Thursday, June 11, 2009

~♥~ I WISH WEDURSDAY ~♥~the late addition

I give Kudos to the Ad that's funny!

I say.............Me too!

I wish................To thank Jannie Funster for giving me the chance to win this CD!!! It's so cool to blog-know a professional singer! And my favorite song.....#8 Sugar lady! You rock my friend!

I fire alarm was this clever....those Rednecks think of everything!!!

I USED to wish................I had a sister.....not so much now. Nothing like multiplying your geekiness times two.

I give a BIG thanks to the hip and cool Diapaola mom over at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom for giving away this AWESOME Purseket. You just put your stuff in the pockets..........put it inside your purse......

And it conforms to whatever size purse you have.....and you look like you got all your chit together....WOO HOO!

I dog was this well behaved.

I let this be a warning to all horny moose. Seriously this is not photo shopped. In Fairbanks Alaska they were laying new power cables which were strung on the ground for miles. The moose are rutting right now and very agitated. He was thrashing around and got his antlers stuck in the cables. When the men (miles away) began pulling the lines up with their big equipment, the moose went up with them. They noticed excess tension in the lines and went looking for the problem. He was still alive when they lowered him to the ground. He was a huge 60 inch bull and slightly peeved!!!

I wish...................for everyone to go over to "Note to Mom" and read this VERY short....VERY funny post. Devon's blog has the coolest layout I've ever you don't want to miss it!

I wish.........................I could be offended...I might be when I stop laughing.

I wish...............................this wasn't going to creep me out for months.

I say a heartfelt THANK YOU to the sweet and wonderful Shari over at My Cottage of Bliss. She had a contest and this was one of the holds my Salt City Candles perfectly....and it is GORGEOUS. Thanks Shari for your beautiful blog and great giveaway!

I wish.................we could go back to the days when Barbie wore evening gowns and fur coats....this "reality Barbie" crap bums me out. BARBIE DOES NOT POOP SCOOP in my little world!!!!!!

I go back to the days when shoes looked like.........SHOES!

I keep my eyes in....thanks anyway.

I present reason #14 why I like swimming pools.

I remind you all...that although I love it when you visit.....please be kind and remember this is a "no-smonking" blog.

Here's to hoping your wishes come true...and your world stays SMONK FREE.


Frequent Traveler said...

Whoo-hoo, I think I'm first !!!

Loved the dog with the camera, Nikki - and I feel so sorry for that poor moose !

Kristina P. said...

I love you. That is all.

Jan said...

Can't wait to show my hubs the moose.

tammy said...

I blogged more often.

Bridget said...

No worries, I gave up smonking years ago. I love that first pic with the bride too fat to stand on her cake. It was very nice of her groom to pull her out of the goo.
You are one lucky gal, that's quite a haul you make on all of those blog contests. Congrats, you deserve it all.

Beth said...

I wish I could spend an afternoon with you and the dogs by the pool.

Salmagundi said...

I needed those giggles today. Thanks and congrats - you won some great prizes. Sally

Anne said...

Those sisters arent so bad... but the matching comb-overs with HUGE beaded, handle for while you are bending me over necklaces and faux-leather chap jeans... those guys (term used lightly) are going to give me nightmares for WEEKS!

Laura Marchant said...

I haven't seen that first ad before, lol that's great!

Anonymous said...

No smonking, lol!

I want that CD so bad!!!

Wow you've been on a winning streak! Love that purse organizer!

The moose thing is so funny!

Unknown said...

Funny as usual...
I'm a jonker
I'm a smonker
I'm a midnight tonker

Hee hee...

Peace - Rene

Heather said...

It's soooooo un-PC but I will confess to laughing at the's posts.

My kid is DYING for the poop-scooping Barbie. We already have "housebreak the puppies" Barbie (though Bad Mommy that I am, I haven't told her that she can actually put water *into* the puppies so they'll actually *pee* on the included "newspaper" sheets) and we also have "Dog Groomer" Barbie. Both of our Barbies came with dogs and puppies, and Kiddo basically ignores the Barbies in favor of playing with the dogs.

I'm off to have a last smonk before I hit the sack. It's bad to smonk in bed, you know. You know what smonking in bed can lead to, dontcha?

Lizzie said...

don't worry i am always late too :) hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

I quit smonking in 1994...... wish the restaurants here in Roanoke would have no Smonking laws enacted... ugh, it smells sooooo bad.

And I'm going to have to check out that CD... thanks for noting it on your blog.

The Blue Ridge Gal

The Wrenns said...

I LOVE your Wedseday posts! I actually went to the website from your final picture here--many more hilarious mis-interpretations/mis-spellings there! Thanks for the laughs!

Carma Sez said...

That Jiff billboard is priceless -- and who is wearing those hooves??? hmmmm...Have you been out hoof shopping at Payless Hooves on the sly?

imjacobsmom said...

That purse thingy is kinda cool, and now I am glad that I am not a twin, and it will be quite awhile before I can put money in a gumball machine again - Ewwww! Thanks for this weeks laughs. ~ Robyn

Connie said...

You are my idol, you know that, right, chickee?!?!?!

Tootsie said...

My girls have that barbie...and the even too heavy to vacuum up!!! It is made of metal!
Loved this post honey bunch!!!

Shell in your Pocket said...

I think the slim fast commercial is so funny!
sandy toe

Becky said...

You like to keep me on my toes, now don't you girl? I was worried, again that my favorite Wednesday read wasn't going to surface!!

Love the Jiff husband has no idea how half the products magically have appeared in our!

Kritta22 said...

I had to click on the moose to see it bigger! Stupid moose! They aren't the brightest crayons in the box.

Trina said...

I love I Wish Wednesday/Wednursday. You always have the funniest pix. And I love reading the comments that are posted, too. ;)

As far as smonking...that's one think I have never done. Or at least I don't think I have.

My hubby's uncle lives near Fairbanks. I'm surprised he hasn't sent an email about the moose to John.

Jadehollow said...

I'm still rolling over the slim-fast one.. Thanks so much.. I really really needed the laughs today.

Fragrant Liar said...

What's up with those crazy twins? Those outfits? Those ugly jeans! Geez. And that Jiffy Pop fire alarm? Priceless. :)

Kat said...

I love the slim fast ad, and I think the Jif one is pretty darn funny. But the best is "no smonking" Sorry to not be PC, but my husband bought a clock (made in China) for his workshop. As he was taking it out of the box, I heard gales of laughter - he was laughing so hard he couldn't speak and pointed at the box - where it said, I kid you not, "no battries be included" Kathy

Lisa said...

Love this post! We had the poop scoop barbie set for a while, and my girls were very disturbed by the fact that they were supposed to re-feed the doggy his poo. They called it pood (a combo of poo and food). I wasn't surpised that they got bored of the toy after a couple of weeks. Unfortunately the pood seems to be breeding in our basement, because every time I go down there to vacuum I find another nugget...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nikkiness, this was a good wishing day! Love all these funnies! I guess I'm truly behind the times...didn't know that Barbie had gotten so 'wordly'! Pooper scooper Barbie? I'm with you - no way!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Jane In The Jungle said...

OK I just can't get over the thing in the pink wig.....and what happens when you turn the knob????

AJ said...

Nikki-I heart coming to your blog:) You always make me laugh out loud!! Fortunately this time I was not drinking a beverage or it would have shot out of my nose!!

Yes, the Barbie dog does have to actually turn around and eat his own poo. Don't know what genius thought of that; was the hardest concept for my girls to grasp;)

Heather said...

The butt jiggle gave me a giggle. Yes lame I know!

I wonder what the double date from hell looks like now.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

That moose story is amazing! I wouldn't have wanted to be around when they got him down! You are just soooo funny. Thanks for all of the laughs. laurie

Jannie Funster said...

Smonking-hot post, as usual!

Okay, Sugar Lady, what's your sugar poison? Glazed donuts? Dark chocolate? Lemon meringue pie? Name it and I'll send it, or better yet -- bring some over and we'll have a sugar fest together :)

So sweet of you to shout my CD out. Thanks!

Justine said...

Oh crap, and I've been smonking while reading. Am I in trouble now?

OMG, that gumBALL boy? Too damn scary. And OMG on the Jiffy Pop! that actually had me laughing out loud. And yeah, I bet you wish you could train one of the boys with a camera like that!

Justine :o )

Unknown said...

I've been trying to give up smonking for some time, but I may have fallen off the wagon after seeing the barbie dog poo and the man with the gum ball machine strapped to his you-know-what. :)

roy/elisabeth dean said...

Funny pics.....
I love to find misspelled words! There is a sign that Corporate sent this week for our home department that was supposed to say "Get Dad Pots and Pans for Father's Day", but it actually says "Get Dad POT and Pans for Father's Day". I threatened to put it out!
Good IWW/th. I have been a little absent from blogland lately, but I always tune in for your latest~
Have a wonderful weekend!

onlymehere said...

You never fail to deliver!!

Four Paws and Co said...

Good ones Nikki! I can't get over that poor hormone driven moose... ☺

Lilly said...

You wishes just get better and beter. And I am loving those pursekets too!!

Unknown said...

OMG, that moose must have been scared to death; so glad he survived.

Carrie said...

Love your Wedusday posts! They make me laugh...i need to laugh.:)

squawmama said...

Hey Nikki... These were great... Thanks for sharing. Love Ya


LadyFi said...

That MOOSE!??

Thank you for not smonking...

Scrappy Girl said...

Ouch for the moose...and now I am going to be creeped out for quite a while...makes you want to go hide everyone's quarters cause you know some crazy is going to want to put a quarter in his machine! AAHHHHHHH! Thanks for the giggles.

Unknown said...

these are great again. Now I know I'm glad I never had a sister! Love the dog!!

Anonymous said...

The dog cam? LMBO LMBO LMBO

And LMBO at the rest of the post too.

Another great and funny Nikki post!

Amelia said...

I wish I could stop smonking...any tips? Ha! :0) Love to visit and laugh here!

Decor To Adore said...

Ok, in terms of the candy dispenser costume~ that is one gumBALL that would never ever go into my mouth. :)

Grand Pooba said...

Ha! But I'm a huge smonker. I smonker all day long. I'd smonker in my sleep if I could.

I love smonking.

Marrdy said...

Poor Moose!! Just hanging around with nothing to do.

Darlene said...

ROFLOL...I seriously don't now how you come up with all this great stuff!!!!!

pam said...

This is the highlight of my day!

jewelrybyrebecca said...

Thanks I needed a good laugh (could have done without the twins, they creep me out).

Aleta said...

OMG - that wedding cake ad - wrong, so so so so wrong! LMAO

Jiffy pop fire alarm and here I just blogged about a water alarm, I wonder what a redneck would create for a water alarm now.

OMG - that poor moose. Poor thing... wouldn't want to be there when he came down!

The Jif ad - yeah, a little offended, but I'm not a Mom, so I'll laugh.

Ewwww to the "creep me out for months" - that is VERY disturbing!

NO! you are kidding, a poop scoop barbie? Guess they have to "go green" ummm to... BUT, have you heard about the Barbie zombies? People take Barbies and cut them up and turn them itno zombies. Yeah, a ~ little weird?

I think I'm addicted to these posts of yours!

Devon said...

I wish to thank you for the blog feature on your always funny, forever famous “I wish Wednesday” – late edition. You and your friends are great. It’s like the Entertainment Tonight of Blog land. Now I can prove to my hubby that I too, am funny and have to comments to prove it! Ha!

amiable amy said...

You are always a genius Nikki. I missed being here. I remember your I wished BUTTON topic by reading this post. LOL! Thanks for making me laugh with your witty and fun pictures. Came by in my blogs sometime okay? Missed yah!

Ash said...

Forget the moose one, PLEASE tell me the shark shot is Photoshopped - egad.

amiable amy said...

By the way, I like that picture with no smoking sign ...pretty funny. Have a good day and enjoy your enchanting home. Well, I admire your place, who wouldn't?Hehehe.

The Blonde Duck said...

I was going to tell you the first one was my favorite, but they keep getting funnier and funnier!

Beverly said...

Barbie definitely does not scoop poop in my world either.

H.K. said...

RM (the hubby) came home last night exhausted and a little stressed from work and I showed him this post and he was cracking up with me! He's become your newest fan of Wishful Wednesdays!

Anonymous said...

Bet that guy in the little boat wet his pants a bit, tee hee. And my oldest has poopy scooper barbie...a little disturbing considering the dog eats his poop, haha.

Jamie :)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of a way I can do a "take off" on your Wednesday posts, without looking like I am....uh......steali....uh.....plagariz.....uh...... I'm basically running out of things to talk about.

mCat said...

I love your Wednesday posts, even when I can't get around to it until Friday. And, thanks, I needed the usual giggle I get from you!

kado! said...

hmmmmm.....I wonder if it's better to be Smonkin' HOT???

I had to stare at that crazy guy for 5 min. to figure out what the heck he was wearing....AGH!!! What scares me is the candy machine is not full....that means he has been dispensing candy all around town...gross!!!

and the twins are scary too.

Ha Ha on the Jiffy Pop...wonder if that works???

Ginger said...

I'm with Dana...wish we could do a take off of your I wish Wed. without copying...except I would never be able to find the funny pictures that you come up with.
I love the red neck fire alarm.
That is the cutest candle holder that you won.

Shawn said...

These are great----as usual!

That bubble gum machine is messin with my mind, though...

Hey---be sure and check out my blog for the newest Blogger Bash!

Rainy Day Farm said...

Barbie should NEVER EVER scoop poop. She NEVER has to do things that normal women have to do, that sort of ruins the ideal life we all secretly want! You are so right.
I am going to have giant shark nightmares tonight. Either that of gumball dreams! Sigh...puke! Thanks!

Anne Fannie said...

I know what I will be thinking the next time I turn the knob for a gum ball.....

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Geekiness times one is bad enough at my house!
My chit is definitely not together. I need one of those!
When I miss reading your blog..I miss a LOT!!
Barbie...I don't know. I am afraid to think of what's next with her! Someone's out of control at Mattel or whoever.

Lordy, I love this blog!!

Debbie said...

I am amazed at all these things you find! Where the heck do you get them? Every time I come here I laugh like hell! You are a comedian in "real" life right? Too much! Love it.

Jessica said...

I just don't get those shoes and the dude in the pink wig.....bluh.

Great post a usual. :)

Hugs~ J

Sue said...

And to think...they have never made a "Lawyer" daughter is still pissed off about that snub...I guess Mattel thinks picking up after a dog is more important then being a lawyer...that's sad...that degree cost a ton of money!!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Favorite thing #47 about living in China: I laughed DAILY over badly translated things! It's always nice to visit no-smonking blogs!

Michael said...

The Jiffy Pop fire alarm rocks! LOL. Remind me not to spend a weekend at that guy's house!

Mammatalk said...

There's no smonking in my blog...Yeah, and no bonking either!

Kristen Andrews said...

so funny as usual always love these posts!

joeyandaleethea said...

OMG how funny!!!! As soon as I started laughing out loud, I remembered that I've been to your blog before. :D

That pic of the twin sisters with the twin brothers...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY ridiculous!!! Are those Sergio Tachini outfits the girls are wearing??!! How SAD that I know the name of their clothing!!! LOL I remember those!!!!!! HAHA

santamaker said...

I can always count on a snicker or two when I visit your wethursday blog! Those new wedding toppers are too funny! I guess the brides have a better sense of humor these days!

Rue said...

Hi Nikki :)

Barbie... what happened to her?? wow.

Hope everything is okay...


That Girl said...

Oh, lady, how I have missed you.

(And, apparently, Barbie.)

Beth at Aunties said...

These were great! I am amazed at all you find! That poor moose had an adventure of a life time!
Congrats on winning that cute shade for one of my favorite brands of candles!
I am going to ck out the blogs for more good smiles!


Quoizel said...

Every once in a while I will read something that just makes my day. I will be laughing about this post for awhile.

Marie Reed said...

84 comments!!! I can see why! Every picture got a huge giggle out of me! High five!

Ali said...

That ad is HYSTERICAL for slimfast!!!

Lisa Loo said...

Hey--I would have left a comment earlier but I got so disturbed with the gumball person that I have been hiding under the bed ever since! AAAKKK!! Love that after being completely disturbed we go right into home deco---only you babe!

Kristina P. said...

Ummmmm, where are you!!!

The Real Estate Talker said...

Where oh where have you gone. I keep checking every day buy no "Blah, Blah, Blah" I am missing you, and my daily laugh

Ashley said...

I just found your blog from my friend Rachel's. Your blog is really hilarious!!!
Come by my blog to enter some fun giveaways! There are a few of them, and not many people have entered yet, so your chances of winning are really good!


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