Saturday, December 20, 2008

*~* SNOW BLOWS! *~*

*~* SNOW BLOWS *~*

A poem of woe ... By Nikkicrumpet

(dog brain)

Would you like to go outside?
would you like to romp & slide?

It's ICY cold the wind does blow.

I will not make the yellow snow!

It is too cold to go out there!

I do not like snow in my hair!

I do not want to go and see

I will not Will Not WILL NOT PEE!

(man brain)


I do not have to work today!

I have a plow to push the snow.

I'll move it all so you can go!

I have a plow I have a truck

No fear my dear, you'll not get stuck!

(woman brain)

Nature you're a rotten WITCH!

I do not mean to whine and b*tch

I have places I must go!

I have no time for CRAPPY snow.

I have to go and grocery shop.

And to the bank, no time to stop.

I HATE the cold, the wind and ice.

It bites my nose it is NOT nice! SO MUCH SNOW, SUCH ROTTEN LUCK.



tam said...

LoL! Cute post Nikki! We have had a lot of snow in Washington too! It has been crazy I have never seen this much snow here! Last night Christmas shopping took forever-the roads were so bad. I think it is all great if you don't have to drive in it! My husband would love that plow! You know how boys are with there toys. Hang in there and have a wonderful weekend!
~Tam :)

Rebecca said...

So funny!
I *think* you are near me. We got 8" or so. I am already done with snow!
Welcome to New England, right?

Tristan said... can send some my way! We only got 3 inches like last week, I miss it :)

Shannon said...

Cute poem!

No snow here... but we have had rain every day for a week. Seriously. I am so over it! I miss the sun!!!

Unknown said...

I agree. And we are going to get more. Ugh.

csvan said...

I don't mind the snow as long as I can hibernate, but w/ 2 young kids, I tend to go stir-crazy at home. I can't WAIT 'til I can send them outside to play & stay inside myself!

Salmagundi said...

Enjoyed the pictures. Right now the sun is shining in Colorado, but we are to get it again tomorrow. And, you know, if it makes it over our mountains, it is headed your way!! Poor Crumpet and Ozzie - we've had dogs that just hated to 'go' in the snow and then get the ice in their paws, too. Stay warm, Sally

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Oh how I LOVE snow pics! and they came with a poem! LOL!! sorry the snow got in your way, at least hubby and and fur babies had some fun!

Four Paws and Co said...

OMG Nikki, this is sooo funny! I loved the sound effects too! ☺ Diane

Susie Q said...

Why m'deah! You're a poet and I didn't even know it!
It made me laugh. It made me cry.
It made me cold.

You are a total hoot. I would SO love to have a lunch date with you girlfriend! But oh what trouble we would get in to!!

Stay warm!


Becky said...

Girl, I needed a good laugh after going to Walmart today! OH MY GOODNESS!!! What was I thinking! Ok, ok, I wasn't. People are just done right CRAZY this time of the year! I LOVED your poem! I'm sooooo glad we don't have snow. It's 44 degrees here and I am FREEZING to death!! Looks like Oz and Crummpet and your honey are having a blast!!!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Look at all that snow...I think you may have a white Christmas!!!
-sandy toes

Anonymous said...

Wow Nikki you never cease to amaze me.

That is one dang funny funny poem and the pictures do it justice!

Love it!

Life on the Edge said...

ROFL! I laughed so hard at the different perspectives. Especially about not making the yellow snow. I am with you on snow. It's only December and I'm tired of it already. We got something worse than snow this weekend. We got ice. Ugh.


Fifi Flowers said...

That is a lot of snow!
My son's Christmas wish to Santa was snow in our garden... only if we are your neighbor will we have snow... never hurts to ask.
Love your post for drawing winners... sooooo funny as usual!

Tara Bennett said...

Oh lots of snow and it makes everything like oh-so-pretty and Christmas-y!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Nikki, my, you have a hidden talent. Your poem is giving me a good laugh and some admiration too. I happen to love the snow but this is my second winter here in the mountains and I haven't grown tired of it yet. There is lots of snow all over the country but none here yet. Tomorrow night we will get 12 degree
weather. Brrrrr.

You sure have serious snow removal equipment. That's a good thing. Here in the mountains if it snows just a few inches the whole county comes to a dead stop. We have to keep the pantry stocked. Our road is steep and dangerous. We just stay home and enjoy the cosy fireplace.

How fun to have a white Christmas!!


onlymehere said...

I agree! It can all disappear Dec 26th and I won't care. We got 6-8" within three hours and it has been miserable. It's snowing again today. YUCK!

Anonymous said...


tammy said...

It's so pretty but it's such a pain when you need to go places. Which is why I moved to AZ. The house next door to mine is available by the way.

Tracey said...

FUNNY as usual Nikki.....your poem will probably become a winter classic!!

Ash said...

Oh but your home looks so beautiful!

I totally understand though. It's how I feel when it rains down here ;-).


Suzann said...

Love your poems girlie. So sorry you hate the snow - we've got lots and lots of it and it's FUN and pretty. My doggies love the snow. I'll bet I could get your little dudes to love romping in the snow and getting those kookie snow balls stuck in their hair.

Swirl Girl said...

how very Seussical (sp?) of you!

your home is lovely!

Unknown said...

You didn't mention the anticipated snow and freezing rain for tomorrow night! I have about 10" here.

Twice as Nice said...

AMEN...we only need it on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Those who love it don't live with it. How many more months of this do we have? YUCK!!

Laura said...

I'm with ya on hating the snow - luckily we don't have any! Watch out where the doggies go, don't you eat that yellow snow!

Amy said...

Lovely snow :)

Heather said...

You can send some snow our way. We have only gotten a dusting so far and our boys are begging for it! Your home is beautiful!!

squawmama said...

Nikki this is adorable... I love Crumpet & Ozzie out in the snow... How cute... Wow you guys really got hit... Come on down & visit me... it was 75 here today... I wish I was with you actually... Have a fun filled night...


Pedaling said...

the dogs are cute
the snow is bad
blog sound effects perfect
i love your house.

(sorry, my poem didn't rhyme)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Your house is beautiful! Your poem was fun! And your dogs are SO cute. laurie

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

We have a lot of snow, too. It's not even the first day of winter until tomorrow. I took Brandie and Sammie outside to get pictures. All they wanted to do was pee & poop and get back inside. I didn't think I wanted to share that. LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful snow pictures. Is that your home or a hotel on your street. LOL It's 76 here today, I have the a/c on and yesterday Zack went swimming, but in the summer it will be in the high 90's with a 100% humidity. So I would prefer the snow, if I had a choice. :)


Lisa Loo said...

Your home looks like a pretty postcard! We have just a 4 wheeler with a blade--but then we just have 4 inches of snow. THe law of compensation I guess!

I LOVE how you document your dog's lives--my mother always told me if I ate yellow snow my hair would all fall out. To this day--yellow snow sends a HUGE shiver up my spine!

And see--someone else wants to spend time with you too--I keep telling you--you should give yourself away in a contest!!

Hope you stay safe and warm!

Bo said...

Awww Nikki...I'd even take some of that yellow snow! I LOVE snow, but I really LOVE your is you accept reservations...oh, never mind...I just remembered you don't cook so I don't want to check in there...
LOL Big hugs, ♥ Bo

Lisa (aka) French said...

Been there....done that.....glad oh so glad to be away from it!!! Love Dr. Seuss by the way;) French

Lisa Loo said...

Okay--I was just over at Time Flies--still dying with laughter all over the floor from--leg hairs and Yeti--you kill me!

Anonymous said...

Suppose it is hard to poop or pee when you're up to your nutz in all that white stuff. Poor puppies.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we all got snow this weekend! I went sledding with the kids and dog today. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

SmilingSally said...

I feel badly for you, Nikki. I remember snow. Everyone says it's pretty the first day and then... slush!

Tootsie said...

snow sucks rocks! I love this are hilarious!
It is really cold here...-29C and that does not include the wind chill....we don't have much snow...but F**k is it cold!(excuse my French) lol

Anonymous said...

Great poem! Love the dogs not wanting to go out-mine are the same way! The one would rather hold it for 24 hours then go out in the cold!

Is that your house?? It's gorgeous!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Nikki thanks girl for posting I really nedded a laugh..and I'll help shovel if you let me move it..lokks like you might have enough room for me..but I don't do floors or windows girl..have a great weekend dear friend...hugs and smiles Gloria

ksarra said...

Merry Christmas from my house to yours. Hope all your hopes and dreams come true. PS I'll take some of that SNOW. See you in 2009

Unknown said...

Cute post Nikki!

i know you gals that have to deal with snow every day are already sick of it...but here it was 80 degrees..muggy...and it just doesn't feel like Christmas!

I love Dr. Seuss by the way!


Marrdy said...

I know I shouldn't whine about the 5 inches of snow we got but it did take me two hours to get home, so a little whinning is in order.

And sometimes I'd give you Baxter even though he's not mine to give away!

Dennis and Leslie said...

But it's sooo pretty!! I'm jealous, I wish I had some snow, but maybe only for like one day....and then no more.

The Blonde Duck said...

LOL! I would like snow, but after that I figure I'm pretty ugly!

Sue said...

If you have to be stuck home in the snow then your beautiful home is where I would want to be stuck!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Nikki & "babes"~~~~~~I'm sorry for snow you do not makes it hard to drive and "hike"...but trading places I would do...if snow came along w/ it too!~~~ I LOVVVED your pics, the snow and all, but know YOU like Spring best of all! Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

I actually spent about 4 hrs (LIKE AN IDIOT---ON A SATURDAY!!!!) looking for, among severalitems on my list, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (book) for my little gr. girl. No luck any place I looked! So, here I've had that Dr. Seuss stuff whirling around in my brain all afternoon---and, wouldn't ya know---I open your post and YOU have a wild and crazy Dr. Seuss-type of poem going on!! I think it must have something to do with the snow (and terrrrribly cold temps) we've had and the snow you've had---it just makes us think like A Hoo, or a Grinch, or a Cat in the Hat! Anyway, what a great and funny and clever post that was---you are way above the crowd, girl, in all of those departments!
I also enjoyed your Holiday decorations----your tree with the blue lights is gorgeous!!!
Congrats to the winners of your giveaway! I was MIA in blog land for awhile--so (I'm pouting here) I didn't even enter your great giveaway!!!
Hope you are having a real swell weekend--I'm freezing (it's 11 degrees and falling!), so I think lounging on the sofa under a stack of blankets and a couple of kitty cats is where I'm heading!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Just "FYI"~~~I LOVVVVVE the SNOW and YES, have l-i-v-e-d with/in it... ALOT!!!~~~ in 9 or 10(or 11?) different homes in Germany, as well as in Vienna (Austria), Chicago, Omaha, Park City (Utah) etc., and would GLADLY LIVE in a place where there actually WERE "FOUR SEASONS" (and NOT just as in "Hotels"!!!). The very BEAUTY of it all is SOOO WORTH every single minute of that yukky slush in the spring, at least for ME! (DH disagrees~~~ kinda hard to play golf in snow, of course!). ANYONE out there wanna trade places for a few months??? HUGS TO ALL, Linda (P.S. BLUE RIDGE GAL'S comment CRACKED ME UP! (We NOW have a "girl-dog", so snow would be just a TAD easier for her!!!)~~~~~~

Debra Hall said...

This is so stinkin' cute~~you must walk aroung with a camera constantly to get the perfect shots! What a crack up!
Merry merry~ Debra

Anonymous said...

Well, I live in Florida so I think snow is pretty. We are going on a trip Christmas Day and I'm sure we'll be searching for some snow for the kids to play in. But, since we're from Florida, I'll be over it in about a week when we've worn all our warm weather clothes and there nothing but shorts left! Then it's time to head home!
Stay warm!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh, please send some snow our way! We keep having rain...and freezing rain...and more rain. My Little Princess is so wanting to build a snowman! :)

Loved the poem and pics! You've got talent! I also love that you have a Wheaten Terrier, too! Aren't they awesome dogs? Mine is a wuss, he doesn't like to go out in the rain - if we would actually get snow he probably won't like that so much either. My original Wheaten LOVED the snow - he'd run around like crazy and stick his snout in it every chance he got! ;)

That Janie Girl said...

Zack and Zanna the Wonderdogs so agree - they will not make the yellow snow!!

Y'all stay warm!!!

Justine said...

Bah! This was frickin' great! I wuved it!!!!! But look at all that pretty white stuff! Move down here to FL and you'll see how much it sucks to never see snow!

Justine :o )

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Nikki, I would reeeeally like to have some of that in my yard! It's been a long time for us and I am ready for a big one! It's so funny cause we usually don't get snow till March or April....That's TN for ya! Nancy

Jan said...

So funny. At least you have a wonderful house to dwell in. And don't forget your comfy bed. Just sleep through it all and wake up Monday with new vigor and who am I kidding.

Take care and hope it all goes away soon.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Well, Dr. Seuss, I mean...Nikki...that was very cute! :-) I'm not a fan of snow either...much prefer warm weather. Hope it doesn't last tooooo long! Susan

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I was going to call you Dr. Seuss too, but somebody beat me to it.


Rachael said...

GREAT post! I love it!

ko said...

HAHA! Well, we arent saying that here in TEXAS for sure!! IT IS SO STRANGE HERE! It was like 80 when I went to bed,and it is 37 right now at 4:30 am....WIERD! All of us who do not have snow wish ewe had it, but it does look like LOTS Of work!!! Your house is GORGEOUS...especially in SNOW! LOVE YA CHICKY!

Anonymous said...

I love snow! Love the poems! LOL!

And what a huge manor house in the last picture. Do you live there? For real?

Anonymous said...

The snow is pretty though! We got freezing rain and ice here....there is nothing good about that ;-( My dog was wishing for snow, she loves to have snowballs thrown at her face!!!

Lynette said...

Nikki - you just keep all that lovely white stuff up there!! We are having lots of rain, which I will take any day over snow!!
Merry Christmas ~

Kat said...

Thanks for the laugh, your dogs are so cute! No snow here (thank God), but in Texas you never know, it can be 78 degrees one day and 25 the next. Keep those puppies warm and dry lol. Kathy

Bridget said...

You house looks so pretty in the snow and the wreaths look perfect with a dusting of snow on top. I liked the Suessesque poem. I hope that Crumpet and Oz have gotten over their reluctance to piddle in the snow. lol
Happy Christmas, Bridget

Queen of Feisty said...

Fun! Love the pictures, cute house, and dogs! I was insane and drove to McD's today, I've been on lockdown with a 2 1/2 year old and an 8 month old for 5 days. Damn Chicago weather, 5" snow, topped with 1" of glass like ice.

It's a breezy 3 degrees, and with 35 mph winds, it's a bit below zero.

Anywho, I agree I am over the weather, and it's only December!


Elizabeth said...

Utterly loved your cheery poem.
I say love it as much as you can!
It is at least Christmassy.
Love from New York.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Here, here!

Cookie said...

Haha, I love the poem! Not even a snow could stop you from going to the grocery and shop til you drop, hehehe. Your dogs seemed to enjoy playing with the snow, too!

Anyways, Merry Christmas in there!

Anonymous said...

My feelings exactly LOL

Shannon said...

Your poem (almost) says what I feel. Not quite grumpy enough for me! We just got power back after 10 days. Glower! My malapuppy loves all this white stuff though! He has had a big dopey dog grin on his face since Thursday!
Happy Holidays!

lvroftiques said...

Your poem made me laugh so hard!
As I purvey my snowy yard
I realize I LOVE the snow!!
My shoppings done...... so it can BLOW!! Hehehe! Vanna

Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to bother walking outside to take a picture of the front of the house...the way the wind is blowing and with the snow coming down heavily -- I'd likely not make it back.

And damn, does it have to be so cold?

Sandy said...

I'm with you and the dogs...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nikkiness, you're being a hoot again! Love your snow pictures and glad the little fuzzy faces didn't make the snow yello!! That's so funny! We would love to see a little of that snow our way! Have a very blessed Merry Christmas,
shelia ;)

Meadowsweet Days said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting Kobe! I loved your poem, but mostly loved seeing your Wheaton Terrier. I had one years ago, and she was a wonderful dog! I'll be back again for a visit!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Ah but that last picture sure makes it look so good..

If I were a boy...peeing in the snow would be a must..giggle!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Wow! Such hatred so early on in the winter. You have a long way to go, baby!

Lulu and Co. said...

Oh my gosh, thats crazy snow.... I would be whining too... :o) stay warm and I love your wheaton!!!! We have a goldendoodle.

Adventure girl said...

Wow! That was awesome and entertaining! I didn't know you could do that;)

Connie said...

Nikkiiiiiiiiii!!! I just found your blog, sweet chick! Another Mormon here in blogland. I wonder if I qualify to have that banner of Mormon mom's since my kids are olderrrrrRRRrr??? Okay, sweet chick, using up my day's supply of exclamation points really fast here but just had to drop in and wish you well and introduce myself. Lovely blog but I really try my best to NOT DO SNOW even if it's snowing at this moment here in Idaho.........Squeeeeeeealin' with delight
:-)<-------Me grinnin' at ya, chickee......

cedwards55 said...

I'm with you Nikki! I hate the snow and ice. AS I was sliding on the ice and freezing my tush off today, I kept asking myself... "why do I live in Illinois?" Maybe Santa will bring us an early thaw!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Adorable. Absolutely adorable!! I also did a post on snow, but you know, my post tells why I don't mind it too much any more :)



Picket said...

Hey girl! Love it when you give us the Crumpet & Ozzie episodes! lol You may not like the snow but your beautiful house wears it well girl & your Christmas decor and that tree are so pretty Nikki! Thanks so much for remembering me girl...Merry Christmas to you & yours!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Okay, so I'm a dork! you do have it playing! TOO FUNNY!
You crack me up! I would HATE all of that as well!

Unknown said... said "sucks"!! This is deja looks exactly the same way here! I'm feeling your pain. I'd much rather have this weather in a few days! I still have my shopping to do!

Deb said...

Hi Nikki! I hate the snow! I'm so happy we hardly get any! But it's cold hear tonight, 19 degrees. My dog doesn't even want to go outside if it's cold so I know there will be poop on the porch if it snows. Hope you can get out soon as I will be shopping early in the morning. I've got to get done, because I have done nothing! Deb

Debra Howard said...

Just found your blog & that is too funny!

Tiffany said...

Oh I think it's so pretty. But again I only see snow down here once every 10 years.

Kathy said...

I said to Vanni, look this is Ozzie and Crumpet's home, he said Oh WOW that's beautiful. hope you managed to get everything done! and you all have a truly wonderful Christmas and hope Santa is good to Oz and Crumpet too!

AJ said...

I'm freezing my butt off over here!!!! It's below zero and I did not leave the house today! No way in hell, between the snot freezing in my nose and the psychotic last minute shoppers, my house was my haven!!!

Chanda said...

Awww!! I love the snow, but I also know what its like to have to try and manuever through it at such an unconvient time. Love the poem. My dogs hate peeing in the snow too.

Cynthia said...

If it would just wait a week, then it would be fine. It just came too early this year.

All this global cooling is masking global warming don't you know? LOL!

bj said...

brrrrrr !!
love, bj

Anonymous said...

I hate the snow! I'm thinking spring! Charli pretty much refuses to go out in it unless she absolutely has to.

French Fancy... said...

Wow, Nik, you've nearly got 100 comments

French Fancy... said...

I was the 100th! Hurrah, I was number 98 when I did the last one but then charli and me scuppered my plan to immediately come back amd be the 100th - but then i turned out to have done just that.

What a lot of nonsense I talk. Well, anyway, isn't it hard to make dogs do 'the yellow snow'. Their poor little bottoms must get so cold. I wish there could be an indoor flushable contraption for doggy toilet duties.

Anonymous said...

Sue, mammawags62, RMS

michelle huey said...

love your poem-but i love the snow! i'm in the south, so i never get to see it. it looks beautiful in your pictures and your house it so pretty!
i like your blog

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

You're a poet, and you don't even know it!!! Love it! Keep up the good work!

Kristen said...

You're a poet and I love it!

You guys obviously get a LOT of snow to have a plow for the truck.

A Southern Rose said...

I loved your poem. Your dogs are so cute. Have a Merry Christmas!
Hugs,Lee Laurie

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

I think I have to agree with you: Winter sucks. But only when you live somewhere with yellow snow. Now here in ATL, it's 70 degrees. Much yummier than yellow snow. (Tee hee!)

Anonymous said...

Your house (i'm assuming it's yours) is gorgeous! And the only thing that would make the bitter cold better here would be snow! Send some here!

Darlene said...

Oh Nikki, Nikki, are the most clever thing. I LOVED that poem...and was laughing hyserically over it! How TRUE it is! Your home is just so gorgeous with its' snowy coat on!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm laughing aloud here in my office. Oops! I'm supposed to be working. ;-)

Ally said...

My husband would die to be where you are. He LOVES snow, of course he is from I'm frezzing and its only 40 degrees, I dont think I could survive in negative degree weather but the snow is sooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki! Now a poet too!!! Pretty pictures glad they're not here!lol Now I know you've been just a little bit naughty this year!lol but I hope Santa treats you well because of all the cheer you've brought us bloggies!!!! Merry Christmas - Sincerely, Jeannette

Designs on 47th Street said...

Very well said and you are right on with everyone in our family too!

Ice, snow and below temps in the midwest too. brrrrr.
Thanks for the giggle.

Anonymous said...

That was a slick and sneaky way of showing me how horribly I live!! Waaaa!

Gone said...

HaHahaaaahhaaaa!! ROFLOL!! You're too funny!

We got snow, too AND ICE!! That stuff really sucks!!

~Christmas Blessings,

The Muse said... !

Anonymous said...

I'm with you - I HATE the snow! Cute poem and pictures.

Lizzie said...

you are quite the poet my dear! LOVE IT :) send that snow my way, i want some!!!

~♥~ Monica S said...

You are soooo good! :-) hahahaha!!
Very funny!

Merry christmas!


Mammatalk said...

Great poem. You are not alone. Snow here, too. Brrrr!

Michael said...

It was 6 degrees in Detroit yesterday...more snow is on the way. The Detroit News had an article today talking about how it's actually warmer in Alaska, Russia, and the northern part of Sweden at the moment. This weather is crazy.

The bright side: Your home looks beautiful, even if it's like the freaking Arctic outside.

Anonymous said...

AWARD waiting for you on my blog :)

jill jill bo bill said...

You crack me up!! I am so tired that I have tried for 20 minutes to think of a rhyme to dazzle you with. Stay warm and dry.

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Nikki
I hate snow too. That is why I live in Southern California....
You crack me up, your dogs are so darn cute. I took my dog Buster a Shih Tzu to the snow once and I put one of those doggie vests on him for the snow. He just stood there and the only thing that moved on him was his eyes. It was a hoot. I guess he hates snow too. He would not make yellow snow either. He waited till he got back in the cabin....
Love, Ann

Jessica said...

Just priceless!

It's so darn hot & humid here...

Suzanne said...

Nikki - Is that your house??? Omigosh, when I saw the picture I said, "How did she get a pic of our house?" It's exactly the same except we don't have the portion off to the left. Wow.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife


Original design by Linda of RS Designs