It's Wednesday...and I'm on a streak of two weeks in a row posting on time...WOOT!I wish.....................I had one of these sweaters. Don't we all have days like this. Of course mine would need a gazillion more skeins of yarn......I brag for half a minute. Meet my two nephews Ethan and Evan...They just finished 1st and 2nd place in their school's spelling bee. Not only did these guys win....but after the 3rd place fella missed his word....the two brothers continued to battle it out for 64 MORE words... yeah color this Auntie proud! ....WAY TO GO GUYS!
I wish...........that everyone who feels that every baby has the right to be born....would follow this link HERE. I had the good fortune to meet a lovely blogger today and her post is an important one. The opposition's beliefs are heard every single day in a very loud voice. It's time we make sure our voices are heard too. It's such a simple way to make a statement. Please take the time to check out what this is all about!
I would NOT get creative with facial hair....or body hair for that matter. Don't you wish you'd met him first....HUBBA
I wish..................that all dogs were this smart and filled with sage advice. If you need a burning question answered....Lucky is the dog to see. He lives over at "Life is Good" a hilarious blog by a very funny lady. Click HERE and see what I mean.
I wish...................someone would explain this to me.....No REALLY...explain this to me !
I wish........................That I had a sister to make my life complete. I'm not sure however that I'd want her to tell all my secrets like THIS sister does. Meet Justeeeeeen one of my favorite bloggers of all time. You have to read THIS post she did about her sister. You will die might want to have a doctor present ...oh ....(language warning...sometimes she has a wee-bit-o-the-potty-mouth) And she's beautiful...and you'll love her. And meet Jill her sister. She has a blog called Jill's Believe it or not.....another blogger you are destined to love! They have a "sister wars" thing going that is beyond funny. The two of them will definitely make you *snort*. This picture of Jill is a sample of the things they post about each other.....
I NEVER see a crack like this in my windshield.......
I NOT live next door to this kid...EVERThanks for stopping by for this episode of I wish Wednesday....I heard it from a reliable Cricket that dreams do come tell me....what do you wish for?