There are an amazing amount of really fabulous posts to read every day. I mean you ladies and guys out there are beyond cool. I am inspired on a daily basis by how creative and wonderful blogland is. But there have been two posts recently that really touched me. And I just want to make sure that you don't miss them. Maybe they won't connect with you like they did me...but just in case...
The first one was posted a few days ago by Krista at "Bits and pieces of a blessed life." It was called She is following in your footsteps It is really lovely.
The second one was posted just Cindy at "Just another day in paradise" called "baby steps for the woman behind the curtain"
Maybe this one touched me so much because I could see so much of myself in her story.
I hope you enjoy these both as much as I did.
Also I have a looong list of blogs I visit every day. And I love seeing what new amazing stuff you have to show me. I found a new one just yesterday that is just to funny to miss. Alot of you probably already know about this one (and for those of you who do...(thanks a whole-heck-of-a-lot for NOT sharing it with me...sheesh)
It's creator is Emily and the blog is called "chatting with the sky" She is a HOOT AND HALF.
Now I'd like to finally take the time to properly thank Nancy from "Southern Lady"
For her thoughtfullness in giving me this award
Janie from Southern Lagniappe Was kind enough to give me this beautiful award
I've known Janie since back in the RMS days. She has one of the most beautiful homes you've ever seen....I've been a big fan of her decorating talent..and a bigger fan of her gracious personality.
And then today I received two more awards. I LOVE WINNING STUFF! You all are just too dang nice.
Carol over at Charli and Me re-gave me this wonderous award
Now you know Carol is an amazing person because she owns a Schnauzer! Well also because she smart and sweet and has a wonderful blog...but it's mostly because of the schnauzer thingie.
And finally I got this kick butt award
From Michael over at Captain Obvious
Michael and I go back to the RMS days too....where he got me in some trouble by making a "trailer" comment that I got blamed for. I thought about never forgiving him...but he is just too dang funny to be mad at. I love his blog because it always gives me a good laugh.
Now I know about the rules that you're supposed to pass these awards on to varying numbers of people...but I'm a big loser who generally doesn't follow rules. I'll try to be a good girl on another day.
But THANK YOU all for thinking about me enough to give me these awards. I really do appreciate it. I also appreciate the fact that all of you bloggers come to my place and keep me company. I was pretty sure when I started blogging that I'd be sitting in a room talking to myself...much to my surprise wonderful people showed up. I'm so grateful because that "talking to yourself" thing gets old really fast...and it can get you put into a different room with LOTS of padding on the walls.
So Thanks to everyone who takes time out of their busy days to visit here. You all ROCK MY WORLD!
Congrats on all the awards! You really deserve them! You have one of the most creative and funny blogs out there. Your post on the dogs going to the groomers is one of the best posts I have ever seen and is a classic already!
Love this post and the music was wonderful....m,
I have nightmares about talking to myself. It's down right scary to think of people not visiting my blog. So thank you for visiting me. No really, thank you! And congratulations on your awards! :-)
WOW... very nice to receive so many awards! Congrats!
Hey Nikki, you are just to funny and creative to be scared of talking to yourself, no way!!!. your blog is to addictive, Congrats on all your awards and I am going to check out ALL your recommendations, only it will have to be tomorrow as I am totally blogged out today catching up.
I am very intrigued by your comment about the "pass it forward" post and am really looking forward to seeing what the postie brings from you, how exciting. I will not go away again until it arrives, haha. hugs, Kathy.
Sorry I didn't tell you about Chatting at the Sky! I figured most bloggers knew about her. Did you know she is The Nesters sister? She too has an amazing blog and quite the following. Talent must run in their family. Keeping your blog fresh and interesting is quite a challenge. Those two make it look so easy. Another one we love is Bless Our Nest. Have you seen that one? If not check it out. It's on our side bar.
Rest assured you are not talking to yourself. :o) Your blog is one of the few that makes me sit up straight and make sure I read. No skimming allowed! Congrats on all your awards!
Good morning Nikki :)
Congratulations! Thank you for the heads up on the blogs. I've never heard of them.... hmmm... what's that about? LOL
Oh and you're welcome. I hope I didn't sound like a know-it-all, because really... I don't have a clue ;)
Thanks for the blog references. If I don't stop adding to my list, I will have to quit working so I can stay home and read all day!!! hahahaha!
Congrats on the awards:)
Congratulations on your well deserved awards!!!
Have a great day :)
Hi Nikki, Thanks for the heads up on some more blogs (like I need one more thing to distract me from my day). I always stop by your blog but don't always comment. You silly girl, we would never leave you alone in a room typing to yourself. You always add a bright spot to my day! Carol
Nikki, congratulations on some very well deserved awards! You'll have to have a separate blog soon just for the awards! LOL. I'm excited to check out these other posts. I'll have to do it later today as I've promised myself the bulk of my day will be spent sorting and finishing up that crawl space and getting my house back in order, plus I have to go look at flooring today. I think I'm going to pick your brain on something I want to do in the laundry room. Hey it's all torn up so now's the time to do it, right?! I'll get back to you on that later! Oh, and yes it was okay, actually I'm very humbled you would do it. Cindy
Thanks for the new additions to my blog list -just like Big Hair Envy said I don't have time to go to work now, I only have time to read all the wonderful blogs like yours. I guess I just have to win the lottery! ~ Robyn
You are just so nice! That was like going to the oscars and the grammys-but in a good way! Kudos!
Hey Nikki!
I'm back! YAY! And I've got a great contest going at the Blog! You can win a CalicoCorners $200 gift certificate for sending me a photo of a room you'd like to change with fabric!
Hope you play along! Deadline to enter is September 10th!
you're the best! :) I just showed my hubby your hillarious spa post! :) He laughed...not as hard as I did, but he laughed! :) Have a great day...we are going on a lunch date!
Oh my stars, girl, look at all of your awards!!! Congratulations! And look at your supermodel family...and is that a picture of your breakfast nook at the top...and can I gush over your blog any more? I like it immensely and am off to catch up on 'you'.
I'll be back...
Hi Nikki, Well I have an award waiting for you on my blog--I just see you recently received it! See, we all think you are creative! I'll leave it there, because I want you to have it from me! dana
OMG, I had no idea this song was something other than the Golden Girls theme. And you know how my side love us some Golden Girls. WAY COOL.
Congrats on all the deserve them!
Hi Nikki! Oh, I'm so proud of you to be given this award! I so enjoy your blog! I apppreciate your sweet words about mine.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Nikki, I am sooo excited for you, you are all gonna love NYC, hope you can get some tips from my posts the bus really is a great way to see it all and the tour guides are really funny expecially if you get the Brooklyn guys. do check out Pat's blog, born and bred in Brooklyn her posts on NYC and Brooklyn are so informative go back to her July posts. have fun, Kathy.
PS. one thing though, be prepared to be exhausted when you get back I really could not keep up with my Daughter, she did not even let me have my afternoon naps. yikes!!!.
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