almost anything in them. Buttons, rose petals, potpourri, spanish moss. whatever your heart desires.
Glass jars - christmas ball ornaments. That aren't red and green and don't look too much like christmas ball ornaments.
Crowns - a "peekaboo" shelf. Do you have one?
Pencil - over the computer. What is it sitting on? I'd put it horizontally. Or on the door to the den.
We need pics/descriptions of your house first!!!
buttons or little soaps etc can go in the jars...don't be "expected" and do pastas etc.....the crowns will never look good anywhere so you should send them
no just kidding...what if you put one on the cake plate and added some fake ivy or something? you could put a candle inside the crowns or put them in a tray as an arrangement....I don't know!!!! it is not middle of the night...and I do my best stuff when I am supposed to be sleeping! I did a post of some of my nightime arranging...maybe that will inspire you. cant wait to see what you end up doing...maybe our little crumpet has some ideas? lol
hey...what if you put small towels in one of the jars for on your kitchen counter? or gumballs? now have created a monster!!!!! I'll be back with some more ideas I'm you use the dishwasher tabs? they would fill a to get off this comment bar!!!!!!
I filled a large jar with tea cups once....yea....MUST...END...COMMENT...NOW....
Very sweet card you got.
You got some really nice stuff there. I am clocheless, but want one.
Put the dog treats in the jars. hehe they would appreciate that you considered them when decorating. Afterall they are the stars of your blog.
Love the pencil art. I like the thought of hanging it horizontally over your desk.
Have a happy day,
I could take those crowns off your hands and then you wouldn't have problems trying to figure out what to do with them!
How about pretty, colorful soaps tied with ribbon in one of the cloches and set somewhere in your bathroom? As for the pencil, I love it. I'm going to make one just like it. For free. We've got plenty of boards laying around in the garage, and plenty of paint.
Well, for heaven sakes... put one of the crowns on YOUR head and one on your Hubby's head... decorating problem solved!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Don't listen to those other gals who say they should take the crown off your hands, I say where it proudly!! What? OH? It is for DISPLAY? OOps sorry!!
Love the pencil!!
I am not a pedestal kind of gal,except for the one I sit on, so I am not help there. Sorry!!
I was supposed to be better today with all these drugs, but not so. This is the first place I came to, and the last place I'll be, but I had to comment: I was showing your beautiful home to Joe and I said "do these photos remind you of someone?" You and my sister must have been separated at birth. Your homes are interchangeable, except she has two man-made huge lakes and your home has that magnificent rock garden water fall. ME? I think my rusty tin rooster is still sitting beside the porch.
Beverly is crazy over apothecary jars, the bigger the better. She keeps hers up HIGH on a hutch in her kitchen and they are full of the cutest childlike things: HUGE gumballs, and various candy's that are purchased for their color and/or transparency. Does that help?
She's not the type that "when in doubt, fill it full of shells or marbles" kind of person.
Personally, I'm going ape over your pencil.
OH! I forgot: I made a wooden, tile inlayed table for my sister. (GORGEOUS if I do say so myself) and she put it on her veranda, and put a cloche on it; filled the cloche with a GIANT candle. Then she took another apothecary jar and filled it with miniature christmas tree lights. So now, there's always something twinkling outside. Just a thought.
Yep. I used to do a lot of woodworking. (til I broke two fingers in the giant wood working accident of 2007)lol
Yeah--well--I have some pine cones you could use--like a billion--all free to a good home. Pine bark, pine needles and real moss at no extra charge. The crowns--couldn't you put them on or in one of those thingies--royalty under glass kinda thing? Bet you are ready to fly me out to wherever you are so I can help you with ALL your decorating.
Sadly, I got nothin'. I'm not a jar person unless somone gives it to me, and then it's already decorated. My peeps know me.
But I would love to have that pencil picture. That is AWESOME!
you better watch out... last time i exposed what a sweetie dana really is, i got in big trouble ; )
i have a hurricane lantern filled with pine cones i sprayed lightly with metallic (bronze, gold,silver) paint. it looks pretty cool. but i have very earthy tones in my house. you could do jelly beans or river rocks?
Cute stuff! But I'm stumped too, sorry. :)
Another idea for those jars would be to make your own scented candles. Just melt paraffin wax, add your favorite essential oil scent into the wax along with a bit of food coloring, stirring well, then pour over the wick in the jar (make sure you center the wick and weigh it down with a penny or something). The candles last for a real long time, plus the jar lid acts as a convienient tool to put out the candle.
As for the crowns and cloches, well I'd put potted plants into them. Probably something like a Spider Plant for the crown that has is closed at the top and perhaps Violets or other bushier plant for the open crown.
As for the cloches, well they were initially invented as mini-greenhouses, so any starter plant or other small plant would do for those. The good thing about them is they're self waterer's, just make sure that when you put a plant into them, they're well watered to start. As the soil dries, condensation builds on the inside of the glass, and once it gets too concentrated it starts to fall/rain back down onto the plant.
Sorry for such a long comment, but as I looked at the pictures, ideas just started to spill
Your #2 pencil reminds me of a joke I'm going to e-mail you! :O) You can fill the vases w/ fake lemons - Target or Ross has them. Home Goods has fake Easter eggs that would look good too. A little fake bird nest (Michael's) would look good under one of the cloches.
Awesome card you got! Very cool! :)
I've read through all the comments and everyone else has pretty much already told you what my ideas were, so that saves me the trouble of typing 'em up... ;) I'll be curious to see what you end up doing! :)
Dana does great work doesn't she!!!
If you're looking for something colorful to fill those jars you could do balls of yarn or ribbon wound on spools, or even spools of thread. If you have these things as craft supplies there's no expense.
Nice tribute to Dana.
I think you shop the way I do. If so, you've got lots of stuff that you don't where to put, what to do with, how to use, etc.
Other folks make things look so nice and so doggone "just right." I can't do.
I thought the crowns were for the dogs?
As for the jars, go unusual. You can put anything in a jar. Large rocks from your own garden, marbles, layers of tissue paper, silk flowers, pens, markers, old assorted kitchen utensils from a garage sale, game pieces from checkers, dominoes, parchesi markers that are "lost" or don't have all their parts. Anything. Clean out your junk drawer and make it art by sorting and filling the 3 jars. You would be surprised how that could look. Coins, buttons... It looks very cool to fill a jar with larger items that make a sculpture of sorts inside. Even soft things, like washclothes, socks, cottonballs & q-tips all add character.
The cloche thing? Trial and error.
an interesting collage of stuff you got there Nikki----have my own bunch here, my biggest problem is what to do with my "Tattle-tells", those little flipper thingies that they put in the castle walls so people could "tattle" on who wasn't paying their taxes. Don't worry I WILL figure it out sooner or later.
Nikki, I'm so glad you asked this question! I love all the beautiful filled jars & cloches, then I bring them home & nothin'!
I have a cloche on a pedestal & rotate seasonal figurines inside. It's sitting on the piano. Then I bought a mini cloche & ran out of inspiration... it's empty - like my head right now...
I have 1 jar in the bathroom willed with bath fizzy balls. I'd like to find a BIG jar for another bathroom to fill with bars of unwrapped soap, but haven't gotten there yet.
Let me know what ideas you're going to use. ☺
I love all those cool things. And my hubby would say the same thing about the big pencil...
And how about those JAZZ!!! Did you stay awake for that game? I thought about you around 10:30 my time....12:30 AM where you are.
Thank you Nikki! I do love my firefighters.
Your blog is so great! I'm jealous, you ARE the queen blogger=--it's beautiful. Super awards. I could just hang-out here for a long time.
Thanks for dropping by and the note. Yee...yah, I'll put a weird title any time to draw someone in. Only two of my six kids ever comment and that's because I bribe them. Actually, I haven't used blackmail and that may work.
Have a great evening. lymi Susan
I am not too talented in the decorating dept, but I would suggest putting rose petals, or potpourri in those clear jars. They are very nice :)
Aw, what a sweet post about Dana.
What caliber handgun did she hold to your head? Because every time I mention her, there's a part of her arsenal involved.
Oh wait, maybe she just doesn't like me?
I came over from Gary's blog. I think i will be back. Loved your post.
I wish I could help with the jars, but I can't. I always end up with boys stuff in my, dead bugs. Not always the prettiest things.
I do like the pencil. Where ya gonna put it?
You could put a fake bird in the wire looking one, colorful candy in the empty vases and use the crowns as interesting bookends.
I saw some jars just yesterday filled with jelly belly's. Each jar had a different springy color. Oh, they looked so cute.
I LOVE the pencil. How funny!!
I LOVE the pencil too. Fabulous purchase!
If it were me, I'd buy a bunch of cheap styrofoam eggs from the crafty store, spray glue them and roll them in glitter. Pastel Easter colors of course. Then I'd stick them in the glass jars. But I love everything glittery.
(I put you on my blogroll BTW for easy access. Oh, and my husband was very flattered by your comments. :) )
You sure can't blame this blogger. I am one of the very few clocheless people in Blogville. I love yours and that stand it is on. Now, I have to have one with a stand, AND figure out what to put in it when I get one! This cloche thing is getting more and more difficult! Great # 2 pencil. My husband would have said the exact same words! laurie
what a pretty card your friend made :) I wish i could help you with the decorating, i'm no good at.
have a good weekend
I love your blog, it is very funny! I found your blog through another blog and through another blog and I'm glad I found it.
The handmade card is gorgeous and I think the artwork of the pencil is artful and definitely unique! I'll be dropping by again!
Great post Nikki,
I love the comment your hubby made, priceless. I can think of lots of things to put in the jars, potporri etc but I don't know what people do with those crowns! LOL, Cindy
I think your husband's comment is a universal male comment. I love where you have the pencil now...why hang it when it looks so good leaning against the wall?
As far as filler for your glass objects...I vote for M & M's or Hershey's Kisses. Yum! Keep in mind that I'm a non Martha Stewart so my advice may not be what your looking for. :>)
I'm with Justine and Elisabeth on this one :-) ... All your things look really good!! The pencil.. hm! Don't you have an office space/room??
have a great day!
OKAY so here is what you do with all that great stuff you have, put it all in a big box and send it to MEEEEEEE. and don't forget the gigantic pencil :-)
Your friend Dana is talented and kind. Kathy.
Jars need candy and cookies. And plans to refill.
The crowns could go on your head. That big thingy that you want to put outside looks like a playpen for the dogs, and that other bell like jar thingy looks as if it could be your new hat.
As for that cake stand, that's your new pedestal!
I love almost everything from Pottery Barn ... but the price? Yikes! No matter how much I think it will cost, it is always $250 more than my wildest guess. I suggest never revealing the true price of the very cool pencil -- he DOES NOT want to know!
And the empty jars -- M&Ms!
The blue thing -- constant supply of fresh chocolate cake.
The crown: On your head, silly! You are the Queen of Silliness and Fun.
Good thing you have a truck to carry home all of your bounty. The crown on the coffee table would look nice with a collection of votive candles and this time of year, a nest with some candy easter eggs might be cute under your cloche. Williams Sonoma has some cute blue chocolate eggs that look like the real thing.
You have some great stuff! Love the giant pencil! You should put one of the crowns on the pedestal! :)
those things deserve to be displayed in the patio or in your beautiful garden, put some chocolates and candies on those jar Nikkie girl...hehehe, i bet your guests would be looking those jars from then on....
just doing some rounds today, i miss your blog and i miss you in mine as well
Hi Nikki! We share the same sentiment....I like to contribute to make the economy better too! That pencil should look good in a study, library or home office or kid's room. As for the rests, I don't think I have any suggestions for I have no crown yet and I have a tough time figuring out what to put in my cloches too...Christine
Hi Niki,
I think you are missing the boat by not asking Crumpet and Ozzie what THEY think about your new treasures. They would probably suggest that the glass jars would be perfect for storing their bones and treats -not only would it be decorative, but you can see when their treats are running low.
Have a fun week.
Erin and Bentley
What a beautiful card your friend made you !! Hope her ER visits are a thing of thre past from now on and she gets better (fingers crossed).
Hello Nikki, a birds nest and bird in the cloche. Easter candy in the jars or any thing you want to store thats a color you like. The cake stand, maybe a plant. The crowns??? What were you thinking? Smile. I know, no real help here. I guess I am not in a creative mood. Love the strange pencil art.
Have fun doing what ever you decide to do.
Hi Nikki! Wow what great stuff you found! I haven't read all the comments but how about putting the crown on top of the black pedestal and putting a big candle inside; apothecary jars filled with doggie treats!!!(that one's for you boys!) and some of those pastel eggs inside the first one on the cream iron pedestal!???? I do believe you got yourself into this dear because I remember very well your gorgeously decorated house from the RMS days!!!!! Don't you be blamin us! Oh I forgot I LOVE LOVE LOVE that PB pencil!!! Any space next to a phone???lol Take care have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette
Nikki, I so relate to you!!!
I am trying to fill some of mine for spring and wondering what to put in them.
By the way you are that same gooey wonderful marshmellow on the inside. I am grateful I have had the opportunity to learn that about you:)
pedestal idea
Wish I could help you out, but I'm so not creative like that! Love the pencil though!
My husband tells me all the time that I am the only one stimulating the economy... Glad to see you are as well. I have some apothcary jars and I just put some eggs in them for easter. Not real ones of course. I use potpourri in most of them. Plants would work as well.
Those jars are my favorite!!! I love awesome jars like that! I would put them in a laundry room and fill them with laundry soaps and stuff like that. LOVE all your fun decor things!!!
Dana's card is lovely and very unique. I love jars too but only really use them in the kitchen and bathroom. I would perhaps trun them into Easter decorations somehow too. Eggs in the jars or biscuits maybe. You are so creative and clever that you will come up with something for sure! I am liking the pencil art myself. Yes I can understand why a man is not going to get that at all...
Hi Nikkiness! What a nice card from your friend! Now you've got yourself some nice cloches, girly! You can poke just anything under them. Little whatnots or Eastery things. Those beautiful jars could hold shells, rocks :), Easter eggs. Set 'em in the kitchen togehter and put in dried beans, candy or cookies! Oh, I could go on. When you decide,please come back and tell us!
Take care of the boys!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I am all thumbs when it comes to decorating. But, I love reading the suggestions in the comments.
The card was very nice and the thought behind it I bet heartfelt.
I was jsut reading the nesters blog and she has some fun ideas for all your jars!
Oh And I adore the pencil...I am married to man who is hardly ever with out one in his hand. Drawing on napkins, church programs etc. He even designed an entrance to a mall Paper supply store with a giant pencil between the two front entrance doors. It looks awesome!
So you can ship the pencil here...I will pay for shipping and I promise to give it a wonderful home:)
Check out Nesters blog!
You got some great things... ALWAYS good to stimulate the economy... you are EXACTLY what we need SHOPPERS!
BTW thanks for stimulating my economy... shipping your notecards tomorrow!
Okay- so everything you found is fabulous!! We have done everything form fruit to acorns to shells- a quick easy fro many items here is the old best-n-eggs route- so cute just tucked into the jars (stuff a little moss to fill the empty space, then nestle that nest in and top with a few eggs- this looks great on top of pedestals! You are so creative- we know there is just the right amount of perfect what-nots to fill these up with-
just be sure to wear those crowns while doing so!!
(we actually pined after these crowns in the catalog-kijsa wanted to spray white and suspend from the ceiling in her daughters room with a few chandelier crystals added!)
kari & kijsa
Okay-so we read the comment and typos galore (wish we had that giant eraser on the end of the pencil!!)
Sorry-it's late!
oh my gosh! did you get all that stuff at pottery barn?! I might have to go raid their website! I love the pencil! I LOVE the crowns! I think the little stands would be perfect for cupcakes..if you bake. :)
Hey Nikki,
Looks like you've received lots of ideas so I won't make any suggestions.
Your pencil art is cute and I can just hear hubby - so typical a response.
You got some nice bargains there and I can't wait to see what you do with them. And yes, it's all bloggers' fault!!! :)
You could put candy or even flowers in the clear glass jars, or fill them half way with beads or sand and top them off with a candle.
The crowns could be table centerpieces decorated with flowers in the middle or vines wrapped around them.
Do what you feel is going to match with your decor and go with it!
You made me laugh when you quoted your husband. I can just hear him!
I'm not a cloche person, so I'm no help there, although I will say that the crowns could look pretty good on top of your kitchen cabinets, perhaps.
Seriously, continuing to spend is how the economy will keep working. Good for you for doing your part!
Just send them to me. You need to destress your life and mine is so stressful that I will never notice the addition.
Okay, fine, stingey, get some stryfoam balls and cover them with moss(the green and the brown kind)and put them in the wire things you won't share. For the apothecary jars, I know you will put them in your bathroom, so put some bathoil beads and bath crystals in them. For the first pix, put a fake bird nest with some fake eggs. Or just fly me up there so I can do it for you.
I suck at decorating. But I love the crown!
I LOVE that pencil!!! My husband would not have "gotten it" either. So you are not alone;) As for the three glass jars you could put dried beans (navy,pink,pinto,peas are cute too) and stick candles in them. I have some in my kitchen. Just take the lids off if you are going to ignite!! As for the little pedestals. Bird nests of course:) Or you could make sweet little cupcakes. Wait you don't cook right??!! Hmm...Maybe a cute little succulent or orchid in a terra cotta pot. How's the green thumb??
Just checking back for updates...5 days is way too long to go without hearing from you~
♥ Lilly
I would love to see a post on what you decide to do with your beautiful things!
I think you are the only person I know who can buy a 6 foot long pencil and get away with it. :) Really its adorable! Now, I have 3large apothacary jars that I bought for Christmas and they are now collecting dust in the garage. My husband always says...yea let's buy something else so we can put it in the :) Love the crowns , cake plate & cloche thingies.
That was the sweetest card from your friend, too.
Hugs~ J
I would say those clear apothecary jars might look cute with dried peas, corn and beans in 'em. And the staples will come in handy shouldst Sir Mr. Obama contine on his current economic course.
Hi nikki, Your card is beautiful! Someone cares for you very much to go through the time and trouble to make you such a pretty card ♥ I love all of your lovely stuff. I think I would put a pretty plant in the one that looks like a bird cage and leave it right where it is. Of course if you are anything like me your plant will not do well where ever it is LOL
When you've had enough of your husband's snide remarks (which usually make me snicker, unless they're directed at MY new, favorite thingie, so ...I'm pretty familiar with them, that's what I'm trying to say :)) - you just send that pencil my way.
I bought ginormous farm implements for our oldey-worldey house in England. In my defense, the hardware/metal parts WERE painted with gold leaf.
Ah, not me, I had nothing to do with that stuff---although I DO LOVE IT. I too just don't know what to do with it. You and hubby can wear the iron crowns for special "role play nights" HA HA HA HA --my bad.
I love all the stuff you found. The apothecary jar on the stand is beautiful!
I'm sure you will find the perfect place and things to fill them!
Oh, Nikki...if MOVIE STAR STATUS MR. OBAMA keeps on his SPENDING SPREE, you can gather all your beautiful things together and have a BLOGLAND AUCTION...and I wanna win ALL these pretties,....UH OH...wait a minute...I'm not gonna have any money either. If he cuts our Medicare plan, hubby and I are gonna be in deep "you know what" cause we're old and buy lots of medicines!! bwaaaaaaa....I tried to tell 'em about Mr. O. but nobody would listen!
ANYWAY...all your buys are fabulous!!
Hi Nikki,
I save all of my roses when they die and I cut the buds and flowers off and layer them in the glass jars. It turns out very pretty...and I made a use for the dead flowers! I hate to waste things! I'm such a pack rat!
What in the world are you gonna do with that HUGE pencil! I love it!
Come on over...I have an award for you!
Lee Laurie
I look at everyones blogs, and see how well they decorate their houses, my husbands always tells me to go buy stuff for the house, but I don't know what to buy..
He tells me that our house should look like a woman lives in it..
I think I forgot to tell him that I am not a woman, I am a tomboy.
ps, I do love that crown.
I think it's all beautiful! Good luck finding out how to make it work:-)
I love all the stuff, including the giant #2 pencil. :) I am always so jealous of people who have cute things and actually know how to fill / use them. Sadly, I am NOT one of those people so I've got nothing for ya. I'm sure it will all look great.
Fill those jars with the left over holiday candy. I'm thinking candy corns from Halloween. They should be on deep discount by now.
Ha! If you think of it, come by my place next week, I have a $1 filler project. You won't believe it. (Assuming it all goes as planned!)
Come by Tuesday! It will either be a success or a tremendous failure.
Ok, first, you've got to fill those jars with candy. Hello? What a jars for?
And I'm not gonna stop you from your little fling you've got goin there, you've found so many cool things!
love your new finds. I am glad I am not the only one stimulating the economy!
I'm stuck on the pencil picture. It. is. FABULOUS!!!!
hey, I have met you before! A long time ago before I used google reader apparently! I wil add you. I see that you are friends with my great friend Devri who lives in my town and Cindy (only me here) who is super sweet! Well thank you for entering my give away!
Here's what I put in apothecary jars...chestnuts from my pretty.
In the summertime, sea shells.
I have also seen: scrabble tiles, old wooden beads, marbles, buttons, anything small and collectible. Or even not so small, but small enought to fit in the jar! At Christmastime i fill them with red and lime green glass ball ornaments and always get lots of comments on tehm.
How about some old number 2 pencils? Ribbon...I'm sure I'll thinkof more. Anything vintage looking. And of course you could fill a big one with handmade soap for your bathroom!
LOL...giant No. 2 pencil...I love it!
I'm in the same boat as you...but you're actually about 10 boats ahead of me in this decorating fleet. I just can't seem to pull off these incredible vignettes I see everywhere in the blogosphere.
Wow! So many wonderful decorating ideas! You have some fab finds! Your home already is a House & Gardens magazine! I love looking at yours pics on your sidebar of your home. It's beautiful!
I wish today was Wed. so I could read what fun things you always come up with! I LOVE your cute blog and come here OFTEN to see if you have updated!
Wow, and I thought I got around like the town slut!! I have actually seen your name all over the place, but have never stopped by!
And you've been blogging less than I have, so you are much blog sluttier.
I will return!
Thank you for visiting my blog today and for all your fine comments!
I am stunned that your husband does not appreciate a 6 foot tall chipped #2 pencil when he sees one "in the flesh" as it were :D
Some how I don't think your hubby said "crap" when he saw the giant pencil...... I know mine wouldn't have..... but gosh isn't that the cutest thing EVER.....Oh Nikki..... we love you getting into a mess .... you always have such fun getting out of them....
Your home is sooooo perfect I keep wanting to see more of your kitchen..
Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting my blog!
I am no good at decorating (although I pretend to be) so I'm sorry that I can't help you with the cool stuff you found.
As for the card your friend made you, gorgeous! I love houndstooth! I'm a papercrafter too so I really love seeing that stuff!
Hey Nikki...I love the pencil! Girl you got some great treasures...I love putting birds nest and eggs under my cloches this time of could put and pot of trailing ivy in the wire cloche...those jars would be great filled with jellybeans and colored candies...hey I got mind works that way!
I love love love your taste. and the pencil is awesome.
OMG! I love the pencil. Tell your hubby that you could hand it where the sun doesn't shine, "just kidding". My hubby would say the same thing yours said. Love the stands. I stacked tea cups in mine. Plants, birds nest, easter eggs, take a look around your house. See what you have. Maybe you could stuff your hubby in one of those jars, hee hee.
Love ya,
Oh man!! 11 wins, and even winning on the road. We are awesome.
Well, Nikki, what can I say?!? Having seen that you can decorate some pretty fantastic rooms, I bet you have some great ideas. There are no mistakes in decorating, I'd try all different stuff , candles, plates, plants, figurines, I bet you've got the right thing right under your nose!
I adore that big pencil!!! I want for those big jars...Candy, candy and more candy...
I would fill the jars with jelly beans, some cute plastic robin eggs and maybe put a little birdie inside the cloche! I am just as bad though...I have an empty cloche I just haven't had a chance to fill yet!
I am soooo jillious of the pencil. It is on my wish list!
Oh Nikki, those are all beautiful even if they are empty! Now, that coffee table is gorgeous I love the iron detail!!!!! Nancy
OK so this is my first visit to your blog and may I say...GREAT JOB!! and I sooo covet your giant pencil. My life now feels imcomplete without one.
Oh btw your kitchen is gorgeous.
Too much envy...
must look away....
I am going to personally (okay-selfishly) thank you for stimulating the economy and giving me such great eye candy to stare at. Now I WANT TO GO SHOPPING!!! LoVe Everything! But, unfortunately after I go buy it I won't have a clue as to what to stick in 'em either. Sorry. I have seen your talent on RMS- you will think of something fab!!
Not sure that you will ever get to this comment after the 133 above me but here goes...
Great post, lots of funny stuff and some really good finds. I wish I had the talent to give you an idea for the pedestals and apothecary jars but I know who does. Go see Ashley over at domestic fashionista, she has awesome creativity.
How did I miss this post? I have you on my Blog roll, and i Do pay attention to it!
Second question: How did you find all of those apothecary jars and cloches? I looked all over the world ... well I looked through a bunch of places before I found my wimpy ones.
Haaa! I am lol about the pottery barn pencil. I did something similar, stupid me ordered a 6ft long pitchfork for $29 on clearance from there too! It's been propped up in the hallway and confuses the heck out of people entering the house. I guess I just saw "CLEARANCE" and my common sense took a nose dive! Hey, that would be a great post Nikki! The "oops! what the heck was I thinking when I bought this..?" post. You do it and have everyone link up! But this doesn't mean I don't like your pencil art! haa! :)
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