Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yes...I'm aware it's Thursday and again I'm running behind. So in honor of being behind........I dedicate this "I wish Wednesday" to "all things rear".

I wish.........................I understood why she felt the need to fringe the hem.

I wish....................So many parents didn't waste all that tuition money. Yeah that's what we send em to college to learn!

I wish................................this was possible..... Although I'd probably still have to do it multiple's a BIG job.

Crumpet wishes......................he could actually write and needed a pencil. He would totally buy this!

I applaud the "enthusiasm" of our youth. And by the looks on the other guys faces....they wish to have copies of the picture!

I wish........................The one that's sneaking up behind him gets REVENGE.

I make sure Crumpet understands....that although mommy is laughing at this.....she doesn't think it's funny when YOU do it.

I wish.............................I hadn't had egg salad for lunch.

I wish.........................simply to answer the age old question.

I point out that THIS is the only occasion when golf is actually a sport!

I wish........................I knew where Ozzie was............

I wish...........................That since this is a post about not leave out the biggest A@@ of them all.

I wish................................that even with all that hair.....he'd still trade me butts!

I wish.................................This had actually happened........and to thank the inventors of photoshop.

I wish...............................She knew when to say "when".

I declare this the WORST fad EVER....I wish I lived in the town of Flint where this is a crime.....and the best part is.... the police can catch them easily....they can't run in those stupid pants!!!

I wish......................that every child could have the chance to shoot out of an elephant's butt!

Thanks for stopping by for another "I wish Wednesday (or whatever the heck day I feel like making the post)......and no Butts about it, I hope all your wishes come true.


Erin said...

I saw a guy at Wal-Mart last week who literally had the "disorderly conduct" thing going on (pants below the base of his butt). He had to walk bowl-legged to keep the pants up. How in the world is that cool??? He looked completely stupid!

Jennifer Juniper said...

That body builder literally made my jaw drop! Bums have never been so entertaining :)

Trina said...

I wish that so many of my friends hadn't gotten pink slipped today. :(

I hope that those I haven't heard from didn't get pink slipped.

tammy said...

I thought I noticed a theme going on here.

That woman with the dog stuck in her butt crack? That was the costume I made two Halloweens ago. It was hilarious even if Connor was quite concerned about his stuffed doggy for awhile.

Laura Marchant said...

I seriously love your blog!
The deer one really pulled at my heartstrings. Poor thing was wondering what happened to his buddy.

Brenda said...

Amen to Michael Moore being the biggest bahootie ever!!!!

Connie said...

Michael Moore...Biggest A@@...enough said.

Hugs to ya,

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

OH MY GOODNESS! You are so funny and creative. I love reading this and never knowing what is going to come in the next picture. I am with you on the biggest A@@ he he. He is an idiot.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Lo said...

As always YOU ARE HYSTERICAL!! My kids totally need the shooting out the elephant butt slide!
BTW you are such a sweetheart for linking my giveaway!

Ginny said...

Nikki, yet another hit!!! I think my two ok make that three... the first one, yea who needs fringe when you have an ass the size of mine whoops I mean hers.... and the elephant, again an ass the size of.. oh never mind. Butt the body builder, it's not her butt that scares me, it's her face... WOW!
Hugs to you,

Frequent Traveler said...

Ha-ha-ha, oh Nikki - you do the best job with these !!!! So funny ! You always put a smile on my face :)

Anonymous said...

you are too funny Nikki, I wish I were as funny as you! I have missed ya and glad that you are back!!! :)

Kristina P. said...

Hmmmm, I am sensing a theme here, butt I don't know what it is.

Becky said...

Please tell me that muscle lady was photo shopped!!! OMG!

I have missed your blogs! So glad to see your back today!! You got me smiling:)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, there are no words. Thanks for the laughs. Now I need to go out and get me some fringed daisy dukes!

Kat said...

I wish I had seen this first thing this morning, maybe my day would have gone better! And you are spot on with your selection for the biggest **&!! out there, no doubt about it, what a total jerk. Glad you're back! Kathy

Kathy said...

You kill me haha, I havent finished looking at this post but just had to tell you that the photo with the lads mooning. I thought it was some giant alien centiped at first glance, omgosh your hilarious, off to look at the rest now, i'll be back haha.

Shell in your Pocket said... are one crazy lady!!! These are the most crazy pictures but I love the elephant fun and gross all at the same time.
sandy toe

Kathy said...

Thanks for the giggle although I did feel a bit sad for the little deer and I hope you find ozzie although he is probably just playing on the Elephant slide. happy Thursday, Kathy.

Unknown said...

I REALLY hope that deer behind him gets revenge.

I WISH I knew where you found all these crazy shots!

LOL, again.

Twice as Nice said...

LOVE IT!! Funny how no matter what our size some or should I say most of us still wouldn't feel as comfortable showing as much as the cutie in picture #1. Thanks for the laughs.

Devri said...

Lady sorry I have been MIA..

But today was a good day to come over, I am still laughing..

she hemed them so they could tickle her...

ok now I need to go repent!

shortmama said...

LMAO! Oh look there went a cheek...

Connie said...

You got some of them "SOOOOOOOO RIGHT", chick! I've been gagging for several months now, sugar......

leslie said...

OMG, I used to live in Flint! Good for them!

Tracey said...


Anonymous said...

That guy on the top of the pyramid needs to put his Charlie Browns back in the house.

Barb said...

I love your site.... I've following it for a while and may have made a comment or two but yah no I couldn't pass this up. The woman on the bike with the fringe shorts... all I have to say about that is she's got guts... go girl!!hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Heh Heh.... had a friend years ago that always said she didn't eat eggs because she wouldn 't eat anything that came out of a chicken's butt... ewwwww.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Sassy said...

You kill me.....those are GREAT BUTTS! Love the elephant slide...wish I had that for my preschool...I would probably have a larger sign up and they would totally expect that from me....geez criminy I would love to look like the girl that the little guy is taking a pic....just not fair!

Anonymous said...

GREAT compilation of butt shots!

kado! said...

Seriously....How do you do it each are hilarious!

Unknown said...

Looks like I'm a tail-end commentor today!
I need a butt job.

MamabearMills said...

youre too much

Carrie said...

You are killing me! Those are the funniest Butts ever! I am sure they love being the Butt of your jokes today! LOL

Angela said...

i had fun reading this post.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Is it Wedersday already?

Why did she fringe the hem? 'cause her mama told her to accentuate the positive (or in this case the positively hideous)

Love the ButtsRUs post today.

raxx a day in the life said...

I would love a LMAO Tshirt!! It's the coolest!! The deer pic is just too sad, they just should not be hunted.

My kids.............. ok, I would love to use the elephant slide!!

Bridget said...

OMG, whomever designed that elephant slide was one really twisted individual! Have you gone into designing playground equipment? LOL
I like the Flint indecency law. Way to go!
I want to know if that bear got a hole in one (of those golfers.)

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh, I've got to get me one of those LMAO t-shirts! You know I'd wear it, maybe to church I've got a skirt that would look great with it!

CB said...

I want to shoot out of an elephants butt - Life dream!!

I totally wish I could LMAO - My pants would love me so much for not stretching them out...BUTT I fear that will never happen, BUTT I do have hope for the future... there is always fringe!

nanny said...

you must work all week to come up with this stuff,,,,,,hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious with a capital HI! You find the most insane (in a good way) pics!

LMBO! or I guess in honor of your post...LMAO!!!

I absolutely adore the cat pencil sharpener! Too funny, m'dear!

Jessica said...

OMW~ It's good to have you back...butts & all!!

Jen said...

It's all about buns day! :) Oh my, that biker chic certainly scared the hell out of me! Ewww.

Tootsie said...

well I guess we can forgive your tardiness...since it was a great post!!!
have a great weekend sunshine!

Lisa Loo said...

You are going to need to start calling these posts Startling Saturdays girl!!

natalie killed me with her charlie brown comment. I had never heard them called that before. Its like Sesame Street over here--I learn something profound every time I come--brought to you by the letter "B"

Nancy Rosalina said...

Nikki, I just made a chocolate pie, but after seeing that first picture...I can't eat it!! LOL :) Okay, maybe a tiny piece.. ;) Nancy

Jannie Funster said...

Really? Eggs come out of the ass?? Isn't it the chicken's um, birthcanal? Gee, I'm geting my education here for sure.

Lisa said...

Kinda almost makes me regret that bag of cookies I just bought at the store :-/
No worries, I'll get over it as soon as I quit laughing/crying/gagging/gasping!
Thanks for the fun!

Brittany H said...

I worked at a waterpark for four years. Nappy butts wasn't the only thing I saw.

I love your I wish Wedthursfridnesdays by the way. They make me laugh until I get that funny tinkle feeling. You know the one where you have to pee? Yep thanks again!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

So much YUK in this post! I wish I always have the sense to know when clothes look terrible on me!! Un-be-lievable what some people wear in public, and did that girl on the motorcycle think she looked great or what? Thanks for giving me lock jaw, because my mouth flew open wider at each picture!! But it was funny! laurie

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

there is no doubt about it---when it comes to entertaining posts, your blog kicks butt!! (lol)

Jane In The Jungle said...

I swear you just made my day. I LOVE Wedursday now!
I still can't get over the first picture...............

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Plain and make me laugh...a lot! Especially liked the tee shirt and the "while you were out" message from the dog. :D

When you have some free time, I'd love for you to stop by and say hi. I'm one of the old Rate My Space-ers and finally decided to start blogging too.

(aka "susiehomemaker" on RMS)

Linda's Blue Gate said...

I wish you a happy return and we missed you ....

imjacobsmom said...

HOw'd you get that pic of me on my bike? Oh and about that fringe - I can explain.....LOL ~ Robyn

A New England Life said...

There you go again! Ha haa! You're so crazy girl! The fringe definitely shouldn't have been cut! And boys please pull up those pants to the top of the crack at least. You all look like idiots.


Fragrant Liar said...

I wish I got as many comments as you! :)

Those boys climbing on top of one another with their butts hanging out remind me of that old Cooties game I played as a kid -- you know, the one with all those legs you stuck into the sides?

I want an elephant butt slide too.

Fragrant Liar said...

Oh, and I wish they had that ordinance for saggy britches here in Texas. That is the worst fashion fad ever.

Heather of the EO said...

Oh how I love these posts. Rears...ha ha ha ha

Justine said...

OMG, this was one of my favorite IWW so far! That first pic? I think she NEEDED the fringe for the extra space it afforded her ass.
OMG, there were all so good, I don't even know what else to say!

Justine :o )

Carma Sez said...

Glad to see you back with a butts about it! (my lame attempt at humor) :D

If I were you'd I'd check out the laser hair removal cost before doing the butt-switch with that dude!

Shannon said...

Those are wonderful! The lady with the fringe-ewww!!! The elephant cracks me up- no pun intended ;)

The Real Estate Talker said...

I have been waiting for you to post, I check every morning, finally. Why did she feel the need to fringe those things, why did she feel the need to show us that thing. I wouldn't even show myself that in the mirror, I would cover those legs up.
Love your blog

Anonymous said...

OK I have to know how long does it take you to put one of these posts together??? Hilarious as usual! Sue

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

LMAO! I wish it was that easy too.

Thanks for the great post. You are most creative and I loved it. Once again, I'm not disappointed.

OG said...

That picture with the 6 guys mooning is sooooo disturbing.

SmilingSally said...

So many wrongs on so many levels.

Alyson | New England Living said...

This was funny, though I could have done without seeing all those butts when I'm already feeling queasy!! :0

Dixie said...

I wish that I will never end up in one of your butt posts...

thanks for adding Mr. Biggest @$$ in the world in your butt posts... because, well ... he is one...

and thanks for making me laugh out loud each and every week...


Ginger said...

That was pretty darn funny. I love the LMAO t-shirt. If it worked, I'd laugh every day.
I agree with you about Michael Moore...big A@@. And I'm a Glenn Beck follower too. (saw your side bar).
Glad you are back from your trip.

Susie Q said...

Now just where did yu find that picture of me on my motorcycle?? Huh?? always leave me giggling like a fiend.
I fully understand getting behind...and I have quite an ample no worries. We know yo will be here when you can, making us all laugh our behinds off.


mCat said...

Here it is 5:00am Friday morning and you have just started my day off PERFECTLY! Laughing out loud and waking everyone else.....LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nikki for ruining Saturday morning breakfast!!!!lol So does that mean that the hard boiled eggs would be const....ed!(sorry, but I know you'll get this one!)lol Have a Fun weekend! Jeannette

Heather said...

I think the Flint law should become an International Law. I hate saggy britches.

natalie said...

Hahaha! This is always worth the wait! :)

Lilly said...

I dont know how you do it but why does my picture always end up on these posts. Hilarious. I love these posts! No butts about it.

Lynn Kellan said...

Aww, geez, I thought the fringe made my butt look smaller!

Suzann said...

Okay, the chick on the motorcycle scares me. The chick with the muscles terrifies me. Nature calling? Sh-- Happens? LOL The biggest *** of them all? I agree completely. The boys in the dorm? I recognize a couple of them. (JUST kidding).
Gosh I love your humor!

Darlene said...

ROFLOL again at your hilarious post!!!!!

Granny Annie said...

This is delightful to go into the weekend. I've got my laughing fix for the next few days.

Auds at Barking Mad said...

I wish I understood the desire that first woman had, to be photographed in that position. Unless it was for a obesity deterrent ad? Maybe? No? 'Cause I sure as hell don't think the bike manufacturer thought she'd sell any crotch rockets.

Barb said...

Hi Nikki...Thanks for visiting my site. The bride is actually my niece. I'm not a wedding planner but my daughter asked me what I thought about becoming one since we've done a couple. I haven't blogged about this but there's going to more drama when the brides mother finds out she (the bride) wants all the wedding gifts transported to my house for safe keeping till after the honeymoon. I've tried talking the bride out of that move but she's not budging. YIKES! stay tuned.

Kathy said...

Oh NO!! NO!! Nikki, those plates are NOT for eating off, what were you thinking?!!!, this weeks tablescape was for show only! hehe Vanni get's so confused since I started TT, he never knows what with or where he will be eating dinner lol.
came back to look at that centipede again :-), happy weekend. Kathy

Jaime said...

another great post by you. Loved all the pictures, those were hilarious. Have a wonderful weekend.

Jan said...

A whole lot of eww going on. "crack"ers. Glad to see the rules of pant wearing though.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Such a wise crack you are!!! That was so funnnnnny!!!

Vicki's Bit-o-earth said...

Your wish list is Right ON! (:

Beverly said...

OMG, Nikki. Here at sit at work reading this again. I'm sure everyone is wondering what I am in here snorting about. You get me in trouble. Thank goodness!

roy/elisabeth dean said...

hahaha....I'm SO messed up that when I looked at the picture of the lady on the motorcycle, my first thought was that she looks like someone I know (someone that MARRIED into my family, not a relative) and my 2nd thought was "why is she wearing THOSE shoes with that outfit!"

Glad you're back...we've missed you!
Make it a GREAT day~

Suzi said...

As always a good laugh. As always some a little disturbing, but funny never the less.

Lizzie said...

does that disorderly thing apply to plumbers???? hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

Monique said...

Lol..... I agree about that guy with the low-down pants getting arrested! And that body builder.. OMG.

H.K. said...

To the man in the tight yellow shorts: Waxing, use lots and lots of waxing.

Sue said...

As usual you have another winner with this post....and I thought I was married to the biggest ass around until I saw that person on the motorcycle!! I also loved the egg crack....

Sandy said...

Best laugh I've had all day!

dana said...

You must spend hours researching for your I Wish Wednesdays on Thursdays---and I LOVE it!! There were so many great, but totally disgusting photos on this post! I do believe you outdid yourself!!

I just want to say thank you for picturing M. Moore--yes indeed, the biggest A * * of them all. Oh and AMEN to those nasty baggy pants! Flint is setting a great example for the other cities to follow.

Have a great weekend! Dana

Sock Monkey said...

Late but never forgotten! Have a great weekend my fellow sitstahs!

Camp Sock Monkey

Rainy Day Farm said...

I about fell off my chair laughing and this butt post. There are some really freaky people out there! Keep them coming! said...

OMG - the lady on the motorcyle ---ICK-- the hairy butt----the ice cream cone but--------------these wer HYSTERICAL------
I've always wanted to shoot out of an elephants a@@@@@@

Kris said...

I wish every city in America would pass the same law as Flint.
I also wish I could LMAO too. I would be laughing 24/7.


Carolyn said...

I love this post!

I just jumped over from Rue's Blog. I just wanted to say Hi and nice blog!


♥ Braja said...

I wanna know why that woman's butt is .... ahh, forget it :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

My husband and I soooo enjoyed all these. THANK YOU!!!!

Free Art Printables said...

OH MY Goodness! LMAO!

squawmama said...

Hey Sister... Thanks for popping in to visit me... Love when my fav's come by... I miss you allot and after reading today's post I am reminded of why... You make me laughed each and every time... Best medicine there is! Love Ya,


Mammatalk said...

A butt post? I love it! Well, love may be a strong word! ;-)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Good pics!! Especially love the men looking like women, and the woman looking like a man. But the best? The fringe. She was probably just trying to highlight her positive attributes.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Sometimes I feel like that girl in the first picture. Too much junk in the trunk, but without the fringe of course! LOL! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Unknown said...

Was that (second photo) plumbers college?

Tell Crumpet he wouldn't really want to write with a pencil extracted from my kitty. It's not as fun as you'd think.

Doesn't that female bodybuilder have an uncanny resemblance to Paula Abdul?

Sweet wishes,

Shawn said...

HATE the gang banger low pants---
hate, hate, hate them!!

And this whole post is making my butt itch....

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

One day while walking through the mall..four young men were coming toward my girlfriend and I. They were dressed beautifully except they had their pants literally to their joke! Suddenly I couldn't stand it and when they were nearly to us, I stepped in front of them and said "excuse me, but do you mind if I ask you HOW you keep your pants from falling off!?" They glanced at one another and then suddenly one began to show me. They showed me that they wore bike shorts and on top of these and I think, over a long t shirt they work suspenders which were connected the their pants. VERY long and large suspenders...then on top of that the other clothing. I know. They were very nice about it...polite..and kind. AND, my hair wasn't even gray back then... I know their secret..but...I..don't really think some of the ones that wear the style know exactly how it's done...either! Lotsa butt cracks out there!

Michael said...

LOL. Nikki honey...if you were my worst enemy, I wouldn't have the heart to wish the city of Flint on you. It's baaaaaddd!

I lost it at "where's Ozzie."

Fifi Flowers said...

My teen son and I got a good laugh from you! You're the BEST!!!

Rue said...

Oh Nikki.... you had me at the fringe LOLOLOL


Jill said...

When I need a laugh I know just where to come and lately laughter is great medicine!

Anonymous said...

Hehe...i totally agree with the golf one. That's hilarious, but i hope no one got hurt.

And the Obama and McCain one is funny too. Great photoshop skills!

Kerri said...

I love your butt posts!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap...literally, tee hee!

Jamie :)

Sweet Serendiptiy said...

Those are simply hilarious!!! And my kids want to know were that playground is, lol.


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