Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hey everyone. I know I haven't been around much...and that will continue for a little while longer. Summer demands my attention.

However I have to take a second and do something that is out of the ordinary for me here on my blog. I know I usually keep it light and none to serious. But I'm pretty ticked off at the moment. So bear with me while I am serious and angry for a moment.

For any of you who are fans of Glenn Beck, and appreciate his honest and straight forward TV show and radio've probably heard that some of his sponsors have pulled their ads. The liberal media like the Huffington Post and others are trying to silence him and get him off the air. It's amazing to me that "Liberals" are the first people to SCREAM "Freedom of Speech" when they have something to say. But are also first in line to try and shut up anyone who doesn't agree with them. Well ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We as conservatives have sat by long enough and let them push us around. We have jobs and families we love and take care of, and in so doing, we have less time to attend protests and write letters and generally harrass anyone who disagrees with us. But the time has come to start fighting back. This country is never going to survive unless good and decent people take action.

It is a simple thing to go to the websites of the companies who have pulled their ads, find the contact information at the bottom of their web page, and send a quick email. If we all let them know that we will no longer be buying their products or shopping in their stores as long as they are trying to silence a good and decent man who is only telling the truth. The fact that these companies caved in to the liberal media needs to be addressed. If you can take a few minutes and send emails to any or all of the following companies it would be a "very good thing".

Walmart, Best Buy, Travelocity, Geico, SC Johnson, CVS, Mens Warehouse, Radio Shack, Proctor & Gamble, State Farm, and Sargento Cheese.

I don't expect all of my readers to agree with me. That's one of the best things about this country, we're allowed to have and voice our opinions. I have lots of liberal friends and readers who already think my political views are nuts. Which is fine...I think civil people can agree to disagree. I just felt compelled to try and do something to stop this from happening to a good man. It's amazing how much power we have if we just use it. Thanks for letting me RANT. And I hope you're all happy, safe, and having a great summer!


Ash said...

That sound you hear? Sam Walton spinning in his grave - from "Made in the USA" to now pulling ads.

Anger doesn't begin to cover what I'm feeling right now.

Thanks for keeping us informed. E-mails are going out...

Anonymous said...

Oh I thought you were ticked off at Bejeweled Blitz!


I don't understand the reasoning of pulling out sponsorship of Glenn Becks' show.

Sounds like he has hit some raw nerves.

He should be allowed to say what he feels just like everyone else.

AND...I'm glad your ticked off like I've been ticked. (Ticks invaded my home! But we are winning the war.)

AND...please come back soon GF! I miss you!

Shell in your Pocket said...

I will!!!
sandy toe

Medical Librarian said...

I think businesses flee from controversy, in general. Letting them know how you feel, as a consumer, is a good step.

I have to note there are extremists on both sides. As a liberal and a supporter of freedom of speech, I support people airing their views, regardless of whether I agree with them or not. Hearing the points of someone that I don't agree with on a particular subject can actually make me think more about my own beliefs and opinions, anyway, which is always good.

I just discovered your blog today, and I'm enjoying reading. Thanks!

squawmama said...

Ok Sister I will do it for you... Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Don't these people know we have the right to hear it all??? I don't blame you for being angry... It is NOT right! BTW I miss you....


kado! said...

I'm actually on "team Bill O'Reilly" don't take this the wrong way...but Beck is a little strange for me....I'm sure what he has to say is just how I feel...his presentation is just a little crazy...last time I saw him he was dancing around in lederhosen!

I love people who stand up for what the believe...go for it!

Devri said...

wow, proter and gamble, you know, If I stop buying your diapers and tampons, you WILL be out of business with 5 girls, and two little boys in dah house! Cuz I can make my own diapers, and tampons (i think) lol

Anyways, on board! I had no idea about all these companys.. wow, even walmart!

and yes, I miss you too! hugs (hold your screen, you feel it?)

Jessica said...

Wow~ I had no idea this was going on.

Anonymous said...

Great rant. Good to 'see' you!

Anne Fannie said...

Slowly we are all watching our freedom being taken away. Pretty soon the government will run our health care, our insurance, our banks. I sometimes sit and wonder why Americans today are allowing this to happen.
I will send those emails and Glenn Beck is a conservation man telling the truth and the people currently running our country do not want to hear him and they are trying to shut him up. Its sad but unless we speak up and stand united, they will crush him.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
nikkicrumpet said...

I have only one thing to say to the anonymous poster. When Obama said "A typical White woman" describing his grandmother....that was a racist comment. To say that "typical" white women walk across the street when they see a black man IS racist. So Glenn Beck's comment was NOT a was the truth as he sees it and as many of us see it.

nikkicrumpet said...

Oh an if you're curious as to why I deleted your comment...until you have the courage to say what you think under your real name...then please don't post here. I only respect opinions of those who will stand by their convictions and not hide behind "anonymous".

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I am with you on this one sweet Nikki! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

tammy said...

Go Nikki!

I posted about this earlier on my blog too. People (especially the extreme liberals) can be so hypocritical. Freedom of speech is fine until we say something they don't like. It also pisses them off when we use facts and logic. (Unlike a certain blogger we know that likes to only state her opinion, and then blast others for having different ones, and call them names and then claims to be a Christian.)

tammy said...

And another thing people don't realize, before Beck was on TV, and only had his radio program, he was complaining about the Bush administration. He doesn't pick one party over another, he calls BS on whatever he doesn't agree with. And that is why I love him. But did we see sponsers pulling out then??

CB said...

You GO Nikki!! This was a great and very needed post!!
I will be contacting these companies. It is ridiculous that they would pull their sponsership!!
The liberal media does NOT like to be told the truth but they DO need to hear it!! Glenn Beck needs to stay on the air!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki! I am a big Glenn fan as well! 8 on the list are ones I frequently give my business to and I mean lots of dollars spent here!!! Thanks for the heads up; we may never have known where Mr. Beck went if it weren't for people like you! I'm off to put in my two cents!! Jeannette

Randi said...

Done and Done! I have to say that I am NOT a member of either party. But I am an AMERICAN, and I do feel that Freedom of Speech is what sets us apart from many nations. Our ability to stand up and talk about what we believe. It MUST be protected! But,this is not an isolated incident... it is also happening to the CEO of Whole Foods based here in Austin, TX. He wrote an article in the Washington Post about an alternative to Obama's health care, after Mr. Obama said he welcomed new ideas. The CEO also talked about what he thought about the current plan ( not so highly to be fair)and what improvements he thought they could make to it. As a result extremists groups are picketting outside of Whole Foods in support of a boycott. Just so you know 90% of their employees are insured at 100%! How ridiculous is that- amid health care reform they are picketting a company to put them out of buisness- and where are all those unemployed, uninsured people to go? It is time for us to take a stand! This is RIDICULOUS, no matter on which side you fall!! Period.

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

I am glad you are okay. You have the right to be angry, as do many others. We are in America, we have what is called freedom of speech and I can't stand when people try to take that away. My husband has fought for these rights for well over 21 years. So, I will be angry and send some e-mails also. I have been doing that often lately. ;-)


Tootsie said...

I used to watch that show daily...and they took it off the air waves that we get! YOU GO GIRL!!!

Anne Fannie said...

Hey Nikki, I sent a email to Best Buy this morning and they sent me a reply! Give me your email address and I will forward it to you!

Ginger said...

I'm with you Nikki, on this one. We watch Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly every night, and Fox news. I can't take the 3 major news networks anymore, they are so biased.
I will be sending emails as well.

Jadehollow said...

AMEN Sistah!! I totally agree! I will start sending my emails tonight ..

mCat said...

I am so there with you!! PS - your hawt when your freakin ticked! : )

Kelly P said...

I would be ticked off too! It is evident that they either forgot or never knew the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. What they don't know is that they are only hurting themselves. So yes I am on your side.

Suzann said...

Sweetie - I LOVE Glenn. I'm so tired of it all myself. Miss you. Love You. Mean It.

imjacobsmom said...

Glenn has always been my guy. I used to watch him when he was on HLN and then followed him to Fox. I love how he tells it like it is. ~ Robyn

Lynn Kellan said...

I love Glenn, and I had no idea this was happening. Thanks for letting us know!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
onlymehere said...

I agree that it's time to stand up and let our voices be heard. I'm attending my first town hall meeting this week. I just have some concerns that I want to hear addressed. I'll definitely email these companies with my opinion! Thanks for the heads up. Cindy

P.S. By now the tan should be looking pretty good!

tammy said...

Why, whenever the liberals come out, do they have to resort to name calling? Every.single.time.

Unknown said...

Girl, I am so proud of you!!
I'd gladly give up shopping at the juggernaut WalMart.
Those companies just shoot themselves in the foot when they pull their ads off of a hugely watched show. Especially when they pull them off for political reasons. It just shows the media is really not interested in freedom of speech unless serves their own agenda.

Kat said...

You absolutely have the right to be ticked off. Personally, I don't care for Beck, but I absolutely support his right to freedom of speech. If I don't care for something I hear, I use my right to change the channel! There are fanatics on both sides of the spectrum, and I don't care for fanatics. They tend to distort things to move their own agenda. But again, use your ability to research and form your own opinion. I read a great quote on someone's blog the other day "An opinion should be based on thought, not a subsitute for it" Hear Hear! Thanks for the rant. Kathy

marieDee said...

Well, I'm sorry you're so ticked off by me. I'm not one who wrote advocating that the sponsors drop him, but I do hate what he says...well, most of the time, since he reverses himself now and then (sometimes during the same discussion). Many progressives don't think it's a good idea to boycott, but for those who do I think it may be that, yes, he is free to say whatever he wants (even if it incites violence, hatred, lies, hyperbole) but there is no God-given right for him or Rush to become millionaires from it (which they have)! Is there?

tammy said...

Ironically enough, he's actually defending your right to freedom of speech too, MarieDee.

Anonymous said...

MD- Who cares what he makes? This is still a free country - freedom of speech, freedom to do what you want with your life as long as it doesn't harm others. Oh wait, you're probably wanting me to share my wealth with you, since it's not fair for someone to make more than another.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Nikkiness. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We're a FOX TV bunch at Notesongs - Bill O'Riley and Glenn Beck. You're so right about this...same on the ones who only want their way. We all have a right to our own ideas and speech. Thank goodness for the FOX network who has helped to open our tiny eyes!
I MISS you!!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Pam @ Frippery said...

Nikki, we are in big trouble when only one viewpoint is allowed to have a voice. When we stifle free speech we destroy what our country is about. When large corporations get in on the act out of fear we need to let them know that there are many voices out here that purchase their products. Regardless of anyone's belief's they are allowed to speak freely in America. So speak freely and let these sponsors know how we feel, whether we are for or against them. P.S. Don't comment unless you are willing to attach a name to your comment, especially if you feel it is necessary to be insulting. Name calling is the last resort of the ignorant.

Pam @ Frippery said...

Oh and also, part of the freedom in this country is being able to make a living however we choose and for whatever amount of money that job happens to pay. Many commentators make millions by putting their opinions out there, if they are paid well for it that is none of my business. If I don't agree with them I do not have to watch or listen. If no one was listening and agreeing they would not be on the air.

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tammy said...

Saw your comment before you deleted it about "inciting violence from the insane people". You are absolutely correct, which is why Glenn has to hire bodyguards from the liberals that hate him.

Big Girl said...

wow!!!! I am with you Nikki....

Anonymous said...

wow good for Beck and his bodyguards. Obama needs bodyguards from the wingnuts too, so whats your point??

Anonymous said...

I'm a liberal, but I already try very hard not to shop at Wal-Mart, Never shop at Geico, Have already stopped buying products from P&G, for other reasons than you, but still, I already don't care for their companies no matter who they support... just don't agree with a few other ways of doing business that they have... Not going to argue with someone who's blog I adore, but you have to realize that the liberals were pushed around for 8 years and we didn't like it much either. Politics are just rough business.... *sighs for all of us*

Snappy Di
Formerly The Blue Ridge Gal

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I'm with Quirkyloon - I would have been more concerned about you being pissed off about Bejeweled Blitz. But that's because I don't give a crap about overreactions of people who protest or overreactions of companies who pulls ads from shows they know DAMN WELL are going cause such protests.

Can't we all just...get along?

Pedaling said...

nikki- i've always loved you- but today i love you more.

when sue went off about you- said she wanted to punch you in the face -called you foul names and then claimed she was a christian and didn't hate you- that was all it took for proof of what she is about....if that's not hate, i don't know what is.
and then,
i loved you even more.

love the beck man- i hear ya! i believe in free speach whether it be for him, me you or any liberal- the difference between a conservative and a liberal, among other things, is that conservatives allow both sides to voice their view without attacking through immature silly namecalling. conservatives actually counter liberal progressive with facts, stats and intelligent solutions!

evidently accourding to sue i am self absorbed and don't like black people, but i pretend to like black people....
(can somebody please explain to my why i had condoliza rice as one of the women i admired most? whe is black right? or denzel washington? black?.....whatever.
i feel sue is biased against good looking white women who have something going for them in their lives.

oh, and when i called her out on her immature post in which she showed her true colors and in which she should be ashamed of herself for posting....
it all of the sudden disappeared....
imagine that!

go nikki go!

ps- sue gets no more airtime on my i'm sure she'll try to respond here....poor pathetic miserable soul.

Justine said...

Hi Nikki baby! See the shit I miss while on vaca? I'm totally NOT into politics... I don't understand it at all and have never followed it. When I say I know nothing, I mean NOTHING, so I tend to believe whatever I hear and from whomever. Very bad way to be an American, I know.
Now you know I love you, adore you, wanna be your bitch and all, but... one sentence you wrote up there seemed like it could be offensive. Not to me, 'cause I'm your bitch, but ya know. Anyway, you said something about republicans having jobs and taking care of their families, so they don't have enough time for protests and whatnot. That could be taken WAY the wrong way by democrats, IF you're implying what it sounded like you were implying. Hey, I could be wrong. I'm an idiot. You know that already.
I went to go to Sue's blog today and noticed it was gone. I have such mixed feelings. I knew you all didn't like each other, but I had NO CLUE she had said she wanted to punch you in the face and all that! Holy shit!!!! It saddens me that sometimes people let politics get SO personal that they let it come between them and people with different views. I'll just sit here on the fence (ouch, that damn picket just porked me in the ass) and watch both sides duke it out.
Love you!

Justine :o )

D C said...

Aw....just thougth I'd say I love ya Nikki and miss seeing your posts. This provoked a LOT of thought and i'm very very proud of you for speaking your thoughts and not being afraid of apposing thoughts. You rock sista!

Sue said...

Nikki-C..happy to see you back...great post..We watch Glen every night and I had not heard about this...He is doing a service to this country for the information he is getting out...This week he exposes the backgrounds of all of Obama's Czar' guy is a self proclaimed communist...this is such a and husband will be sure to start sending out those e-mails....

Justine said...

Hey girl, I came back to read thoroughly through the comments. I do have something I'd like to address to Pedaling, if I may. As a totally innocent and ignorant bystander, I might add.

She said:

the difference between a conservative and a liberal, among other things, is that conservatives allow both sides to voice their view without attacking through immature silly namecalling. conservatives actually counter liberal progressive with facts, stats and intelligent solutions!

This comment, which could be widely true, is also a kind of stereotypical observation. Not ALL conservatives are open-minded about hearing the other side. Not all conservatives deal strictly in facts, stats and intelligent solutions. Just as not all liberals use name-calling to get their point across. You just can't make a blanket statement like that about anyone, whether you're referencing politics, race, or religious beliefs, to name a few.

Did this make any kind of sense? I don't mean any disrespect to Pedaling, or anyone else. Just made this observation and thought I'd share my thoughts.

Justine :o )

Rainy Day Farm said...

That makes me sooooooooooo mad. I am going to contact all those sponsers and give them a piece of my mind. I am a State Farm customer and will change to a little less liberal car insurance! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard this was going on. Shame on them. I really hate that liberals fight dirty!

Rainy Day Farm said...

P.S. So glad you are back! I have missed my good wednesday laugh session.

Shawn said...

I don't listen to him---as I don't do talk radio, but I am a conservative and there are so few of us left----so I will see what I can do!

You go, girl!

Four Paws and Co said...

Nikki, I just read you latest crop message & I'm just dying! See ya soon neighbor! ☺ Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi, I wish to remain anonymous, I hope that my wish is respected. I am not here to start any trouble, I just wanted to give my honest opinion on a few things. First, I would like to start with Pedaling.

Here is a what she wrote: (see her comment posted above)

"evidently accourding to sue i am self absorbed and don't like black people, but i pretend to like black people....
(can somebody please explain to my why i had condoliza rice as one of the women i admired most? whe is black right? or denzel washington? black?.....whatever.
i feel sue is biased against good looking white women who have something going for them in their lives.

oh, and when i called her out on her immature post in which she showed her true colors and in which she should be ashamed of herself for posting....
it all of the sudden disappeared....
imagine that!

go nikki go!

ps- sue gets no more airtime on my i'm sure she'll try to respond here....poor pathetic miserable soul."

Pedaling, Why would someone or anyone need to explain to you why you admire Condolezza Rice or Denzel Washington? Can you explain to the world why you used those two people as proof that you are not prejudiced? I am not suggesting that you are prejudiced, but uhhh couldn't you have named a friend, or a neighbor or even a co-worker to shoot down Sue's accusation? Do you even know Ms. Rice or Mr. Washington? Have you had dinner with either? I am certain you have not. You often speak of using facts to back up your views. This time, you did not.

You seem to "feel" that Sue is biased against good looking white women who have something going for them in their lives. What does looks, namely "white woman's" looks have to do with any of this? Why do you "feel" she is biased? What does Sue know about you? Does she know what you look like? Does she know for certain what you do for a living? Do you know anything about Sue, other than her political views? I am sure that you do not. Again, you claim to use facts to support your views and opinions. This time you were being down right ridiculous and you have not one ounce of proof to support this outlandish accusation of Sue being biased against white women that have something going for themselves. Not to offend you or anything, but that entire sentence made no sense at all! It was hot air!

If Sue's post was so immature why did YOU go there to "call her out"? Why pick a fight? You can not change her views. You are the one that showed your true colors.

You even went so far as to call her a poor, pathetic, miserable soul. What makes her poor and pathetic? How well do you know Sue? You called her a miserable soul. That's pretty strong words about about a woman that you hardly know. That whole name calling thing was also very judgmental of you. Again, you have no supporting evidence to prove that Sue's soul is miserable or that she is poor and pathetic.

I would go in to a few other things that you aimlessly rambled on about, but someone else covered that. I am glad that I am not the only one that caught on to your
childish tirade.


I can not believe that you would call President Obama prejudiced. Your reasoning behind your accusation is so weak that I had to laugh. I could care less about you liking or loving Beck. To be honest, I don't even know who he is, nor do I care. He is a talkshow host for crying out loud! (So you say)

I have read your blog plenty, and I have had the pleasure of reading tons of your comments on your blog and well as others. Your wording and tone (when it comes to politics and blacks) strongly suggest that you are the one that is borderline prejudiced and overly opinionated.


John Deere Mom said...

An angry rant post is better than no post at all! :)

straight from Sue's blog: said...

"Can you indulge me just this one time, see about a year ago I went to this womans(bitch) blog and she was talking Palin, I had to of course put in my 2 cents and it turned into a free for all brawl!! So I want to say to this.... Nikki bitch with the Blah Blah fucking ugly blog, shut the hell up about me, I hate you and you hate me so lets just call it a day!! Just this week I caught her at another bitch blog saying I called her a satanist!!! I never said such a thing, I said satan had his arms around Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, Not the same thing as calling her a satanist now is it!? So because she is a Bush lover and I'm a democrat, she hates me! Let me also add, I don't hate her, I despise her. I don't like using the word hate!"

She had a post up earlier today that said she's being picked on. Poor thing.

nikkicrumpet said...

anon1812. If you believe what you come you don't have the courage of your convictions and use your real name? I would really love an answer to that question. As for pedaling. Sue does know what she looks like, and has seen pictures of her home and other aspects of her life. So that was a FACT. Pedaling also knows aspects of Sue's life because she shares that info on her blog so that statement was her opinion based on information Sue has freely that statement was a FACT. She also knows about Sue's views because she tells us Loud and clear what she thinks. I'd like to know why you would defend someone who on her blog posted that she wanted to "punch me in the face". And called me a bunch of ignorant names. Funny thing I never even responded to Sue. I figured her words would show the world who she was and what she was about...and there was no need for me to try to defend myself against such ugly stuff. However friends like Pedaling didn't like the fact that Sue was preaching violence to someone they know, and so she stood up for me. Which I really appreciate. I think it's odd that you would call someone out for defending a friend. Instead of taking her to task, maybe you should have said something to Sue for preaching violence. As for my supposed "racist feelings". I would love for you to show me where I've said something racist. I love it when a liberal can't fight with truth so they throw out the "racist card". Well it won't work here. I know who I am and how I feel about people of every race and religion. I judge people on who they are and the way they treat others, and how they live their lives. Not on what they look like or what God they worship. As for Pedaling using Ms Rice and Mr. Washington as examples...your argument doesn't make any sense. Had she named George Johnson who lived down the street how would any of us know that he was a black friend. Living in Utah you don't get a chance to meet many black people...not any fault of the people who live there...but the population of African Americans is very low in that state. I didn't have any black friends until I moved from Utah to Massachusetts. Not because I am a "racist" as you suggested...but simply because the opportunity never presented itself. I have readers of different colors...and many of them don't agree with my political doesn't stop us from being friends and appreciating each others ideas, talents, and lives. One of the best blogs on here is "My Brown Baby" She is an extraordinary writer...and although I don't have the same life experiences as her, nor can I relate to a lot of her topics, I find myself loving what she has to say and enjoying her family and friends. So please stop making this about color. It isn't! it has NOTHING to do with black or has to do with Liberal ideas versus conservative ideas. The race card is a pathetic excuse for someone who doesn't have the facts to debate the real issues.

Pedaling said...

was going to state a short response, but nikki pretty much covered it.

all i will add is that you "anon1812" clearly do not know the history here.
i will just state that it is sue who continually comes to our blogs on a regular basis and has been for the past 2 years....she leaves comments full of name calling and craziness none of which is based on fact or reason- all purely emotional. after her comments are left on my blog, i typically respond back, again ON MY OWN BLOG COMMENT BOX-i am not interested in going to her blog or any others for that matter to state my opinions- that's what my blog is for. i enjoy a reasonable discussion with reasonable people with differing opinions on matters as i try to understand where others are coming from- key word here being "reasonable"
that's all i have on this matter.
life is short, i have other posts to read, friends to enjoy and kids to raise and a country i love...
no more time for this nonsense.

Debora Dennis said...

Love Beck, am a proud card carrying conservative and am all for freedom of speech (many of my closest friends happen to be liberals and we've maintained strong friendships WITH lively political debates for over 25 years!)

It's a sad day when companies pull this crap and I thank you for posting it for people to stand up and do something about.

I recently started reading the labels on everything I buy and if I can choose between an american made product over an american company producing that product outside our borders...I choose the USA.

So, if I have to continue to make choices on where I spend my money - it will always go to the company that supports our constitution - and our rights, like Free speech.

Go Glen! Keep fighting the good fight! :)

Anonymous said...

Erm, freedom of speech. Wasn't it the Republicans who had a problem with the Dixie Chicks for using their Freedom of Speech a few years back? Neither political side is happy it seems or not slinging mud at the other side unless it's their guy in office that is not having the mud thrown at him. I'm with you Pedaling, in that I have other things to do today than read anymore of this. Lots of hits on your blog, Nikki, but dang..... enough is enough. Everyone just go home and take a hit of something... anything... to make you calm down. Life's too short. Why not get involved in a positive way instead of beating one another over the head. :-) I'm headed to a dental appt. It's much less painless than reading the comments on this post. *smirks*

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki,

You know I have been here before... I consider myself a conservative democrat who does not believe in all the spending of money that we don't have and I also believe in freedom of speech. I think we all can and do make statements that can be construed incorrectly. I do not believe Obama is a racist and certainly do not believe he could get as far as he has if he was. I think there are waaaay to many blankets being put around both Conservatives and liberals that are stereotypical and just wrong. I am a 35 year old black women, well educated (2 masters) and I DO HAVE A JOB here in Northern Virginia. We do not have to agree but darn do you really feel all Obama supporters are ignorant and have no education or jobs ? I don't feel that way about conservatives and would never make such a statement. I'm saddened that race has to be in injected by both parties but I darn sure don't have to fall into the trap of playing up to it like some of these commenters have. This saddens me to be honest.

RMS "caniquitmyjobanddecorate"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nikkicrumpet said... have every right to your opinion. If you choose to believe I'm a racist then there is nothing I can say that will change that. I'm disappointed you feel that way. I've always enjoyed your blog and even enjoyed our differing political views. There was no need however for you to delete your comment. If that's how you feel...then say it. And thanks for using your real name as opposed to hiding behind the "anonymous" thing. I think it's fair that I know how you really feel. It makes me sad...but it's good to know the truth.

nikkicrumpet said...

And Tiffany. Again...thanks to those of you who use your real names when you comment. I respect that more than you know. I want to make one thing very clear. Nowhere did I say anything about "Obama supporters" or even Democrats for that matter. If you'll read my post I said "liberals". There is a difference. My best friend for the last 30 years voted for Obama...she has a PHD and works very hard...and would kick my big old butt if I ever said that none of them had jobs or were uneducated. I don't know where you saw that in my post...but if it came out that way it was unintentional.

Alice said...

I will send emails, but then I will probably be put on some White house domestic terrorist list.

Sue said...

why my name was brought into a post about Glenn Beck is insane. The so-called post from my blog is a fake made by an insane individual, my name is here for all to see and you are welcome to my blog. Leave me out of your filthy inuendos

Jill said...

Holy shit.. I am never leaving for this long again. There is so much going on in blogland my head is going to explode. Mrs.. to chicken to show her name needs to shut up or don't leave any comments at all.
OOps... I'm in for it now too aren't I???
I love ya NIKKI>> and I miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck a good man? Id hate to see who you think is a "bad" man

Sue said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying what many of us are thinking! I believe the great silent majority is getting fed up with all this nonsense!
First we have 47 Million Americans not covered by health insurance that we have to save......yet I have never seen anyone complaining?......another ploy to make all the Illegals citizens I suspect.
Then we have this Cap and Trade Bill.....sounds like something to keep jobs in the US......but no! Its designed to raise all our electric bill by $1000+ a year!
$4500 cash for clunkers I give that one 6 months before we hear "I didn't know what I was signing.....I can't pay for this car" You know thats coming!
Time for America to wake up! You just don't elect someone that represents 13% of the population!
John A

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck -GOOD MAN

Barack Obama
William Ayers
Timmy Guitner

Nitegama said...

I have never seen so much ignorance in comments in my life..first of all you all need to research some of the stuff he is stated like Obama is a Nazi?? and take your guns to church? Puleeze..also check out what liberal means in the dictionary..kind, caring open minded? open to new ideas? Wow i bet you all thought we went to Iraq for wmds

Anonymous said...

People, you've gotten off track here. Whether you like Glenn or not, the issue here is freedom of speech. He is allowed to speak his opinion just as you are allowed to speak yours. Calling people ignorant does not help your cause.

nikkicrumpet said...

No Nitegama...what YOU need to do is stop spouting the lies and crap you read in the Huffington post and other liberal media outlets..and instead actually LISTEN TO AND WATCH his show. I have been a listener to his radio show for several years. I listen almost every day. I also watched his show on CNN and now on Fox. And your examples of things he supposedly said was laughable. You might try Actually listening to him and then maybe you'll get your facts straight. Glen does NOT preach violence. In fact he has been begging his readers not to fall into that trap. And he is just as quick to bash George Bush and other Republicans as he is to bash the liberal democrats. He only wants people to hear the truth and then decide for themselves. I just wish you people who hate him so much would actually listen to him for a week. You would not only be better informed...but you'd stop sounding so ridiculous. I listen to NPR and watch the liberal new shows so that I can hear BOTH sides of the story. Try it might learn something.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Hear, hear lady!!! I second, third, and fourth every single thing you said!!! Thanks for speaking out!!

Lindsey! said...

Wow mom you really set some people off this time!
To all of you out there who are quick to make snap judgments about the kind of person my mother is based on such limited information please take it from someone who knows her best. I have spent the last 27 years with an amazing, kind and accepting human being. She was a single parent taking care of 3 children all a year apart in age by nothing more than intelligence and personal sacrifice. We hold completely different political views (I voted for Obama) as well as different life choices. Yet she has remained nothing but supportive and open minded to everything I have done in life no matter how much she disagreed with it. I would not be the person I am today had she not raised me to accept everybody no matter how different they are in beliefs and appearance. She is that way with everyone she cares about including people she barely knows. Do not sit here and insult a woman who has done nothing but been a warm compassionate human being her entire life just because she had the guts to state here opinions on a subject she felt strongly about. That is what free speech is all about and the whole reason she wrote the post was to defend it. So if anyone else feels the need to make horrible mean or negative comments regarding my mother remember you are insulting someones mother, daughter and sister and that is one of the most abhorrent things that we can do as humans. Though I do not always agree with her I am thankful that I have a mother who is willing to stand up for her belief knowing that people will try to drag her down in doing so.

Justine said...

Go Lindsey!!!!!!! I love your mother dearly and am proud to call her my friend. I bet if I was a black woman she'd love me just as much. Maybe she'd even still want me as her bitch!

Justine :o )

Marrdy said...

Wow Nikki. I have been in hybernation with some serious personal problems, but I would take mine over all this! I first heard about the Beck comments this morning and knew people would be riled up. I had no idea. You need a bodyguard of your own from the sound of some of these comments. You take care and I am glad that you took a stand on something you are pastionate about. It takes someone brave to say what they really knowing people will disagree (and so violently). I am a coward and would rather avoid any fighting.

I think there are times when both sides cross the line and cause more trouble then needed...The Huffington Post and Rush Limbaugh. (Stupid Chris Buttars here in Utah)

AND one more thing, it's your can say whatever you like. Love you!

tammy said...

Those who are against Beck can go ahead and boycott all you want to. The left has made efforts to boycott other conservative pundits in the past, including repeatedly, Rush Limbaugh. Those were so successful that Limbaugh signed a deal reportedly worth $400 million last year.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to Glen Beck. Please leave and take Rush with you!!!!!

LORI said...

Hey Nikki!
I'm so excited I got mentioned in your post(For those who don't know I'm the friend of 30 years she mentioned) I think Lindsey said it all best. She accurately described you, my friend. You are wonderful and clearly loved...and deserve to be :) I read all the posts and it sounds like with a few exceptions, folks generally understand where you are coming from and love and respect you for it. That's the America I know and love. I feel fortunate to be living in a time and place where this blog discussion can happen. What a miraculous thing! I love you Nikki! I love you for the incredible woman you are and am proud to call you friend. Here's to another 30 years of friendship and another 30 years of getting to hear what you believe in. You rock!!!! :)

Trike said...

This is America, you have a right to be wrong. Beck and his followers are so very, very wrong.

We don't need more hate in this world, so it's sad that hate speech has a national platform.

nikkicrumpet said...

Trike....obviously you DON'T listen to Glenn Beck. Hate speech is the last thing he preaches. I just shake my head in wonder that people can judge a man without ever having listened to him.

nikkicrumpet said... made your momma cry like a baby. Thank you my sweetheart. I must have done something right...because you turned out AWESOME!!!!

nikkicrumpet said...

And Lori....I cried last night when I read what Lindsey wrote...then cried again this morning when I read what you wrote. I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. I feel so blessed. Thank you my friend.

nikkicrumpet said...

And can you be my bitch...when I'm already YOURS!!!

LORI said...

Trike, I understand where you are coming from too and appreciate the way you expressed it. It's so important that each American develop personal standards of moral judgment and fair play that are, in fact, moral and fair. I think in fairness, there has been far too much name calling on both sides, too many accusatory and blistering tirades that pass for logic on both sides, too much failure to try to understand the other point of view on both sides. I am heartsick when I watch smart and good people participate in throwing unjustified accusations at other good people and even more heartsick when I watch those who have been attacked pick up those exact SAME accusations and hurl them back (e.g., both sides accuse each other of name calling, lack of logic, stupidity, failure to adequately love their country, desire to limit freedoms, etc)...and so it goes on and on. The only choice that makes sense to me at this point is to love each other and to hope that by doing so, some of this fighting will stop--for all of our sakes.

I have to go to work now. To a seriously underfunded job in a city where 10 psychiatric hospitals have closed in the last decade and where much needed beds for the mentally ill are nonexistent. We have to fund raise to afford new flooring in the day rooms of our hospital because the money paid by insurance and medicaid often don't even cover the costs of treatment. Most people can't afford to donate and don't want to donate money to "crazy people who won't get better." That's my daily reality. So, please understand, these discussions and the positions we take and the people we elect to office really DO effect people who are in the worst way through NO fault of their own. I see these people day after day even though I'm told they don't exist. We need more love in the world. Lots more love.

I commented because I wanted you all to know that I love Nikki, too. She's one of the BEST people I've ever known. I am grateful that she has so many intelligent friends...who are also excellent writers :) I've learned much from reading :)
Okay, I also commented because my son told me to stop being a "blog-stalker" and actually tell people I was reading....

LORI said...

To clarify, my statement of the reality of the lack of funding for adequate mental health care should NOT be interpreted as a statement of support for either liberals or conservatives. It is merely a statement of fact :)

LORI said...

ONE more thing...this Justine better be an AWESOMELY amazing lady. I have to admit, I'm just a little bit jealous about MY best friend being someone else's bitch....

Jessica GaleForce said...

All I really want to say is that I agree with what Lori said about "good people participate in throwing unjustified accusations at other good people.." Why is there so much hate acid being spewed from one side to the other. I hate to bring THIS in, but shouldn't we be turning the other cheek. Its in the bible, that is what Jesus proclaim from the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5:39). Why don't we take what is being said by the opposing and try internalize it unbiasedly. We may find that we need to adjust our course. We take truth to be hard cause that means we have to change, or we are embarrassed of what we said or did. Which to me means we are just prideful. Whatever happened to I am sorry for offending you, let us be friends as we once were. Let no hidden wedges or wedges that are clearly seen come between our friendships. We are all brothers and sisters, I am not sure if we would truly looked at each other that way we would say and do the things we say and do. I am all for a bit of political or religious banter here and there, but when it turns to hate that is where I have to step out; I am trying to be a good person, I am trying to change, I love this country we live in and hate seeing it be pulled apart by people not being accepting of others differing opinions. We are creating a wedge that will pull this country apart! Thanks mom for sharing your opinion with us all. Linds you're the bombs! I have said my peace.


Anonymous said...

The measure of a women is how she raises her have done great women! You know I am all for wrapping things up in a positive manner and still agree to disagree:-) Start posting some funny stuff soon please.

RMS" caniquit...

roy/elisabeth dean said...

NIK.....You're obviously loved my so many people! I happily include myself in that crowd.
You wrote a powerful "speach", maybe you should consider a job in politics....I'll bet you could straighten this country out. And re-decorate the White House Kitchen to boot!
I hope you're having a great visit with Lacey as well as a wonderful summer. We miss you and look forward to your return of I Wish Wednesdays. I would offer to take up the slack for you, but lately I've sucked at blogging!
Stay Strong~

Lizzie said...

thanks for the info :)

nikkicrumpet said...

Beautifully said loves you!

joelandbecca said...

Hi cute Nikki! I just want to say I agree with a ton that you have said! I believe that anyone that wants to call names needs to listen to what the individual stands for. Listen or watch Glenn Beck before you call him anything. I too am a huge NPR fan, love listening to it. Try to get both sides of the story. But, please allow everyone the right to free speech.

It is sort of like the problem that was so evident with Sarah Palin. Eveyone is all about feminism and strong women until a woman has opinions that are conservative and don't seem "progressive". Yay equal rights, until it is not a woman that can not be supported by the feminist movement. Yay right to "choose" until it is a choice opposite from yours.

This country was based on freedom of speech. Our founding fathers would be so ashamed of how we are treating eachother now. We need to remember the reasoning behind checks and balances.

You stirred some kind of crazy pot here and were just asking people that agree with you to send emails. I agree, and I will do my part.

cindy said...

Nikki, you rock!

Brittany H said...

AMEN SISTER! I will defend my Glenn til the day I die! He is my main man (other than my hubby.)

Audrey at Barking Mad! said...


I could not have said it better myself.

We have pulled our policies from GEICO, explaining why, and refuse to patronize any of the other businesses until they reinstate the ads.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone can watch GB this week and not be very concerned for our freedom in America. Forget what party you voted for, what your political philosophy or label is -- your race, sex or age -- our country is being attacked from within by radical speciality groups with agendas that are not true to American values or principles. As GB states in "Glen Beck's Common Sense" - "We did not vote to change the Republic, we voted to change Washington." Nothing has "changed" in Washington, if anything, it is worst with radicals infiltrating every aspect of government. I have never been involved in politics other than exercising my voting rights but for the first time in my life I fear for my country. Our government can not continue to spend, spend, spend and put our country into further debt to foreign countries. Thank you Nikki for posting your opinion on YOUR blog.

Sandy from PA

Nana said...

I agree. We are the silent majority. I am very happy you brought this to our attention.

jeanne said...

Nikki, I am glad I came over today. I want America back. We are being sold out as I write this comment. Our children an on and on are going to suffer for the wild spending and decisions made by our "yes we can" president. When is this going to stop? I don't agree with everything GB says, but he tells us what he thinks as a caring American who is afraid of what out country is coming to. We should be afraid and we should speak out for what we stand for. That is what freedom is all about. May God bless America. We need God's blessings in our country right now.


marieDee said...

I haven't read every comment after my earlier statement, but in answer to the criticisms I have read, I say this: IT IS NOT a freedom of speech issue to call for those who believe a certain way to boycott a product or sponsor.
Freedom of speech, as a part of the Bill of Rights, means that the government can't shut any of us up(except in some cases like libel, for example.) They can't arrest us for what we say or punish us in other ways. Other free Americans, however, can use their pocketbooks to say that "I don't appreciate that you're supporting this hateful, untrue, dehumanizing, hypocritical, and dangerous speech...and we will not ony refuse to watch the program but we refuse to buy your products." Likewise, you have the right to boycott foreign cars, french fries (as conservatives did right after the French refused to fight in Iraq), Michael Moore films, and/or products or services of ANY corporation whose advertising dollars go to causes that are an anathema to you.

As I said, the effectiveness of boycotts is questionable since, of course, your response to the Beck advertiser boycotts will be to protest to the sponsors, etc. and it perhaps becomes just a tug-of-war that the vast majority just ignore.

Now, about the comments that it's no business of mine how much Glen Beck makes. True, just as its not my business that porn is the biggest money-maker in the country. But some of you may have used your power as a consumer to keep Playboy magazines out of 7-11 or at least forced the company to dress the "model" on the cover with a plain brown wrapper. Same thing....I have the right to make sure NONE of my dollars go into Glen Beck's pocket! Even though I am not a boycotter, myself, I am invested in encouraging rational, truthful, historically accurate, respectful, intellectually honest, educated, edifying speech.

I apologize for such a long comment, but I wanted to respond to those two issues from the many comments rebuking my original comment. 1) Whether you like it or not, what you are arguing is not a freedom of speech issue, and 2) I did not argue that Glen Beck should not be a multimillionaire, but that the ones who urge boycott have a right to let advertisers (who are only interested in the bottom line, with good reason) know that they will not help put any of those millions of dollars into Beck's pocket.

tamara said...

Sponsers have the right to boycott Glenn.

People have the right to boycott those sponsers.

If anything this hoopla is making more people tune in and watch.

Ash said...

Nikki - Lord have mercy - that's what I get for commenting first. I've missed the flurry. Caught up now. Zowweee.

Your blog. Your opinion. Everyone else has the right to skip your link. The beauty of a free country. Stand strong my dear. You know I'm standing with you.

wendy said...

Yes you are right, we have to speak up and not let others "shut us up". Ya know, that's what I love about living here in the country, I just never really even know what is going on. I guess it is not goood to hide your head in the sand, but I love just "living my life" and not knowing and hearing about all the stress in our country.

Jennifer said...

My husband and I love Glenn Beck and we agree with everything you said in your post! Continue to speak without fear!!! ps, I found your blog this evening and happened to read this post first. I will be returning :)

Susie Q said...

Nikki, good for you! I had a post a week or so ago about an article in the Hillsdale publication last week. VERY good on the Constitution and American sovereignty.

And sometimes, I just go off too. I thought O'Reilly was an idiot for boycotting France and I think these companies are idiots for pulling advertising. I sent out my emails last week. No answers. Surprise.

My biggest problem is insurance. We've had GEICO for 8 years and love it. They've been absolutely amazing. And the owner/president is a contributor to Republicans, just as the owner/president of Progressive Insurance (dead giveaway) contributes HUGELY to Dems.

Wait til I decide to post on ABC's stuff...what memories do you have of the'll bet ABC had no idea that it would hit the fan like it did.

Oh yeah, I think Obama is a racist an America hater. What did our moms tell us growing up? Be careful who you associate with? Watch your words. If Teleprompter isn't on, then he screws it up every time.

The Blonde Duck said...

Can't wait until you return for good!

Anonymous said...

I'm a moderate and not a fan of Glenn Beck but I strongly support the right of free speech in our country. I sent emails to Walmart, SC Johnson, Proctor and Gamble, and Sargento Cheese because I use their products on a regular basis.

Thanks for the list of companies. I am also going to track down a Whole Foods, too. I think I'll buy my next groceries from there even though it is in another suburb.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am a liberal and believe in freedom of speech. I love your blog but I also won't get into a pissing contest with anyone over politics. It isn't worth it..
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!

Jannie Funster said...

I'm in!

And yes... "It's amazing to me that "Liberals" are the first people to SCREAM "Freedom of Speech" when they have something to say. But are also first in line to try and shut up anyone who doesn't agree with them."

That's it exactly.

Christina said...

WOW! You certainly got it going here. While I cant stand Beck, he has the right to speak. We MUST remember we cannot silence those we dont agree with, ever. That becomes dangerous for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Crazy Sue, but you are again lying. The post that was quoted came straight from your blog. Just because you deleted it, doesn't mean it wasn't there.

And MarieDee, those sponsers have have pulled their ads from Glenn's show, but haven't pulled them totally from Fox News. They realize that FOX is the most watched station in the country. The ratings prove it. So Glenn will still make the same regardless.

What this President is doing to this country is unconstitutional and I applaud Beck for opening our eyes and making us pay attention. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, it makes you think and research the issues on your own, because you know you're not going to hear the truth from the BO kissing new stations.

Shannon said...

Free speech is just a figment of our imagination. I am glad to see that others are just as angry as I am.
LOVE Glen Beck btw!!
Good idea to send e-mails to those sponsors.

Emma said...

Wow you struck a cord!!
You go lady
I love all you said and me and my family are right their with you!!
power to the people!!!!!!!!!!!

marieDee said...

Hi, again!

I thought I had said my last word on the controversy here, until I linked back here again and saw this comment from you, Nikki:
"The race card is a pathetic excuse for someone who doesn't have the facts to debate the
real issues."
Kinda ironic that what started the Beck sponsor complaints is Beck's statment that Obama is racist, that he has a deep-seated hatred for white people." He did say in the same exchange (when one of his own colleagues rebuked him) that he didn't say Obama hated white people. It is hard for most progressives to believe that much of the distrust of Obama and his policies is not partly because of his race. He said what he wanted to do as he campaigned. More than half of Americans who voted wanted those things done, right? So we're quite frustrated that some people's lives are immediately geared to defeat everything. Is it because of outright lies and half truths proclaimed by Beck and his ilk? Seems to be.

To me, this was not nearly the worst thing Beck has said, and it's not really any one thing he's said but that he is "over the top" and, taken as a whole, is dishonest and divisive. And I'm not sure he believes what he says as much as those of you who love and defend him do: Example - year or two ago when he complained about the sorry state of medical care in the U.S. and now "It's the best system in the WORLD." So now, suddenly, Obama is trying to ruin the best health care in the world!

My last statement, I promise, on this post and its comments is: I am a white Christian who grew up in the south (and lives here now), who is possibly in many ways very much like those of you who think the country is going to hell because of liberal and moderate Democrats, except that(for some reason) different voices have resonated with me all my life, inspired me to be my best self, inspired me to be on the side of the poor and oppressed, to try to overcome the tendency to pride and selfishness that is our natural human tendency: the voices of missionary ladies at Baptist GA camps who shared the stories of children around the world without the same advantages as I; the words of people who shared that a great and mighty God who might have spent all his efforts on kings, emperors, and geniuses and yet "so loved the world" that He shepherds a little lamb like me; the words of gifted authors and screenwriters who have enabled me to understand and empathize with the plight of Native Americans or African-Americans or Huguenots or Baptists who fled to the "new world" to escape persecution; Abraham Lincoln's speeches and John F. Kennedy's eloquent call to "ask what you can do for your country"; and, yes, even Obama's inspiring call to work together as the UNITED States of America rather than Red States and Blue States fighting each other to make sure someone else doesn't get something they don't deserve.

One last important thing: If you are at all interested in facts, I recommend
a Pulitzer Prize winning site of the St. Petersburg Times. As far as I can tell, truly non-partisan.

nikkicrumpet said...

Marie Dee...I appreciate you passion in how you feel. I disagree with you completely. But I appreciate that you care deeply about your opinions. I can tell you've never listened to Glenn Beck however. Your lack of knowledge about what he stands for speaks volumes about the fact that you are listening to quotes taken out of context, and the snippets the liberal media puts out there to discredit him. If you actually listened to him for a week you would find out how off course you truly are. And as for Obama...I dare not say anything at all about him. Because any negative word I speak automatically makes me a racist. It is so funny how liberals throw that around. I stand by what Glenn Beck said about Obama...I agree with him about 95% of the time. And I stand by the fact that Glenn is honest, decent, and has a great love for this country. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. At least I know that my opinions are based on actually LISTENING to the man...instead of listening to what people say about the man. I would never think to judge someone on hearsay and quotes taken out of context. I for one read Obama's autobiography, listen to NPR and CNN and read the Huffington Post and other liberal news outlets.

Sarah said...

I think I love you.

This was my first visit to your blog - will definitely be back!!


Anonymous said...

NIkki, I have so missed you girl....I too have taken most of the summer off...

I can remember when I first tuned into Beck, he scared the hell of out me, and I turned him right off. He is now on my DVR in this Casa and listen to him daily, he makes one think & question. And Obama and his czars do not want us to ? or think, they want to do all the thinking for us.

I will definitely email these people, we can't be lambs any longer....this machine is working far too fast !!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer,
xo Kathy :)

Lucy said...

Wow! This is amazing with this many comments I went to read again to see what you were giving away. Alas,I saw it was political.
Yikes, I know that I shouldn't but....

to the person that stated dissenters were pushed around for 8years under Bush. Bush and your own government did not call you "terrorists". In fact, I remember Bush supporters getting angry because Bush would not fight back.
Even Hillary supporters saw the venom and angry attempts in efforts of silencing questions and reservations against Obama.
Yes, there is fear against this administration and it is not just among Republicans. I read moderates, extreme left and extreme right.
Beck has many people researching and cross researching. He has invited the administration to dispute his finding. So far, silence concerning the communist ties many in his administration have.

tiburon said...

I heart you.

And Glenn Beck.

Emailing now!

Anonymous said...

I watch Glen Beck often.... and usually agree with what he says. I believe he is a true patriot.

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Thanks for the heads up! It's been a few weeks since I've listened to GB... I go through phases where I don't want the radio on in the car at all.
And I don't listen to talk radio with Nova in the car....
I'll pass this on!! You go girl!

jeanne said...

Hi Nikki, My dh read your post, (he is a fan of yours) and he so agrees with your post.

I came over to see if you are still on bloggy break. I sure do miss your posts.

Have a great day my friend.


Becky said...

Thanks Nikki for this post! I'm a bit late and have missed all the fun!

I've actually met Glenn Beck and have a lot of respect for him. While I don't always agree with him, I respect him because he always tells you what he is thinking. I admire any person who has the guts to stand up and state what they claim to millions of people, because like we can see here, people automatically get defensive and start striking out.

I certainly am not a fan of Obama and definitely hold my own opinions of his character that has been shown through the last few months. What I have a hard time is with the people who say they love Obama but have no idea what he is trying to pass in Congress. They just jumped on the band wagon without a thought. He did an awesome campaign and I can see why many people were swayed. For those people who can say why they support him, I respect your position.

I just wish we could all respect our freedom of speech and opinions and not get so defensive.

Hope you are having a wonderful time Nikki. Miss your posts!

H.K. said...

My husband is a big fan of Glen Beck. As for me, sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't.

But, it is so wrong for advertisers to pull out from his show! I hope his network stands behind him and look at his ratings and try to get him other ads to sponsor him.

Aleta said...

Haven't been to your blog in a while, but I'm glad I visited. I'm conservative also and can relate to much of how you feel! Glad you shared!!!

Terry said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I put your button on my blog. Have a good day.

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Nikki! (ducking in case of an accidental punch to the side of my head) I just wanted to stop by and say hi...I've been out of blogland for the summer...looks like a blog fight is goin on here. Looking forward to your funny have the funniest!

Anne Fannie said...

Wow Nikki, I have just spent the last 20 mins reading everyone's post since I posted towards the top. I really admire you for speaking out and also for your sweet daughter to speak out in her mother's defense. Don't let these idiots ruin your day!

Jannie Funster said...

YAY!!! Van Jones resigned. Thank you Fox News for shedding the light. Yay!! Taking BACK AMERICA!

Ash said...

You are coming back, right?

Jessica said...


If you get a minute I would like for you to come by and see my bedroom. :) You've seen all the before's so I'd like you to see the

hugs~ j

Tootsie said...

girl...I miss you...saw you comment on Jill's blog and raced here to see if you were back!
PLEASE come back and make me laugh again????? PLEASE?

Fragrant Liar said...

I've watched Glenn Beck on both CNN and Fox. I watch news on all channels. I want to see what everybody's thinking and who's spinning what and how far. Personally, I can't stand Glenn Beck. I think he's an idiot. The reason those people pulled their ads is because he was highly offensive and they don't want to be associated with him because it hurts their business.

Love ya, Nikki, but this hit a sore spot.

Cheshyre Cat said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Cheshyre Cat...

You are wrong.

It was an organization co-founded by that communist, Van Jones, called Color of Change, that started the campaign, writing to these companies and twisting the truth in order to fit their own agenda, which is to further anti-captalist movement and bring about a socialist revolution here in the country. Do some reading and you'll find that I'm right.

This company orchestrated contacting each and every sponsor of Glenn Beck's and painted a very nasty picture. A picture that was neither accurate or fair.

If the powers that be at those companies had done their due diligence they would have discovered that Glenn Beck is the farthest thing from racist and he's never promoted hate or racism. But, like the saying goes, there are none so blind as those who will not see.

And you are so very wrong about liberals having no power when it comes to the actions of companies. Ever heard of lobbyists?

If not, I suggest you do some reading...that ought to make it easier for you!

nikkicrumpet said...

We'll agree to disagree Fragrant Liar. And thank you for using your real name and not resorting to commenting as "anonymous" or some other made up name. I totally respect you for that!

Anonymous said...

Nikki, you must have removed that comment from Cheshyre Cat right as I was leaving mine.

You can delete mine if you want.

Anonymous from 7:48PM

Donna Lynn said...

I adore your blog! And thank you for standing up for what you believe in, will you adopt me so we can be sisters! Your amazing, and I agree with your views 100%, Glen Beck may be over the top, but he is right by crappy! Love that wild man to bits!
XO Dee

Cheshyre Cat said...

awww....I went through some serious researching effort to write a comment...and it never went through. Rats.

The internet can be very not-nice sometimes.

anyways, to sum it up:

I checked everything I could about Color of Change. Since the person you say is behind the "conspiracy" stopped running the organization in 2005, you'll need to swap his name. Also, by reading their About section, you can see that it's pretty much, "we will support the black community in gaining a larger political voice."

This does not seem evil to me. And it would explain the reaction. You become very defensive of a white man who you respect being called a racist. The Black community has the same rights in the reverse, last I checked. Indicating the reaction that you saw. The organization acted, most likely, in response to its own members' outrage and requests. It happens. It's happening here. People are writing letters of outrage and yadda yadda. Same tactic, but you see yourselves as paladins and the enemy as demons. When in fact, you're fighting people with almost the EXACT SAME CONCERN.

The only reason why you're fighting is because somebody told you when you were little that Republicans are the goodguys and Democrats are Evil Communist/Socialist Scumbags that are going to Blow Up The World with their mysterious ACORN organization unless we do something about it.

And you can imagine what THEY were told as children. "Republicans are Idiotic, Unthinking Hillbillies with a major Greed issue stemming form their need to suck on the Middle East's Oily, Oily Teat, and they will BLOW UP THE WORLD with their idiotic Nuke-a-philia."

While I sit here in the middle saying,

"You're both idiots who are screaming at eachother from across the table because....well, they're on the other side of the table. Therefore, they must be evil. "

Indeed, the real conspiracy occuring here is that the pundits are making big giant bango bucks from their various schemes. As long as they keep you, their listener, outraged, the longer they keep your interested. The moment you actually step away and think for yourselves without listening to ANYBODY but yourself, and how you think people ought to be treated, you'll become like me. With a firm realization that both sides are stupid, but the middle solution WORKS. always has, always will.

I am not a Democrat. I don't agree with many things they believe in. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Extreme Gun Control, etc.

I am not a Republican. I don't agree with many things THEY believe. Refusing to support the Poor, Fighting pointless wars, Zero economical control which leads to AIG after AIG. Rich get richer, poor get poorer, then....revolution.

Wow. in my attempt to summarize, I've almost written something longer. I got off on a tangent. I apologize.

ooooooh while I'm here....

Calling me Flagrant Liar was low class, and unfounded. it hurt my feelings a little bit. [wipe away a tiny tear]

Also, it makes you look bad. I understand the origin of the sentiment, but it's never nice to call people names. I teach my kids that. I don't like that I need to keep reminding adults of the same rule.

You'll notice that I try not to namecall. In fact, I am very careful not to. I simply play out my argument with facts, figures, and assorted logical goodies. Of course, I did need to do some metaphorical namecalling to get a point across. Don't hold it against me.

Your Friendly, Neighborhood,

Cheshyre Cat

Anonymous said...

The whole race thing seems silly to me. The President isn't even black. He is half black. He is half white. Why is he called the first Black President? His skin is black but he sure used his white grandmother in the campaign. Why isn't he just called "The President". I don't recall any of the other presidents called White Presidents. All of this talk about being racist is silly. With this president, while I didn't vote for him, should be the best of both worlds. I don't agree with him, but it has nothing to do with a race.

Cheshyre Cat said...

I agree that the racism card is killing meaningful debate. It's just squeezing the life out of it. I don't tolerate it, from anybody. Even accusations of racism are out-and-out low budget tactics in my eyes.

But, the reason why he's considered the first Black president is the same reason by that one lady was the first Black woman to win an oscar for best actress. She was half-and-half as well. Didn't particularly matter.

The fact that he's black at all it what makes it count, in my head. I'm pretty sure that almost all of our previous presidents were 0% black. So, to me, this counts as a Black president. Why people get their panties in a bunch about that moniker, remains a mystery to me. It's not a big deal. On the list of big deal to small deal, its pretty far on the small deal side.

However, I don't see anybody calling him Black President. This is new. I refer to him as The President....99% of newscasters do....or just President Obama. So I fail to see where it comes up as a practical application of the term.

I'm personally very proud to have been alive to see the first black president. So, no matter how it turns out, we'll always have that, which is a pretty sweet thing you could tell your grandkids. I intend to.

Your Friendly Neighborhood

Cheshyre Cat

Cheshyre Cat said...
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Cheshyre Cat said...
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Peggy Lee said...

YAY!!! I'm follower #400!
I came across your blog through Plum Street Samplers. I love I Wish Wednesdays!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My name is Sharlene. I am commenting as "Anonymous" only because it's easy and I don't feel like figuring out how to do it another way, seeing as I don't have a blog or Google account. I realize that this comment rampage ended many months ago, but I just now stumbled upon it and, after reading several hateful comments from both liberals and conservatives, felt obliged to say something. I am 17 years old. I am a senior in high school is liberal and rather politically active. While I do get into arguments about politics, I always manage to keep a level head and avoid attacking the other side, as some posters here have done. However, there are many who did the exact opposite, and to you, I feel I must say: YOU ARE ADULTS. For goodness sake, act like it. Stop playing word games and going back in forth pointing out the faults in what the other side said. You all know damn well that you're not going to change their mind. With all due respect, half of you are acting like children, and it saddens me to see that the people who have the most power in this country, whether liberal or conservative, act in this way. So I'm asking you, please, think about what you just typed before you press "submit." Is it really going to accomplish anything? Or is it just going to potentially offend others and make you feel better for a moment? Really, life's too short.


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