Lookie at this cool stuff....a wonderful teacup & saucer........ Mega cool handcrafted soap, and some special treats from Colorado.......
Some lovely tea, a handmade fabulous Pot Holder...and the MOST WICKEDLY WONDERFUL prize of all....a gorgeous handmade Apron! THANKS SALLY YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!
Now believe it or not...this is the very FIRST apron I've ever owned. Yup...my FIRST! So I decided to try out it's magical "HOME MAKER" Powers by wearing it on my trip to the grocery store. my new apron and I hit my favorite aisles in the store........
unexpectedly I felt my apron puff up and I hear these words......... I look down....and to my HORROR my cart is filled with this crap...............
And even though I'm steering with all my might....the cart is heading down the dreaded aisles of grocery HELL!
My apron seems to be delusional....because it actually thinks that I'm going to be creating meals like this................
And baking this..................FROM SCRATCH!!!!!!
When it pulled and yanked me down this aisle.....................I KNEW it was time to put my foot down. NO apron , no matter how beautiful,....is gonna get me to actually CLEAN!
So I decided to show it who was BOSS.
Aprons might be magic......but nothing beats the power of chocolate........... after the first couple of bites....the apron decided to join in...........
but even though I was strong enough to resist the power of the apron.......other members of the family weren't so lucky..............
Not like I even considered stepping in to save him...............
No way....check out what Crumpet and my new apron are making for dinner......YUM
So the apron and I decided to call a truce. I'll wear it shopping as long as it behaves....and I'll wear it to cook on holidays. The rest of the time it will be proudly displayed in my kitchen. Where it pretties up the place quite nicely! The apron seems satisfied with this arrangement.........well.....mostly satisfied........
What a fun post! I love the apron even with all the antics it went through at the grocery store. You sure got lucky with the give away! Lucky you. Enjoy!
This is beyond great. I love the aprony goodness. The one on your dog is classic. And you shopping. I have to come and go with you sometime.
We totally watched a show on how they make the utz potato chips the other night. We don't have those here.
She is going to love this post. so cute and fun. Great gifts.
Love the malicious eyes your apron has! Now you have to post the recipe of what was cooking in the crock pot!!
Laura :)
Nikki...I worry about you sometime! Dogs talking is "normal" to me, but APRONS???
I'm glad you won such a fabulous prize and are enjoying it. Continue to have fun girl!
You have the most warped sense of humor of anyone I know, and it cracks me up!!! ;-Þ
You are cracking me up. I've never seen a talking apron before.
Nikki, I think you need some sleep! LOL!
Nikki, where do you get these hilarious ideas. I so love reading your blog. Your gifts are wonderful. Enjoy them.
It's late and I can't think anymore. have a great Sunday.
At first I thought the apron was going to turn you into a Stepford Wife! Thank goodness it is not so!
it's so pretty!!
Love the doggie and it!!
By far one of your better posts...if not the best...Love poor Crumpie in the apron...You don't want to make him a "girly dog"....and tell me you didn't wear the apron all over the grocery store...bad enough you took pictures....
And I thought this was just going to be a normal post about your winnings! I'm so glad it wasn't!roflmao
What really got me going was the faces on the apron, and then I burst into a rip snorting belly laugh at Crumpie wearing the apron. My poor kid wondered what was wrong with me! At least you have a dog that can cook. All mine can do is lick his heiney.
LOL cool post and awesome gifts :)
I am cracking up at this post so much!
Poor Crumpet! Actually he looked good in the apron.
Will he be applying for Hell's Kitchen anytime soon? hahaha
The saucer and cup look like the dishes I inherited after my uncle passed away. My sister and I had to split them.
I bet my bird would like to wear an apron also;)
2 Questions:
Were those pastry trays with all the creamy delights lined up on them actually FULL when you arrived?
What the HELL is Crumpet doing with those girly magazine pose things/??!
No frighting the power of the apron. You're lucky you got out alive!
clever+ creative+ funny+lucky = nikki
Yeah, I don't think I would wear that apron to the store again - but I would put it on Crumpet if it gets you a dinner like that! ~ Robyn
OMG - I'm still rolling around on the floor laughing!
I like that apron - she'll help you be healthy!
As for your poor dog - actually, hang on a minute, the apron kind of suits him... Perhaps he can wear it on Mondays?
I am crying laughing at the possessed apron & at Crumpet's cooking.
hahaha! such a fun post!!
the apron is hilarious!
OMG Nikki when I first started to read this I though wow Nikki is normal tonight and then BAM your off and running...oh girl I have tears just coming down my face reading this..Oh my a talking apron and Crumpet cooking !!! was he cooking meaty bone stew...congrats on your gift..WOW after the day I had I really needed that girl..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
You've got the most fantastic imagination, nik, really out of this world. Only you would give something as pretty and basic as an apron a real personalithy.
Ha, ha, Great stuff but I love the last few pictures of your love bug in the apron. Priceless picture.. mishelle
ROTFLMAO!!! Poor apron, he does not know who he is up against!
Wait! is it a boy or a girl?................
NEway, you got some great stuff there, are you a lucky blogger or what?!!
Whew! It almost had you! I'm glad you regained control.
Crumpet + apron = my favorite picture ever!
Hahaha!!! What are you made of?? hehe you make the funniest post out of the smallest things!! hahaha!! Thank you for being YOU!
Good Grief, you need meds. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't get my breath. I just pictured you pushing a cart, in an apron, taking pictures, in super market. One of your best yet.
Love ya,
Congratulations on your win! I am glad you taught that apron who's boss around your house...and of course it's Crumpet! Give my compliments to the chef! ♥ Bo
See Nikki, you could give Chris Rose a run for his money! I was cracking up envisioning you fighting with the grocery cart, snapping pictures all the while. Will they let you return lol. Seriously though, you got some great things, and the apron is really cute, even if it is possessed! Kathy
Seriously...what kind of crack are you on lady??!
The worst part is, I've never seen an eclair thingy like that in our entire city and now I'm gonna die if I can't have one!
This was too funny! I really need to get me one of those because lately I'm possessed with eating anything that has cream cheese in it. And that's probably not so good. I need something to help me overcome.
You left out one thing!! The looks of other people watching that apron steer the cart. Too bad Take Home Chef didn't run into to you. Now that would have been the chocolate icing on the decadent pastry!!
Wow - all that in one give away! Those presents are absolutely fantastic :)
I love your love story and the picture of Crumpet in the apron made me laugh out loud.
...ummm...I could sure use a magic apron to help guide me through the grocery store. Maybe I can borrow it sometime???
Love then apron, LOVE the yummy sweets you picked out, but I really LOVE LOVE LOVE the wire cloche I saw in the backround. Where can I get one???? I mean 2, I know Twin will want one too.
It appears to be a disfunctional relationship you have with this apron. It's very controlling and not necessarily in a good way. Could it be this is a co-dependancy thing?
Please tell Crumpy that he never looked so pretty! Maybe he could come to my house and make supper sometime . . . just a thought.
So silly and fun! My daughter loves the fact that your dog is "cooking."
Well, I lost it when I saw Crumpet wearing that apron! Oh my cats, if that isn't the funniest thing! Don't worry, you can wear your apron when you order pizza in. It's allowed!
Only you would EVER think of something like THIS .hahahaha...Ann
LOLOLOLO WOMAN you are absolutely hilarious...how do you come up with these things...poor poor crumpet!
You are hilarious! And I want Crumpet to come cook for me. I'm sure my husband won't mind.
Hey there Nikki! That was hilarious! (LOL)
I loved all of your prizes! That apron is lovely... good thing you didn't let it turn you into a lean mean cooking machine!
Donna Marie
This is soooooo funny! What a great giveaway you won and what an adventure the apron took you on!
You are so silly...I LOVE IT AND YOU!!
Nikki, this was hilarious. I'm amazed that you can con your dogs into the photo shoots? What do you bribe them with?
Have a happy day
Oh my, oh my! What a wild imagination you have. I think your apron did my grocery shopping too because I didn't get any of that good stuff, just the crap. BTW, you don't have any legs in that photo with the "crap" in the cart. lol
This was funny until that shot of Crumpet in the apron and that was falling down hilarious!
Hugs, Bridget
Hands down, you have the best blog, I laugh every time I come here! Very nice prizes by the way. I have to say your dog looked darn good in that apron, now if it were me, I would let Crumpet do all of the cooking!
Have a great one.
Nikki, You are just the best! I wish I had your imagination. Congratulations on your beautiful gifts! Crumpet is too precious in that apron! Did Ozzie run like the wind to escape wearing the apron? ♥ Diane
Ok, I want whatever drugs you are taking!!! LOL You have such an imagination I say maybe you should consider writing childrens books, using your adorable fur babies as characters, think about it, and if you publish I want my fair cut, lol. Thanks for making us smile! Sue
I think your apron needs to meet my apron. She always leads me down the cookie aisle... darned naughty apron!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Oh no you di'nt! You got to stop this behavior, I cannot stop laughing! With you of course. You seriously put that apron on your dog? He looks so cute! (or she) This gives me an idea to get my dog a matching apron so we can cook together and go on walks with a matching aprons on. What have you done?
Hey Nikki, some nice gifts you got there. As I was scrolling down reading with each picture, I wondered if somehow the apron was going to be on Crumpet...you didn't let me down. Funny, funny post.
Neat store you shop at with all those goodies. I've never seen that brand of potato chips out west.
Nikki you write the most funny witty posts! I always smile when I stop by here. I hope you are having a wonderful day :>)
Awesome post! I love your creativity.
Chef Crumpet wears the apron well. What did Ozzie think?
You scored some great prizes. Congratulations!
Wonderful post with Apron goodness!
Love your imagination and enjoyed the apron took you shopping to my favorite places in our market. umm ( I will have to try those chips this spring when we come back out.)
Crumpet was very charming and wore his apron with pride! Does he hire out?
The food yummy.
What sweet and thoughtful gifts from Sally!
Nice apron! Crumpet couldn't look any cuter!!
LOL Nikki! This is one of my favorite posts..... hehehehehe... :)
I'm so relieved to find out you could soothe that savage beast with chocolate! I'm going to be laughing all day! I really love the fact that Crumpet is a slave to the apron and is now cooking dinner, Ozzie better watch out!!
in the midst of my tears you always bring laughter! thanks for cheering me up friend! what an absolutely precious post! I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!!!!!! :0 You are so lucky by the way!!!!!! You are always winning prizes!!! :) That apron is gonna have the BEST life ever!!!
Quite possibly my favorite post you have written. Love it!! I've never known anyone to have so much fun with an apron!
It is good to see the apron is blending well with the family ;) I think I wouldn't take it any more outings for a while, though!tee-hee
The tea looks mouthwatering-ly yummy!
Hysterical post! I am laughing out loud and frightening my son nearby! I shop like you do, only, that other CRAP (bananas, carrots etc) NEVER end up in my cart.
This was hilarious! Oh my gosh!
You are a silly goose! Love the picture of Crumpet (?) cooking! Congrats on winning Sal's prize!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you have THE most talented dogs. I need Crumpet to come cook one of those delicious dishes at my house. Tell him I have lots of pretty aprons he is more than welcome to wear, and I have great dog treats. If he could just come for awhile and teach my dog to talk and cook! Pleeeeese Crumpet. laurie
I am thinking Mister Crumpet is agreeable to anything as long as there is a treat for him in the end!
To funny !
Congrats on your win!
That dog is putty in your hands! I busted out laughing when saw him wearing your apron.
I just made my first apron a few months ago. I'm bummed to discover that the apron is powerless against chocolate!
Wow, can Crumpet come over and cook me dinner? I have an apron just his size. Mimi
Hahaha! The apron on the dog!
You are too funny!
Bestest post ever? Yeah, you just won it.
girlfriend, you kill me!
this was one of your best...and I love your aisles choices. :)
I always love visiting with you...u always put a smile on my face. You are the most unpredictable blogger I know. I never know what I'm going to read when I come here. LOL
In your post below...I despise the word verification too....it usually takes me 2 or 3 times to get it right!
Well, Nikki - you didn't disappoint!!! Bob and I laughed and laughed. It has been suggested that I come out of retirement to design clothes for dogs that cook - Crumpet can be 'Top Model'; maybe we can get an endorsement from the Crock-pot Company, do photo shoots in Paris, and we'll all get rich!!!! Think it will work? Nah!!! I've read your post 3 times now, and am still giggling. Glad you liked your presents. Sally
AUGHHHHHH!!!! lol lol Oh my word girl I am dying here...I was already cracked up just reading that you wore the apron to the store but when I saw that pic of Crumpet I screamed!!!!!!!! lol lol That is the funniest...you'll wet your pants for sure...fall off the chair...choke on the Hershey bar....spit the Pepsi all over the computer...picture I have ever seen!!!!!! lol lol Put a string of pearls around his neck and add a pair of heels and call him June Cleaver! lol lol Oh lordy I am dying girl...You have just made my entire week Nikki...thank you girl....but you ain't right! lol lol
That was hilarious!!! You actually wore the apron in the store????...hehehehe
send me that damn apron! You are abusing it!! And your dog cracked me up!
You freaking crack me up! Love the apron. But REALLY love the dog in the apron :)
Nikki, How do you come up with this stuff...You are the best! That picture of Crumpet craked me up! Nancy
Love the photo of the dog!!! Funny post!
as I sit here laughing out loud...literally busting a gut...I keep thinking of how much I need a magic apron! I do like to clean...but man...these kids are driving me mental!!!
Maybe I should get three little ones made for the kids...and a tiara for me? lol
I love to read you...you are so good at entertaining us.
LOL! Oh Nikki, how do you come up with such a cute post? I enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the entertainment!..Christine
Leave it to Nikki to give an apron adventures .... I laugh my self silly....... and the dogie in the apron..... you are just so fun..... I don't know how you do it week after week...
And I must say I do so admire and appreciate the way you are always extolling the worth of others.... you are such an encouragement... we should all be so generous in trying to help our fellow sisters..
Nikkiness! Congratulations on all your goodies and the magic apron! You are so funny, honey!! Your little brain must be working ninety nine miles a minute! You just crack me up! I'd love to be your next door neighbor! lol
Be a sweetie and watch out for that magic apron. Next we'll see little Ozzie with it wrapped around his little head!
Shelia ;)
I love your apron. I'm going to get my dog one, maybe she'll start cooking and clean up her own poo too.
LOL...great post...I love your story telling...you are soooo creative! Love the pics of you sweet pooch cooking your supper! I need an apron that will make me clean house and go to bed on time at night! Susan
My girls' love reading your posts. I call out "there's another one from the talking dog lady" and they come running. Very funny.
How talented Crumpet is to be able to cook!
How cute you were to wear your apron to the grocery store..and that's showing it who's boss!
Oh - goodness - I think you should leave wearing the apron to Crumpet - looks like he is the practical one in the family who knows the proper use for an apron. Seems like you just got in trouble wearing the apron and sweet Crumpet used it to make dinner for the family.
Have a fun week.
Erin and Bentley
You're a crack up!!!!!!! At least you threw in some chocolate chips with that grocery store hell garbage, haha!!! Chocolate chips are essential, healthy or not! Diet or not! Glad your apron and you are communicating like adults now. :)
where do yo come up with this stuff? :) a face on an apron, you are too silly!
congrats on winning such great goodies
Wow, that's some crazy ass apron you've got there. It's gorgeous, but I wouldn't turn my back on it.
OMG Nikki How funny was this post... you are the cleverest at story telling with pictures... Loved it and love that you have Crumpet trained to cook... What a super dog! All your goodies are just phenomenal... Loved it all.
Love ya
Nikki, you have the greatest imagination! That was so funny.
Did you ever wonder what the people in store were saying about you as you snapped the pictures?
Thanks for the laughs......Ann
Those pasteries look yummy! And i wish i would've ran into you at the store with the apron and taking pictures. I would've known exactly who you were! Hehe......
What a neat give-away and what a bad apron.
Have a great week.
LOL! Oh my goodness woman, you are killing me!
I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at that! Thank you!!
Hi Nikki, what a hilarious post! I need an inspirational apron like that! Wonder if Crumpet would let me borrow it? LOL! I love the cup and saucer you won, too! ...very pretty! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
THANKS for brightening my day! :)
That's one feisty apron!
Oh Nikki you are so silly!
What a great giveaway you received. You are so lucky. Everything in there is soooo great!
I can't believe you wore the apron to the store where you fell under the influence of...and Crumpets too..looks great in it ..*s*. That was a funny post.
I hope you continue having a great day.
have you entered my giveaway?
You are a HOOT! OMG, the pic of Crumpet cooking literally had me rolling! I so need to get back to my homework, but thank you for the laugh!
Too funny but the pic of Crumpet cooking was by far the best. I mean how many talents can one pooch have? Can you leave him to me in you will? Oh and don't forget to throw in the apron. I bought a pattern and material to make an apron months ago. You may inpsire me to make it finally. I have turned into my grandmother, what can I say. All cupcakes, tea sets and frilly aprons. I love them.
OMG, I'm glad I put my coffee cup down before I read this one! Girl, you are so damn funny... I'm jealous! I cannot believe you took the damn apron to the store to do this post. That's like pure genius! And Crumpet!!!!!!!! Haven't I told you to stop putting female attire on him? His penis is going to shrivel up for all time if you don't stop. He'll have to squat to pee. Do you know what that will do to his self esteem?
And what the HELL brand is UTZ???
And while I'm asking questions, what the HELL was that in your crock?
Justine :o )
I'm lovin' Crumpets new look...lol. That picture is priceless. I really love the apron, the little tea cup and that yummy yummy dessert or is that an appetizer? Yep, that looks like an appetizer to me...lol.
I think I turned that word verification thingy off. Thanks for the tip. :)
Hugs~ J
Nikki thanks so much for all your sweet comments. I'm happy to call you my friend. I knew if I visited your blog...it would make me laugh...it always does! I needed a good laugh today. Looks like Crumpet is right at home in the kitchen! He looks good in the apron...send him over to cook for me when he finishes up at your place!
Thank.. you! When I saw Crumpet wearing the apron I spit out my diet Coke on my computer screen! OMG! Woman... you need serious help! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikki...this is my all time favorite post!! Where in the world do you come up with these posts. I'm such a visual person...I was literally visualizing you (minus a face since I have no idea what you look like) at the grocery store walking up and down the aisles, so proud, in your new apron and then you and the apron having words. Too funny! Plus I Crumpets new look! LOL
You tell Crumpet that anytime he wants to borrow your apron he can cook me up some dinner. What a great post. And I saw some Good & Plenty candy on that shelf that you past right by!
This game is amazing!! Did you just see Brewers shot....GO JAZZ!
OH MY GOD! I love those pictures. Crumpet standing upright, wearing an apron, what is cuter than that...nothing!
What I want to know--were you weairng anything else besides the apron--cuz--the whole breeze up the apron might have been quite the event. Just sayin...
Girlfriend--if you don't have a giveaway of a day with you soon--I will have to hunt you down and stalk you for real!! Your mind is an awesome place to visit. And don't pay any attention to the one who said you need meds---I think you are doing just fine!!
PS HOW IN THE WORLD do you get Crump to put his head like that--it so makes the picture!!
Oh,my Lord,girl, you crack me up. I was just thinking today, "Wish I could be creative like NikkiCrumpet and her wild dog children."
And here you go again.
You are TOO funny!!
Woot! You kill me, lady!
Sending hugs and snorts of laughter...
Oh to be another shopper in the grocery store with you that day!!
"I so know she's bloggin about that."
Hilarious, per usual. If only we could bottle and mass produce you.
Love the pix of the apron on your doggies. So funny!
Fabulously funny apron story! What a hoot you are, with your imagination you should be writing a book! Cindy
The RSPCA in the UK is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals OR APRONS. I am reporting you for BOTH hahahahahahahahahahaha
This is the cutiest story ive read all day!
I nearly spit Coke all over my screen when I scrolled down to the pics of Crumpet wearing the apron!
You kill me!!!
Hah! Very late for this party but LOVED every morsel of it.
Loved, loved, LOVED that post! Hilarious! Especially loved seeing Crumpet modeling the apron! Thanks for the laugh! Congrats on your win - you deserve it! ;)
Hilarious! Love your sense of humor:)
You are so warped and I love it!
Hahahahaha!Hehehehe!! Can I borrow that apron???.....No seriously......Vanna
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